
Punk and Accordion Player - Grand Alle, Quebec City, August 1984

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 19,840+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Coneflower and Bee

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 20,610+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Bold Steps

His steps were bold, courageous steps
blindly trusting, his faith strong
able to step out, to walk on the waves
his eyes centered on the coming Lord

His fears, doubts, the blowing wind
eyes distracted, sinking fast
the cold water grasping him
pulling him down into the deep

Rising with the master’s hand
to stand once more, regaining his footing
bold, confident steps again,
with our Lord, on the water

August 8, 2008
Matthew 14:22-33

Away to Pray

He went away to pray
sent the disciples on ahead
he went, up onto the mountain
apart, in private
renewal with the father,
the son in solitude
going into the wilderness,
into nature, to be with God
after the healing, the feeding

August 8, 2008
Matthew 14:22-33
Matthew 14:22-23

Those in the Boat

Before their shouts of praise
confession he was the Son of God
What were they thinking, those in the boat?
disciples gripped by the wind, fear, huddled
in the rocking boat, buffeted by the wind, the seas
ghost walking, coming toward them on the waves
Peter climbing, stepping out of the boat
walking away, out onto the sea
Sinking, falling, into the waves
Pulled up, walking again, with the Lord;
back to the boat, walking on water.
What must they have thought!

August 8, 2008
Matthew 14:22-33

The Rock on the Water

Rocks sink, that is a given,
a certainty we all share
A rock thrown, sinks in the water
How right it is the rock, Peter,
who is the one walking on the waters
the storm around him, walking toward Jesus
Physics, fear, gravity calls him down;
but Jesus lifted him up
And he walked again,
on the waters

August 8, 2008
Matthew 14:22-33

Of More Faith than Most

Christ said “oh ye of little faith”
to the rock, the foundation of the church
how much more, could he say to us
Peter had more faith than most
the others were still scared, buffeted,
in the boat. He came when the Lord said, “come”.
He walked on liquid water, standing and walking
Fear, the winds swirling around him, doubt
caught his human heart; but the Lord lifted him us
and he walked again, on water, back to the boat
walking this time with Christ beside him
How many of us would have tried, left the boat
and ventured out, in faith?

August 8, 2008
Matthew 14:22-33

The Howling Winds

The howling winds, buffeting the boat,
our lives, at their mercy, the winds of doubt,
of strife, of fear, our masters
The voice of our savior, calling us to come
to walk toward him, to fear not
rather to center our lives, our beings on him
to come to him across the waves,
believing in the miracle of the feedings,
the healings, the fulfillment of all prophecy
in him, and him alone, to walk without fear
Ignore the howling winds,
follow our savior’s call
walk boldly, for he died for this

August 8, 2008
Matthew 14:22-33

Listening to the Wind

So easy, to listen to the wind
to doubt, to sink,
to see the mountain,
not the path to climb
to listen to the wind,
not our master’s voice
Fear grips us, paralyzes,
freezes our steps, guides away
How we wish, like Peter
we could walk on water
focused on Christ
ignoring the wind
and believing that much

August 8, 2008
Matthew 14:22-33

Brookline - Part of Olmsted's Emerald Necklace

Part of Olmsted's Emerald Necklace, Brookline, MA, late 1980's or early 1990's

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Christian Words

Christian words, written in scripture
Christian words carved in stone
bringing hope to all who are living
The story of our savior’s life
work of his holy hands;
disciples he charged to follow
filled with the holy spirit
words living
within each beating heart
Christian words shared
in the congregation
and in the maddening crowd
words to change a whole nation
a world spun out of control
words of love we are bringing
to a world dark and cold

August 5, 2008

Christian Saints

Christian saints, in the congregation,
in the faces on the family walls
in the stories of them in the pages
of the histories of the ages
the story of the disciples before us
who helped to spread the hope to the world
of the failed and timid emboldened
of the tongues they were given
to share the word

The saints before us are calling
to carry on our brother’s work
showing us how to be the master’s voice
Christian saints whose shoulders we rise on
Christian saints still with us today

August 5, 2008

Christian Hope

Christian hope, in the sacrifice,
In the resurrection, the reunion with God,
a thousand times yes. That is the key of all
that Christ rose, is risen, is risen today
Our Christian hope for all the ages
to the end of the world we all know
till the heavens come down and
the king reigns on his throne
Our hope is his grace so abundant
really to come when we call
to greet us with the arms of the father
and forget we had wandered at all

August 5, 2008

Monday, August 04, 2008

Christian Faces

Christian faces, all shapes and sizes
mirroring, being, the image, the face of God
the face of Christ in the world, for those we meet
for those in need, those hurting needing healing
our faces, reflecting God’s love, his peace,
the hope in Christ, in his sacrifice, his gift
abundant grace, radiating from our belief,
our faith as from of old, our faces echoes
the lives of the apostles, the saints before us
Christian faces, welcoming them
sharing Christ’s message, his love
to the ends of the earth

August 4, 2008

Christian Tongues

Christian tongues, silent for too long
at the injustice, the torture, the inequity
haves and have nots, divisions, prejudices
rampant in our world, needing voices,
champions, those to say, no more
Christian tongues need to speak
to stand for the last, the least, the lost
those little ones Christ called to him
those in dark places he was willing to go
We need to be the tongues, the voices,
the hands, the feet of Christ
Christ’s face to the world

August 4, 2008

Christian Lives

Christian lives, bearing witness
love of the creator, the love of the son
the covenant they offered, the grace they share
the gifts of the spirit, of the savior,
gates of heaven, heaping grace on grace

Lives of the saints before us, flawed and bruised
witness to the work we all can do
the broken and weak, the infirm and proud
all can serve, for God’s glory

Christian lives, setting an example
changing the rules of the world
offering hope for the future
so his kingdom will come

August 4, 2008

Christian Hearts

Christian hearts, beating strong
caring for his children, his brothers, sisters
those toiling in the fields, the vineyards,
living in the dark places of this world
Hearts showing his compassion, his love
his sacrifice, his service, through their acts
through the calling of our hearts
Being the good neighbor, the loving servant
the last in line, the yoke upon our back
being a libation, poured out, out of our open hearts
for all, a witness of Christ’s life, living still
in the saints around us, a message of hope
straight from the Christian’s heart

August 4, 2008

Christian Voices

Christian voices
crying out in the wilderness
in the urban jungle,
the suburban villages
speaking the truth, against complacency
against the inequities of our world
calling out for peace, for love
to pervade the human spirit
Becoming one voice for change
bringing God’s love, Christ’s living message
into human hearts, to all who would listen
crying out, calling for a change in our world
to bring out God’s kingdom here

August 4, 2008

Christian Feet

Christian feet, walking the paths of the Lord
following in the way of the master,
walking where he walked
going where the master called,
being his feet, standing for justice,
marching to end oppression,
moving heaven and earth
to change the world,
going into the world,
bringing the message of hope
trusting in the Lord, being his feet
continuing his work in this place

August 4, 2008

Christian Hands

Christian hands, serving the congregants,
serving the community, the world
raising their hands against injustice
offering their hands to those in need
being Christ’s hands in the world
ministering as he did with their hands
with their touch, with their hands doing
being Christ to their neighbors, those sick
needing healing, needing God’s love

August 4, 2008

“What a Blessing”, sermon by Pastor Ruth L. Foss, Suncook United Methodist Church, Suncook, NH 8/3/08

Have you ever said to yourself “what a blessing that was” when you receive something that was unexpected? I know I have. I might run into someone I haven’t seen in a while and have a conversation with them and as I walk away I think to myself “what a blessing that was running into so and so. I had a great conversation with them” or I might be reading something and it touches my heart in a way that I never expected. There are so many ways that we are blessed each day. Some we notice right away, some we notice at some point later or even others we may never realize we received.

Last week. . . I was talking about “Fully Relying On God” and about Grace that abounds all around us even when we are not asking or looking for it. Grace is one of the many blessings given to us from God. But this blessing. . . this grace. . . we are to share with those around us.

In Matthew 14:13-21. . . we hear about another blessing. . . a miracle. . . that Jesus performed. Jesus had gone away by Himself to a deserted place in a boat. But the crowds followed Him there when they heard where He was. When He came ashore and saw the crowd he had compassion for them and cured their sick (Blessing number 1). But as night came, the disciples said to them that it was a deserted place and it was getting late. They told Jesus to send the crowds away so that they can go and get something to eat for themselves. Well Jesus, being who He was . . . told the disciples to feed them, not to send them away. The disciples . . . being human as they were. . . . told Jesus they didn’t have enough to feed them. . . . they only had 5 loaves and two small fish for food. Now this is when it gets interesting for me. . . Jesus told them to bring the food to Him and He blessed the food, broke it, and gave it to the disciples to feed the multitude. Everyone ate until they were filled and when the disciples collected what was left and there were twelve baskets of food left over (Blessing number 2). Now there were around 5,000 men not including the women and children.

But there was something else happening here. I was reading in the Upper Room on July 19th and there was a story from a Linda Linn that day and it made me think. She noticed that “only when the disciples began distributing the bread that they received were their meager resources multiplied; only then did a miracle happen.” What was blessed became a blessing.. . . a miracle.. . . when it was shared. We are blessed to be a blessing to those around us causing a miracle to happen.

In the Genesis reading from this morning, we hear about another blessing that happened in an unexpected way. We heard the story of Jacob and how he wrestled with a stranger. . . an angel. . . with God at Penuel, (Now I don’t know about you but I have had my share of Jacob moments struggling with God. But. . . that’s another sermon). Jacob wrestled all night with this stranger and would not let go until this stranger blessed him. Even though the stranger put Jacob’s hip out of joint, he kept fighting for that blessing. We too, at times, need to fight for our blessing. . . we need to hang in there until the end to receive a blessing. We need to see it through and trust in the blessing at the end of the struggle. Jacob was blessed in the end because he persevered through the battle. Jacob had a daily reminder of the battle. Each step he took after that night, he walked with a limp. We too have reminders of our battles and the blessings at the end. It is the stories of our lives and how God has brought us through. It is these reminders. . . these stories. . . that we need to share to help others through their night at Penuel.

The disciples talked about “only” having five loaves and two fish. Only. . . that word only can be so restrictive to us. Travis Tamerius of Christ Our King Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Missouri, wrote a week of devotionals in the Upper Room Disciplines called “Meeting God in the Meager”. These devotionals really made me think about seeing God in the most unexpected places. Well. . . he talks about this word “Only”. He states (and I am paraphrasing) that this word puts boundaries on the limitless possibility. It will fence in our vision to what is practical and reasonable. It pays attention to the obvious. Moses was only a simple man who couldn’t speak well, not a mighty liberator of his people. David was only a shepherd boy, not a future king of Israel. The woman washing Jesus’ feet was just a sinner, not a model for how we should worship and to love. And to the stunned imagination of the disciples, the bread and fish could only go so far.

We are blessed to be a blessing. When we share with others how we have been blessed in our lives. . . it is in that sharing we may give others hope for their own lives. We give them the blessing of hope. When we share our talents we give others the blessing of being able to share in our talents with us. When we share the blessing of the Gospel of Christ and the story of our lives with Christ with others, we just may be blessing in ways we aren’t expecting and they may just decide they want that same blessing for their lives. It is only in the sharing that the blessing is passed on and the miracle can happen.

God can do abundantly more than we can ask or think of according to His power at work through us. We need to recognize that God is able to feed multitudes with all that seems meager and insufficient in our lives. . . even if it is just our stories that we share. They are not to meager. . . they’re just right.


by Pastor Ruth Foss
sermon blog
meditation blog

“God’s Whisper” blog
Suncook United Methodist Church

Suncook, NH

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 19,730+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

An Echo of Her Glories

A pale, lovely, opening trumpet
a morning glory, in the pot
living with the tomatoes, the marigolds
the living garden by the end of the parking lot
An echo of her glories, the same color, the same beauty
growing in a row behind her house,
yearning, reaching for the kitchen window,
growing up the stands of twine,
above her gardens
Sharing the story of her glories
with the girls this morning
connecting them
with my memories of her

August 4, 2008
An Echo of Her Glories
morning glories by the church
Suncook United Methodist Church
and those of my paternal grandmother,
Jessie Watson Foss, forty years ago

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 33,330+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

4 and 1/2 years of blogging

Today marks 4.5 years of this blog. I hope you like what you see. And, yesterday I topped 2,800 poems.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

His Blessing a Blessing

Struggling, wrestling with God
this flawed patriarch, Jacob,
stealing a birthright, usurper
Holding on for a blessing,
a blessing from God,
at morning light
From that blessing,
a new name, Israel
From this blessing,
a blessing for a whole nation
in him the covenant revealed
through him the nation born

August 3, 2008
Genesis 32:22-31
Matthew 14:13-21
and sermon, “What a Blessing”,
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss,
Suncook United Methodist Church,
Suncook, NH, August 3, 2008

They Became the Blessing

By the Lord’s blessing, the food consecrated
a pattern of blessing, breaking, sharing;
but they became the blessing
in giving the bread, the fish
to the multitude,
the faithful disciples serving
multiplying the portions, expanding
as they shared, the ripple effect of his blessing
They were the agents of the miracle
in that desert place that day
He blessed the food
but they became the blessing

August 3, 2008
Matthew 14:13-21
Mark 6:30-44
Luke 9:10-17
John 6:1-13
and Matthew 15:32-39
and sermon, “What a Blessing”,
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss,
Suncook United Methodist Church,
Suncook, NH, August 3, 2008

He Had Compassion for Them

Like sheep without a shepherd
wandering in the wilderness, seeking
following him, even as he crossed the lake
He had compassion for them, hearing their calls
heeding their yearning for his healing, to be saved,
to be fed, thirsty, hungry they came
and all were fed, from meager fare,
a sumptuous feast, feeding
five thousand and more
healing the sick, offering hope for all
ministering to the flock, the shepherd they lacked
having compassion, pity, caring for them all
even as he grieved, he served his flock

August 3, 2008
Matthew 14:13-21
Mark 6:30-44
Luke 9:10-17
John 6:1-13
and Matthew 15:32-39
and sermon, “What a Blessing”,
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss,
Suncook United Methodist Church,
Suncook, NH, August 3, 2008

He Said, “Come” - v2

Out of the fog, the mist, the darkness
The Lord’s voice, he said, “Come”
and Peter did, stepping out
out onto the living water
standing, walking, as if on dry land
walking toward our savior, our Lord
walking on water toward our king.

August 3, 2008
Matthew 14:22-33,
Matthew 14:28-33
Matthew 14:13-21
Matthew 14:1-33
and sermons, “Walk this Way”
and “What a Blessing”,
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss,
Suncook United Methodist Church,
Suncook, NH, July 27, 2008
and August 3, 2008

Out of His Compassion

They were all welcome,
all were healed, made whole
all of them were fed, sustained
by their daily bread, he provided
out of his compassion
the loaves, the fishes
more than enough
All were fed that day
out of his compassion, his blessing
by the disciples hands

August 3, 2008
Matthew 14:13-21
Mark 6:30-44
Luke 9:10-17
John 6:1-13
and Matthew 15:32-39
and sermon, “What a Blessing”,
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss,
Suncook United Methodist Church,
Suncook, NH, August 3, 2008

Not even Enough for Themselves

Only five loaves, two fishes
not even enough for themselves
barely, just enough for the twelve
for the disciples, for Jesus, alone

But there was more than enough
abundantly provided, a miracle
all were fed, the whole congregation
fed beyond their need, abundantly blessed

God’s grace, his love, his bounty
heaped on them, on them all

On all of us, blessed daily, in his provision
more than enough for all
all who come to him

August 3, 2008
Matthew 14:13-21
Mark 6:30-44
Luke 9:10-17
John 6:1-13
and Matthew 15:32-39
and sermon, “What a Blessing”,
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss,
Suncook United Methodist Church,
Suncook, NH, August 3, 2008

Bread, Blessed of Heaven

He lifted the bread to heaven
the simple loaves, the fishes two
raised to heaven,
the source of the blessing,
provision of life, of food
He broke the bread;
he gave these to his disciples
They fed the crowd
and all were fed

August 3, 2008
Matthew 14:13-21
Mark 6:30-44
Luke 9:10-17
John 6:1-13
and Matthew 15:32-39
and sermon, “What a Blessing”,
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss,
Suncook United Methodist Church,
Suncook, NH, August 3, 2008

In Them the Miracle Revealed

He blessed the loaves, the fishes
held up to heaven, broken to share
In them, the miracle revealed
sharing five loaves, two fish
with the multitude,
all invited, all to be included
all fed by the blessing,
by the work of their hands
Servants, serving the multitude
by human hands the miracle revealed

August 3, 2008
Matthew 14:13-21
Mark 6:30-44
Luke 9:10-17
John 6:1-13
and Matthew 15:32-39
and sermon, “What a Blessing”,
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss,
Suncook United Methodist Church,
Suncook, NH, August 3, 2008

They Came to Him

From near and far, the villages
the countryside, all around
seeing him crossing the sea
they came to him
all of them needing his healing,
his message of hope,
all needing to be fed

August 3, 2008
Matthew 14:13-21
Mark 6:30-44
Luke 9:10-17
John 6:1-13
and Matthew 15:32-39
and sermon, “What a Blessing”,
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss,
Suncook United Methodist Church,
Suncook, NH, August 3, 2008

All Needing to be Fed

They came to him, where he was
at the news of his arrival
in this deserted place
All needed to be fed, thirsting
needing to be fed, healed,
to hear his message of hope
He ministered to their bodies
to their spirits, to their faith
feeding them with his blessing
with his words, his healing touch
all were fed, abundantly
in that deserted place

August 3, 2008
Matthew 14:13-21
Mark 6:30-44
Luke 9:10-17
John 6:1-13
and Matthew 15:32-39
and sermon, “What a Blessing”,
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss,
Suncook United Methodist Church,
Suncook, NH, August 3, 2008

Pity on Them

So many, in pain,
coming to him
seeking his love, his care
his ministering of their needs
He had pity on them,
even in his time of grieving
Healing, sharing,
providing food, bread,
to the whole gathering
from the bread, the fish,
from his touch,
from his words of grace

August 3, 2008
Matthew 14:13-21
Matthew 14:1-21
and sermon, “What a Blessing”,
by Pastor Ruth Foss
sermon blog

meditation blog
Suncook United Methodist Church,
Suncook, NH, August 3, 2008

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 26,820+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

The People Fed

Like Manna in the desert
all the people, the tribes of Israel
Fed with the bread
blessed by heaven
Coming to him, in that desert place
All were hungry, thirsty
for his message, his hope
his healing touch
All needing the bread,
the fish from the hands
of the disciples, the fisherman

August 3, 2008
Matthew 14:13-21
Mark 6:30-44
Luke 9:10-17
John 6:1-13
and Matthew 15:32-39
and sermon, “What a Blessing”,
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss,
Suncook United Methodist Church,
Suncook, NH, August 3, 2008

Even When He Grieved

He healed the sick, ministered to them all
the son a servant to their needs
even when he grieved
the death of the one
the prophet, the one baptizing
in the Jordan, as foretold

He came to the other side
and the people followed,
found him far from home
seeking his healing, his grace
Even while he mourned for his kin
he put his needs below theirs
caring for them in the wilderness

He cured their sick, out of his compassion
fed them, all of them
From five loaves and two fish
out of his servanthood
all were healed, all were fed
even when he grieved.

August 2, 2008
Matthew 14:1-21
Matthew 14:13-21

If My People Believed

My people, of the covenants
the patriarchs, the prophets
if my people would but believe

He is here for them
fulfilling the law, the prophets
ready to adopt, to save
there for the children
if only they believed

August 2, 2008
Romans 9:1-5