
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Risen, in the Present Tense

Words, of our faith, the mystery of faith
bound into our lives, our hearts,
heard so many times,
“Christ has died,
Christ is risen,
Christ will come again”
A statement of loss and
a covenant of a future yet to come
bound the wondrous middle,
the affirmation of something
more than mere reporting
We are not told that Christ rose,
as the ancient creed holds,
No, this is a bold statement of life
of continuing resurrection, living today
of our promise,
in the scripture of living joint heirs,
as fellow disciples,
as living brothers and sisters with Christ
in the present moment. He is alive! He IS risen
living now, as surely as the moments
he walked this earth,
in human form. He is living now,
and he is our brother,
not our long, far off distant relative.
He is our living brother, now
We are his companions, his disciples
Just as much as the first twelve,
who shared the bread, the wine
We are his contemporaries, their peers
a big, rambunctious living family
Heirs in the first degree
Feeling the presently risen Christ
walking that Emmaus Road,
the journey of our lives
after the rising on Easter
Living with a Christ in the present tense
HE IS RISEN; Christ IS risen indeed!

March 15, 2008

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 29,030+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Up into the Sumac

The bird, black, glinting light
flitted across my view
snow-covered field
swooping down
toward the ground
up into the sumac
a purchase up
up out of the melting snow
an acrobatic arc
caught fleetingly by my eye
as we drove along

March 14, 2008

Take up the Towel

We are to take up the towel
used by the Christ,
the king a servant
washing the feet of the disciples
power upside down
the master’s example
we are to follow
humble ourselves too
reflect his love
be the means of grace
image of God
fragrance of Christ
throughout our world

March 14, 2008
Walk to Emmaus

Pick up the Towel

Pick up the towel,
become the servant,
as the Master did so long ago
washing the discples’ feet
taking off his robe,
humbling himself
bowing low before them,
cleaning the dust, the dirt
setting our example
of holy servanthood
We are to pick up the towel
put it around our waist
continue his ministry
his work here on earth
as a servant

March 14, 2008
Walk to Emmaus

Blind to His Presence

They were blind to his presence
though this was Easter day
when he came beside them
on the Emmaus Road
Would we be any different
if he walked with us
on the journey we are on
would we sense his presence
in the stranger beside us
on the road we travel?

March 14, 2008
Luke 24:13-35
Walk to Emmaus

By Human Hands

Off the road, into the woods
a makeshift lean-to
fallen, dry, peeling bark
a phalanx of dead pine saplings
leaning too uniform
against an unseen beam
seemingly felled by human hands
placed too neatly, too surely
by nature, by randomness
in the thawing woods, March in Maine
too far from the road
too quick a glance to be sure
but it was a little too perfect, too planned
to be anything but by human hands

March 14, 2008

A Lively Faith

Practice a lively faith
part of our lives each day
guided by Christ’s example
being for the world his presence
projecting his servanthood, his love
in all we do, for all to see

March 14, 2008
Walk to Emmaus

His Disciples

We are to be his disciples
not members of the crowd
not even followers alone
disciples on a journey
a journey of growth,
of service, of leadership
Taking up the work he began
being his disciples
in the world

March 14, 2008
Walk to Emmaus

Friday, March 14, 2008

Snow on their Branch

The hawks in the deeper woods,
somewhere else after the storm
the snow new-fallen, heavy
snow on their branch
high up in the tree, set apart
their perch high up by the highway
not available this day
covered in new-fallen snow
We were left wondering, pondering
as we came off the clover-leaf,
Where do they go,
what is their purchase
where do they find food
when snow is on their branch?

March 14, 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008

By the Flames

By the flames,
the living tongues of fire
the disciples were commissioned,
emboldened, imbued with the Spirit
able to rise and speak, to proclaim
with power, with authority
to be the disciples, not merely the followers
to be shepherd, not only sheep
By the flames they were sent
out into the world, Babel broken
and the world able to hear
the power of His message
by ones sent by the flames
to the ends of the earth

March 13, 2008
Acts 2:1-12

Words of Faith

In so many ways, so many images, so many places
words of faith cascade, fall upon me,
saturate, drench me, washing over me,
into my spirit, my soul, flowing outward
through my fingers, my pen, the words
You grace me with, to share to the world
of the hope in your love, your gifts
showered, heaped on us in precious moments
moments of joy, of sorrow, of surprise
send me to write, to praise, to proclaim
my joy in that instant, quick, now
Words of faith, of praise, to Your glory
fall on me always

March 13, 2008

Adam Labors

Adam labors, all humankind labors,
in the field, the vineyard,
the seasons of life,
producing food for the table
all of his days
There is rest, from the labors
at the end of our days
when we join the creator
away from this place
and feast in paradise

March 13, 2008

Eve Labored

Eve labored, in the birthing
the bringing into the world
the mother bearing her children
progeny to carry on,
on this mortal coil, this plane of existence
She labored, in the birthing
And had rest, for a time at least,
when the baby was born

March 13, 2008

God Labored

God labored, in creation,
in bringing into being
the whole world, the heavens,
the earth, the dome above and below
the waters and the wild places
the mountains, the valleys,
the plants and the animals.
God labored, and it was good
He made the people,
breathing life into the clay
the dust of the earth
and it was very good
And then God rested.

March 13, 2008

A Six Year Old Singing

A happy, loving, six year old
singing for the joy of it
greeting the day, this morning
Not sure who she was singing for,
for me, for the fish in the tank,
for herself; but she sang
happy in the moment
she was sharing with me,
before bathroom, breakfast,
before getting dressed for school
there was the joy this morning
of a six year old singing

March 13, 2008


Home is a place
but it is also where family is,
where each part of our hearts reside,
far flung around the world.
Part of mine lives far away,
across the sea
parts live in warmer climes,
in fields not so far from here
in places I do not yet know
places I have never been
and part is here with me
even as I write these lines
they are downstairs,
readying themselves for school
another day awakening

March 13, 2008

Pieces of Our Hearts

Far flung, around the world
pieces of our hearts
held within the hearts,
the souls, of the ones we love
some oh so near,
others far off, in places
I have not known
wandering the world,
living their lives
but held fast to my heart
by blood, by kinship,
friendship too, an equal bond
part of my heart is there with them too
because they touched my heart
and took a piece of me with them
to those far off places
where I now live

March 13, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

His Palms

His palms, his hands
stabbed by the spikes
the nails that held him
fast to the rough-hewn
the wood of the cross
hoisting him high
his iniquity, his shame
heaped on him
Naked and bleeding
air not reaching his lungs
last breath coming fast
deep wounds in his side,
his feet, his hands
opening his arms, his palms
for forgiveness of our sin
taking on our shame
Restore us
to the loving father

March 12, 2008

In the Breaking of Bread

He was revealed,
the scales shed from their blind eyes
in the breaking of bread
the travelers on the dusty rod
saw Christ in the sharing of the wine
the familiar made holy
his blessing, his prayer
remember me; I am with you
in the breaking of the bread
the drinking of the wine
sharing the cup
true salvation revealed

March 12, 2008
Walk to Emmaus
Luke 24:13-35

1,500 faith-based poems

This blog now has over 1,500 poems that are based on my faith.

From their palms to His palms

The same word, the same spelling;
but oh so different meanings
frame the week to come
Their palms, in joy, in triumph,
in praise of His entrance,
a king entering the holy city,
where His ancestors sat on the throne
palms and hosannas greeted him
welcoming him, his entourage, in
His palms, turned by other hands,
opened for the piercing, the sharp cut
the nails driven into His palms
holding him in agony, in death
to the wooden cross, in crucifixion
The same word, the same spelling;
but oh so different meaning,
played out in His Passion
before our praise
come Easter morning.

March 12, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Shimmering Chartreuse

I can almost imagine
a client's perspective,
their opinion, from fertile imagination
that the sky, the very air thick
a shimmering chartreuse living color
Now what research, analysis, argument
to raise, with a stoic straight face,
every claim, proof, perspective
convince the one who counts
of the color of the sky
The one who wears the robe of black.

March 11, 2008

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 23,920+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Planning for Contingencies

a range of options, possible outcomes
working on that which can be achieved
this is the challenge, the role,
the calling in the gate
to be ready, to argue, to advocate
To fight for right, when you can
fight for their cause, your role
that the sky is cranberry, polka dot
a shimmering chartreuse
and bring precedent and law
to win the day, or the best you can
on that particular day

March 11, 2008

A Holy Wind

A holy wind,
flames from heaven
filling the disciples
with God's holy spirit
living flames, piercing their bodies
their spirits steeled
by the breath of God
A holy wind
imparting power, authority
on the timid followers
able, in an instant,
to speak, to lead, to inspire
share the life of Christ
his gift of grace
with whole world

March 11, 2008, 13:45
Acts 2:1-12

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 30,180+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Monday, March 10, 2008

TORTURE IS A MORAL ISSUE - Override the Veto

Dear Friends:

On Saturday, March 8, President Bush vetoed H.R. 2082, an important piece of anti-torture legislation that would have banned the use of waterboarding, stress positions, induced hypothermia, and other so-called "harsh" interrogation techniques by requiring all U.S. intelligence agencies, including the CIA, to abide by the restrictions in the Army Field Manual while conducting interrogations. H.R. 2082 was passed by a majority of both houses of Congress.

Sometime this week, possibly as soon as tomorrow, the U.S. House will vote on whether or not to override the President's veto. It is very difficult to override a veto (it requires a two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress), so the attempt to override may not be successful. That said, we want to make every effort to convince as many Members of Congress as possible to vote for the override.

Please call your Representative in Congress and urge him or her to vote to override the President's veto of H.R. 2082, the Intelligence Authorization bill. To contact your Member of Congress you can call the Capitol switchboard at (202)224-3121 and ask to speak with your Representative.

Thank you for your efforts to end U.S.-sponsored torture.

Linda Gustitus, President, NRCAT
Richard Killmer, Executive Director, NRCAT

Use Me as I am

Lord, even now,
when I am cracked, chipped
imperfect, use me as I am,
to do your work, here in the world
use my imperfection, my brokenness
in the work of your son, our savior
put me to work in the vineyard, in the fields,
in the dark places of this earth
Help me to be your servant, now
even in my chipped state
may I be a useful vessel,
even now, for your Glory

March 10, 2008
Philippians 1:3-11 and
Upper Room daily devotional

Being Ever New Clay

Mold me, Lord.
Pick me back up,
when I am chipped, cracked,
broken into pieces,
when my glaze fades,
when I am tarnished.
Make me forever new clay,
malleable, moldable,
fresh and new,
ready for your hands,
the hands of the potter
to make me a useful vessel
for your purposes
To mend me, fill the cracked places
repair my brokenness
and bring me back to you

March 10, 2008
Philippians 1:3-11 and
Upper Room daily devotional


Like her sisters before her,
an outstanding citizen
of her class, her grade
proud moment, for our little girl
shouting the good news
“Daddy! Daddy!”
“I’m an outstanding citizen!”
Joy beaming through her whole being
cascading across the playground,
the sidewalk, into my heart;
knowing her pride,
her joy at being like her big sisters
an outstanding citizen,
for her month at school
Get batteries for the camera,
another bouquet of flowers,
and plenty of tissues,
for the banquet.

March 9, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008,
Shanequa Lynn Foss,
February’s Outstanding Citizen,
Ms. Barden’s Kindergarten Class,
Beech Street Elementary School,
Manchester, NH

Sunday, March 09, 2008

The Emmaus Road

Take me on the road, on the path
the journey; let my heart
burn within me at the closeness
the communion with the Lord
Let me be His disciple,
walking with Him
All the days of my life to come
hearing his story, the fulfillment
the proof of God steadfast love,
the Father’s commitment, His grace
heaped on each of us,
walking the path with our brother,
the Son of God, the one who has
made our way straight,
straight back to relationship with God

March 9, 2008
Luke 24:13-35

For God’s Glory

Doing the will of God,
the work of his ministry,
while his friend was hurting, dying,
coming to him, for God’s glory
to raise him from the grave
to heal more than the body
of the friend of the son
To teach the people
to show his reality
the Messiah among them
Believe and be healed,
rise on the last day;
live forevermore

March 9, 2008
John 11:1-45

Called from the Four Winds

The breath of life, was called to the valley
by the prophet, the man of God,
to revive the dead, the people of the nation
the covenant people, brought to life anew
by the breath of life, the promise of God
called from the four winds
the well of life, the expended breath
of the fallen saints, used to raise them all
living again, with God within them
within us all, still, to this day

March 9, 2008
Ezekiel 37:1-14
and sermon, “Peculiar Treasure IV: Ezekiel and Prophecy”,
by Rev. Peter Hey,
Wesley United Methodist Church,
Concord, NH

Dry Bones

dry bones, how did they get there,
filling the valley floor,
pondering the story, before the story
context and meaning
But it is the reviving,
no matter the cause
that is the hope,
the steadfastness
of God’s love
His power, to raise the dead
to give life
from his breath,
giving life, to dry bones,
to sinew, to skin,
through the breath of life
called from the four winds

March 9, 2008
Ezekiel 37:1-14
and sermon, “Peculiar Treasurs IV: Ezekiel and Prophecy”,
by Rev. Peter Hey,
Wesley United Methodist Church,
Concord, NH