
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

On the Walk

It wasn’t where they were going,
it was the walk, the conversation, the revelation
they were on the walk, their journey
that fateful Easter day, walking out of the city
a short walk away, away from the cross, the grave
the confusion of the events, the claims,
the disbelief, the Messiah dead, but stories already
of the empty tomb, the surprises with the dawn
There they met him, anew, in wonderment
incomprehensible,, amazing, the shepherd alive
walking on the road with the savior
hearing his story anew,
with different understanding, perhaps
But full awareness, epiphany, in the blessing,
the bread and the wine. Jesus alive with them
walking on that journey

March 26, 2008
Luke 24:13-35
Walk to Emmaus

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 19,840+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Life Without Limbs - update (first post 7/8/07) - on 20/20

I received the following email yesterday. I hope to watch, and I encourage you to also. See more on Nick at -

"Hello Friend, Nick Vujicic here!

Several days ago ABC’s 20/20 program interviewed me at my home here in Southern California. What a remarkable opportunity to share about Life Without Limb’s ministry and the impact that we are having upon thousands throughout the United States and the world!

The 20/20 broadcast will air this Friday, March 28th at 9:00pm PST/EST. (Check your local listings)

It is my greatest desire to faithfully share the life-changing, obstacle-overcoming, gospel message with as many people as I can. As a man with no arms or legs, my very testimony breaks down barriers to express the hope that can be found only in Jesus Christ.

The country of the United States needs this hope right now! Would you pray with me that God will use the 20/20 interview to stir up souls for the Kingdom? This is my first national interview on American television and the questions of the interviewer guided the conversation continually back to hope in Christ.

Here are some ways we can work together to make the most of this incredible opportunity:

1. Please pray that God will use the 20/20 interview to awaken souls to Him.

2. Please forward this e-mail to all of your friends.I am looking forward to hearing from you in the days to come.

May our Lord bless you and ignite His will in your life today!

In His service,

Nick Vujicic &
The LifeWithoutLimbs Team"

Planting Seeds

Each poem, each bit of verse
given to me, knitted together
each poem posted, to the world
a seed planted into the ephemeral soil
the rich soil cyberspace
cast into the wind, hoping to find
the one heart where it was supposed to land
one heart crying out for an answer
for hope in the wilderness of modern life
May the words I send out be a blessing
a seed planted, to be nurtured by another,
for a bountiful harvest, to God’s glory

March 26, 2008
1 Corinthians 3:8
Micah 6:15
Walk to Emmaus
Changing Our World

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 29,490+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Shadow of the Hawk

The shadow of the hawk
swooped across my window,
breaking my concentration for a moment
Above the oak, still bare before budding,
the roost of the small birds,
chattering in the tree
Even the crow scattered,
feeling the watchful eyes
of the more purposeful predator

March 25, 2008

Called by the Water

Living water, calling us, our spirits, to drink
to sustain, renew us, in the living water
an endless spring, flowing up, into our spirits
drinking deeply, finding rest, a newness of life
the sense of the presence of God’s grace
fall on us, living water, wash our spirits clean
cast of the grime, the dust, the dirt of modern life
plant our roots deep in the living water
nourished by the creator, his holy word
the living water of life

March 25, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

Roses for Mom - by Shanequa Foss

Roses are red
you are so brown
mom is so special
I love you so much!

by Shanequa
March 24, 2008

Witnesses as They Were

Like Peter, the other disciples
we too are witnesses, as they were
to the acts of Jesus, the power of the savior
the spirit working in the world,
in our lives, the lives of the saints before us
the grace upon grace heaped on us
the work of the creator, continuing still
alive in the world, newness each day
in the sunrise, the first breath awakening
the smile in a daughter’s eye
pulling me close to her
We are witnesses too,
proclaiming the good news

March 24, 2008
Acts 14a, 22-32
Alive Now devotional for 3/24/08

Sunday, March 23, 2008

We were the Whip

We were the whip, the jeers, the scourging,
the mocking of the soldiers
bringing shame, pain, humiliation
to the savior, captive to the state
The thorns in the crown, cutting into his brow
the nails piercing his hands, his feet
the splinters in the cross, adding pain
We were the taunts on the road to the skull,
the taunts, calls at the cross, to save himself
We were the disdain of the elders, their jealousy
we were the indifference of Pilate
the injustice of the crowd

March 23, 2008
Service of Tenebrae,
Maundy Thursday
Sanbornville United Methodist Church,
3/20/08, Pastor Ruth L. Foss

We were the Silence

We were the silence,
complete, utter silence
as the lord was captured,
as he was judged,
brought before Pilate
as he was scourged
as the crowd shouted
We were the silence
as he walked to the skull,
as he cried out on the cross
we were the silence as the world went dark,
the silence as he died, as the body was lowered
We were the silence of the tomb

March 23, 2008
Service of Tenebrae,
Maundy Thursday
Sanbornville United Methodist Church,
3/20/08, Pastor Ruth L. Foss

We were the Nails

We were the nails, hammered into his body
we were the wood of the cross, the weight of the shame
he carried with him, we were
the jeers on the cross, the taunts of the guards,
the priests, the criminals beside him; we were
the sour wine in the sponge
We were the spear that pierced his side
the cold tomb that held his body,
the cloth, the perfume
we were the darkness

March 23, 2008
Service of Tenebrae,
Maundy Thursday
Sanbornville United Methodist Church,
3/20/08, Pastor Ruth L. Foss

We were the Disciples

We were the disciples, who betrayed,
who doubted, who were confused
We were the disciples, who ran
We were Peter, denying the Lord,
whom we had walked with,
whom we had known, our brother
We were the shame in his heart
as the cock crowed
We were the disciples hiding
at the base of the cross,
burying our savior in the tomb

March 23, 2008
Service of Tenebrae,
Maundy Thursday
Sanbornville United Methodist Church,
3/20/08, Pastor Ruth L. Foss

We were the Crown of Thorns

We were the crown of thorns
thrust onto our savior’s brow
the reed put into his hand, the purple robe
the mockery of the guards in the prison
We were the ridicule before the angry crowd
the call for crucifixion,
so soon after the triumphal entrance

March 23, 2008
Service of Tenebrae,
Maundy Thursday
Sanbornville United Methodist Church,
3/20/08, Pastor Ruth L. Foss

Rise, Rise Up

Easter people, rise,
rise up, from your knees
the savior lives, conquered death
the Messiah, the chosen one
rising from the grave
the empty tomb
the cloths
on the dirt
he has risen
Christ has risen
He is risen indeed
So must we, knowing
more of the story, the truths
than those first disciples did, we
know of the Emmaus Road, Pentecost
the saints and martyrs, the faithful through
the ages after that fateful, joyous morning, when
the tomb was empty, and our savior was risen from the dead

March 23, 2008