
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Spirit of Service

In describing him, sharing with a friend
a spirit of service, of always saying yes
when there is someone in need
offering his time, as if there was enough
enough of him to go around
Being Christ, in the little things
in the way of love, toward all his neighbors
an example for us all

April 22, 2009

The Unnamed Disciples

With Cleopas, walking home
on the Road to Emmaus
Leaving Jerusalem, on a journey
traveling from the city of David
wondering what is to become of His ministry
now that the Master is gone
So much pain, so much confusion
not truly understanding these things

Walking on that road
joined by a stranger, seemingly unaware
unaware of the events which have dominated our days
from the triumphant entrance, hosannas and palms
to the cross, to death, to the grave
Reports of the empty tomb, of his rising
but emptiness mainly
The stranger sharing, what is this he says
the prophecy of the Messiah
in the life of our Master
the scripture fulfilled
Walking homeward
entering in
Our savior lives!
in the breaking of bread

We are the unnamed disciple
walking with Christ
so unsure, so troubled
when we should have joy instead
Believing, if we but walk with him
look to the scripture, to the words of old
his life, his ministry, all of this foretold
The words he shared with Cleopas, with us as well
as true today, as on the road to Emmaus
the road home, to our Father
walking with our savior, with our brother
Sharing the good news with the others
until all of us have heard,
to the ends of the earth

April 22, 2009
Luke 24:13-35
Walk to Emmaus

With an Urgency

The words of the scripture
burning within them
the fire of their spirits
their hearts aglow
with an urgency
racing back to the disciples
He is risen, he appeared to us
He shared his whole life,
He is the fulfillment
of what the prophets foretold

April 22, 2009
Luke 24:32-35
Luke 24:13-35
Psalm 39:3
Walk to Emmaus

Burning Inside

Their hearts burning
an urgency to share
the words of scripture
revealed by the Christ
explaining all, shared with them
on their walk home, their journey
in the recognition of the savior
a need to spread the good news

April 22, 2009
Luke 24:32-35
Luke 24:13-35
Psalm 39:3
Walk to Emmaus

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Recognizing Him

They didn’t recognize him at first
their minds lost, reeling, walking homeward
rudderless, lost, wondering what is to come
Their thoughts on the cross, on the tomb,
on the tomb empty, no answers, lost
A stranger, joining them, seemingly unaware
distraction from the pain, the sense of loss
But sharing, teaching, explaining
revealing the Master’s plan all along
Recognizing Him, as the Christ, as their shepherd
in the way he took the bread, blessing the loaf,
the way he broke the bread,
sharing the meal with them
Hope came alive in the instant
in that moment of recognition
Christ is risen; He is alive!
The prophesies all fulfilled,
so that we can know
we too shall live.

April 21, 2009
Luke 24:30-31
Luke 24:13-35
Walk to Emmaus

Walking with Them

Walking with them
on the Emmaus road
this week after Easter
the same doubts, the same
lack of understanding, true awareness
But able, with them, like them
to walk with Christ
To study, to learn, to listen to the prophesies
the words of old fulfilled
his life, his ministry,
his suffering and his dying
all foretold, all part of the Master’s plan
And, yes, his resurrection, the forgiveness of our sins
reconciliation, communion with the creator
that too foretold, fulfilled in the risen Lord
walking with us on that Emmaus road
that road home, that journey of life

April 21, 2009
Luke 24:13-35
Walk to Emmaus

On that Road

Walking with Christ
unaware of the teacher’s name
sorrowful, heavy laden
the weight of the death of the Master
the Shepherd slain, the sheep bewildered

Walking with Christ
the disciples going home
not knowing the rest of the story
still needing to be taught

Walking with Christ
hearing the word
explained bit by bit
prophet by prophet
all one Messiah,
his life, his death,
his resurrection, all foretold

Walking with Christ
calling him in
to share a dinner, a bed for the night
His name revealed; this is the Christ
risen, walking with them
in his blessing, in his breaking of the bread
and then he vanished from their presence.
This wonder must be told.

April 21, 2009
Luke 24:30-31
Luke 24:13-35
Walk to Emmaus

The Teacher Revealed

Their act of hospitality
inviting in the stranger
as the scripture instruct
The teacher revealed
in the blessing, in the breaking
Christ sharing the bread
the disciples’ eyes opened
Richly blessed
on that day,
Walking to Emmaus

April 21, 2009
Luke 24:30-31
Luke 24:13-35
Walk to Emmaus

Walking with Christ

In that moment, in the instant of recognition
He disappeared from their presence;
when he blessed the bread, when he broke the loaf
the savior, the risen Christ
revealed to the disciples
Their eyes now open, awareness
for they had been walking with Christ
hearing the scriptures, the prophets
the law and the coming foretold
all the stories of his advent
of his passion, of his resurrection
all taught by the Master
walking with Christ
on the road to Emmaus

April 21, 2009
Luke 24:30-31
Luke 24:13-35
Walk to Emmaus

In the act of sharing

They who could not see
who did not know, their eyes blind
walking with Christ
on the dusty road, in pain,
suffering at his dying
not yet aware of his rising,
the proof of his life once more

In the act of sharing,
the taking, the blessing, the breaking
and the sharing of the bread
They saw the risen Christ
alive, talking, walking with them
All of his lessons revealed
his life once more
and ours in his resurrection
just as the scripture foretold

April 21, 2009
Luke 24:30-31
Luke 24:13-35
Walk to Emmaus

And then He was gone

Too soon, after their moment of clarity
the bewildered, mourning disciples
in an instant they understood
the strange was the Lord, risen,
walking with them home
revealed, in the act of sharing
in the breaking of the bread
after the Lord’s blessing
And then He was gone
his task complete
their eyes open
to the risen Christ

April 21, 2009
Luke 24:30-31
Luke 24:13-35
Walk to Emmaus

Monday, April 20, 2009

Prayers of the People, by Pastor Ruth L. Foss, April 22, 2009, Earth Day, Boston University School of Theology, Marsh Chapel, Boston, MA

Eternal Spirit of the universe, you make a pink flower from a gray seed, an ear from a kernel, a carrot from a seed the size of a pinhead, an oak tree from an acorn. You have programmed your soil to provide food for your plants, wooden trees to make apples, feathered hens to lay eggs, grass-eating cows to give milk. And you, grand Creator, you have us take care of your grand creation. In your mercy, Sustainer of all, send rain to water our crops and gardens. Let your sun shine on our fields so that seeds will produce abundantly, so that vines and stalks and trees will hang heavy with fruit and grain. And God, let your grace be as rich to our cattle as it is to us; let it keep our hogs free of disease, our hens laying eggs, and our cows giving milk. May our animals be fertile; may our lambs and calves and pigs frolic in your green pastures so that even in their play we may see your grace.

In Your mercy,

Hear our prayer

Eternal Father-Mother-God, help us to live on your good earth, preserving and caring for the life and soil you bless, ever thankful that for our good you gave your laws of nature and your law of love. Help us for our good and your glory to see those laws as you see them and as the psalmist saw them, as good and perfect, pleasant to think about. Fountain of wisdom, teach us to share the abundance you have given us, never gloating in our excess but always giving our first bushels to feed the hungry in your name. Enlighten our hearts so that our thank-yous ever rise in a crescendo to your throne.

In Your mercy,

Hear our prayer

God of beauty and of justice, we pray for the earth, for restoration of soil, air, and water. We pray for all people you have created, for restoration of dignity and hope. We pray for our nation and community, for restoration of our sense of responsibility in service. We pray even for ourselves, for restoration of our resolve to love you and the world you made.

In Your mercy,

Hear our prayer

O Great Spirit whose voice we hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life to all the world, hear us. We come before you as your children. We are small and weak; we need your strength and wisdom. Let us walk in beauty and make our eyes ever behold the purple and red sunset. May our hands respect the things you have made, our ears to be sharp to hear your voice. Make us wise, so that we may know the things you have taught your people, the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock. We seek strength not to be superior to our brothers and sisters, but to live in harmony with ourselves and all your creation. Help us to be ever ready to come to you, so when life fades as a fading sunset, our spirits may come to you without shame. In Christ’s name we pray.


This prayer meshed together language from the United Methodist Book of Worship and the Worship Sourcebook.

Prayers of the People, by Pastor Ruth L. Foss, April 19, 2009, Suncook United Methodist Church, Suncook, NH

We join our hearts and voices to offer our prayers to God as we offer our prayers together now, uniting our voices with Christ, who perfects our prayers.

The Lord be with you
And also with you
Let us pray:

Spirit help us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. Almighty God, who searches the heart and knows the mind of the Spirit, may the Spirit within us intercede for us according to the will of God. Our prayer is to you, O LORD. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love, answer us.

God of compassion, we remember before you the poor and the afflicted, the sick and the dying, prisoners and all who are lonely, the victims of war, injustice, and inhumanity, and all others who suffer from whatever their sufferings may be called.

O Lord of providence holding the destiny of the nations in your hand, we pray for our country. Inspire the hearts and minds of our leaders that they, together with all our nation, may first seek your kingdom and righteousness so that order, liberty, and peace may dwell with your people.

O God the Creator, we pray for all nations and peoples. Take away the mistrust and lack of understanding that divide your creatures; increase in us the recognition that we are all your children.

O Savior God, look upon your church in its struggle upon the earth. Have mercy on its weakness, bring to an end its unhappy divisions, and scatter its fears. Look also upon the ministry of your church. Increase its courage, strengthen its faith, and inspire its witness to all people, even to the ends of the earth.

Ever-faithful God, you have knit together as one body in Christ those who have been your people in all times and places. Keep us in communion with all your saints, following their example of faith and life, until that day when all your saints will dwell together in the joy of your eternal kingdom. Through Christ, our Lord in through whose name we pray the prayer He taught so long ago saying…(the Lords Prayer).


Sermon - "All for One and One for All", by Pastor Ruth L. Foss, April 19, 2009, Suncook United Methodist Church, Suncook, NH

Acts 4:32-35
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Reading of Acts 4:32-35

The Lord be with you
And also with you
Let us pray

Creator, Sustainer, All Mighty God, you who created all humankind in your image. We have come into your house to worship you this morning and hear your word. Give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart that is open to your calling. May your word be heard through me or in spite of me. May the mantle of Your Holy Spirit fall down upon us gathered here today. May the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to your our Rock and Redeemer. Speak Lord, Your servants are listening.

I was doing some research for one of my classes and I wanted to know about communal living. What is it about this way of living that attracts people? What is the benefit of living in such a way? Why is it that the early church lived in these communities? Some people today call them “intentional communities”. What I found was very interesting. It made me wonder why more people don’t live in such a community. It seemed pretty straight forward to me. I mean can you just imagine…everyone living together as one big family? No social hierarchy…no one having more than another…everyone living for others. What a concept!

These communities, as we see them today…came out of the Utopian theory. They were very big in the 60’s and 70’s but they are making a comeback today. It was all about “repersonalising” a society that, post-WWII, had become increasingly about materialism. It idealizes social unity and is based on an idea of “heaven on earth”, or happiness in the present. (Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven) Everything is done with a sense of community. Everyone works together for the common good. If someone needs childcare, they look within the community in order to fill that need. They help each other instead of trying to “outdo each other.”

But…we can see that this is not a new theory. It was actually practiced in the early church. It worked for them and it can work for us…as long as we abide by the rules. Unfortunately…our human nature gets the best of us and we begin to think in societal standards and not God’s purpose…our Creator’s plan for our living out our faith together.

Society would have us living like drift wood on the sea. It tells us that we are loners, we need to take care of ourselves first, and we are individuals with our own thinking, living, issues, problems and possessions. But…Jesus had another plan for us…by living this way we have no way against the tide…when the current picks up, we scramble to keep up with it (kind of like keeping up with the Jones’s or the Smith’s, or the Foss’…well you get what I am saying) and when we finally reach that still water, we are afraid and it feels strange because we spend our lives fighting against the current. In the passage from Acts this morning…we see how the first church lived in community with each other. {Everything they owned was held in common}

There was no on in need. Everyone was “Their brother’s keeper.” There was more than enough of everything because everything was shared with the community. When we accept Christ as our Redeemer and Savior, we are unified with Christ and one another. We become one family which makes our witness stronger. We become one church under Christ’s rule and guidance. We, as Christians, need to live more like the early church and stop living for ourselves and live for the common good…by doing so…we strengthen our witness to the world. {All for One and One for All}

Ecclesiastes 4 tells us that “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” When we live in community we are there for each other. We carry each other’s burdens so no person walks alone. {All for One and One for All}God has called us to live differently that what society tells us.

There was not one needy person in the early church community. They realized that everything they had did not actually belong to them. They realized that all they had {and we have} the blessings that they {and we} received are because of Jesus’ redemptive gift of the Cross...all blessing flow down from the Cross…from the blood that was spilt on Calvary’s hill. This gift…this blessing…goes on as we share in His ministry…His life lives on through us as we share with one another.

The disciples realized…they understood…God’s gift of grace and blessings to them. They also understood that these gifts from God were not to be hoarded but shared with those in need. They…and we…had…and still do today…a responsibility to be like Christ to the world and carry on His ministry of grace, hope and love to others. They gave it all to God, from which it came. They weren’t concerned with building a bigger church (that would happen with time) or to have more “programs” within the church. They wanted to build the family of god by sharing what they had. They cared about others and wanted no one to be in need. {All for One and One for All} The first church realized that God wanted, and still does, them, and us, to be a community with Him and with one another. God has provided all we need…and then some…so that we can live in community with each other not as secular individuals grasping at the brass ring for our own comfort. {All for One and One for All}

I would like to end my sermon with a song from, I think, the 70’s by the Youngbloods. It is a song that embodies living together and living for each other.

{Get Together by the Youngbloods}

You and I hold the key to the door. Which door will you open?


Published - An Illustrated Anthology for Grandparents: A Gift of Poetry and Fine Paintings

One of my poems, In Grandma's Lap, appears on page 75 of the book, "An Illustrated Anthology for Grandparents: A Gift of Poetry and Fine Paintings" (see, for Amazon listing.

In Grandma’s Lap

A truly special place
of safety, of security,
of love, nestled in
Grandma’s lap she lay
warm and secure,
feeling love, contentment,
in Grandma’s lap.

July 25, 2007 22:23

Sunday, April 19, 2009

As God would wish

Living, in a loving community
as God would wish,
as he taught his people
in the words of his son
instructing the disciples
so that they could bear witness

Living, in a loving community
no possession now their own
selling land, homes
so that all would be lifted up
that none would know want or need.

April 19, 2009
Galatians 6:8-10
Acts 4:32-35
and sermon, “All For One and One For All”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
April 19, 2009

Communal Living

One big family
the family of God, of Christ
sharing with one another
lives bound together
property and needed
blended, shared
to each as they had need
worshipping, living
in community

April 19, 2009
Galatians 6:8-10
Acts 4:32-35
and sermon, “All For One and One For All”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
April 19, 2009

Living in Community

In the beginning,
in the infancy of Your church,
living together
sharing in community
looking out, caring
for one another
no private possessions
no private burdens
no needs unmet.
All lifted up,
our brother’s keeper
loving arms,
caring for all, equally.

April 19, 2009
Galatians 6:8-10
Acts 4:32-35
and sermon, “All For One and One For All”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
April 19, 2009

No one walking alone

All lifted up, cared for
all together, yoked with our savior
all walking, as a community
with the single purpose
spreading the loving message
the holy word of the gospel,
the great and glorious news
of the saving grace of God
through the blood of the lamb
Giving all, to the community
faithfully giving, selling all,
so that none would be in need.

April 19, 2009
Galatians 6:8-10
Acts 4:32-35
and sermon, “All For One and One For All”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
April 19, 2009

One Family

One family, together
in loving community
One church, under Christ’s rule
for the common good
focused on ministry,
on worship, on witness
to the nations, to the people
to all who have need.

April 19, 2009
Galatians 6:8-10
Acts 4:32-35
and sermon, “All For One and One For All”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
April 19, 2009

What you believe

So clear, the message, as he preached
what you believe, so you will act
What do you believe about Christ,
about Creation, the Creator, about the Resurrection,
about the Word made Flesh, the Trinity
about the indwelling of the Spirit
How will you act, based on your beliefs?

Oh, so many seconds, so many moments
in the cadence of the sermon
Wanting to shout back the answer, from the living,
the living words we had read,
that we had pondered,
to answer as Isaiah,
believing in God, in his saving by grace
wherever you want, whatever the task,
“Here I am; Send me!”

The next day, waiting for worship,
pondering these words, ringing still in my ears
no change, no loss in intensity
the words of this prophet
this minister, this servant of God
so I say again, with perhaps more feeling
from deep within my spirit,
Lord, wherever you want, whatever the task,
“Here I am; Send me!”

April 19, 2009
Closing worship service
John 20:19-31
and sermon by Reverend John Blackadar,
New Hampshire District Superintendent
and Isaiah 6:1-8
John 3:1-17
Romans 8:12-17
Advanced Lay Speaker class
April 18, 2009

Not Holding Back

Nothing retained, kept for themselves,
trusting, faith alone, giving all
not holding back
Selling what was theirs alone
giving the proceeds
all they had, to the community
trusting, believing
Giving all to the disciples,
to the apostles, fired by Pentecost flames
Sharing all they had, in faith
giving so that others who know hunger
that all would be provided for
as any had need

April 19, 2009
Galatians 6:8-10
Acts 4:32-35
and sermon, “All For One and One For All”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
April 19, 2009

Filling the Temple

The hem of his flowing robe
the robe of God
filling the temple
the Lord God in his house
on the Mount of Zion.

The voices of the heavenly host
Holy, Holy, Holy!
shook the very walls
and the smoke of the altar’s fire
filled the court of the Lord

The majesty, the grandeur of God
and my sin, my unclean lips,
made me tremble
in awe and wonder.

April 19, 2009
Isaiah 6:1-8
John 3:1-17
Romans 8:12-17
Advanced Lay Speaker class
April 18, 2009

Still Alive

Even in the presence of God
seeing his glory, the awesome King
sitting on his throne
his robe descending, flowing out
into the sanctuary
filling the temple

Trembling, knowing I am mortal
that surely I should die

But I am still alive,
surely by grace alone

My impurity, my sin
has been burned away
reborn, even in the presence
in the awesome courts of the Most High

And, in hearing His call
“Whom shall we send?”
I must respond,
“Here I am; Send me!”

April 19, 2009
Isaiah 6:1-8
John 3:1-17
Romans 8:12-17
Advanced Lay Speaker class
April 18, 2009