
Friday, May 29, 2009

His Unknown Youth

We are never really told
the story of his unknown youth
most of his life a mystery
Called to the water
to the Jordan, to John
cleansed and commissioned
before the days of trial alone.
Never told of his life
the babe with the gifts
a fugitive fleeing into Egypt
the youngster in the temple
staying behind in His father’s house
All that is known of most of his life,
thirty years gone.
Only important, the time in ministry
after the water, the dove
healing, teaching,
all leading to the cross.

May 29, 2009
title May 23, 2009
about the unknown childhood and adulthood
of Jesus Christ, until he was 30 years old
and began his 3-year ministry

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 33,720+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Inspired Differently

Human hearts, urged to share
touched, inspired differently.

Different speakers, these writers
witnesses, seeing the world, his life
subtle variations on the same scenes
perspectives of these men
coloring the way they were inspired
by God, to write His story.

To prove his identity, to show his humanity
to urge us to believe, to follow His example
the Messiah for the Jews, God’s son,
the hope for all mankind,
to the ends of the earth and for all time.

These inspired words of God
a wonderful living testimony
shared by different voices.

May 29, 2009
Gospel of Matthew
Gospel of Mark
Gospel of Luke
Gospel of John

A Shining Example

Tangible, clear, authentic
a shining example of God’s love
in life, the story of the Christ
His brief ministry paving the way
a well of living water, the legacy
His life poured out
a life cut short, part of God’s plan
the submission of his own will
taking the cup of sacrifice
its taste on his lips
Teaching the disciples
concrete stories, his parables
and the days of his life
showing us all how to live
humble servanthood
toward our neighbors
and before our God.

May 29, 2009
Mark 1:9-11
John 4:13-14
Upper Room Daily Devotional
May 28, 2009

The Parable of His Life

Bread and wine, his body and his blood
A story of God’s love,
the parable of his life.
For God so loved the world,
words unfathomable, beyond comprehension,
the majesty of God, creator
maker of all, the potter.
But, more to the story.
He loved the world so much
as a father, mother
sending his son, to be born humble, human
into this world
A man, a carpenter’s son
washed clean in the Jordan
A small itinerant ministry
living off kindnesses
no home, no palace, no mansion
the parable of his life, told
so we may see, hear, touch;
so we may believe.

May 29, 2009
Mark 1:9-11
John 4:13-14
Upper Room Daily Devotional
May 28, 2009

The Parable of Christ

In His life, his human life
the parable of Christ
As much as any story he told
the days of his life
a parable for our instruction
teaching us not with the words of parables
instead with the words,
the good news of his life
The mystery of God
conveyed in simple, human ways
A teen mother, a carpenter
a life cut short, judged and sentenced
His days on the earth, preaching, healing
offering his life, a sacrifice for our sins
A parable of Christ, the word made flesh;
human God, so we may understand

May 29, 2009
Mark 1:9-11
John 4:13-14
Upper Room Daily Devotional
May 28, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

As Real as You and Me

God’s love, the mission of Christ
sharing the love of the father
as real today as then
as real, as approachable,
as you and me

We are the witnesses, the ones crying
crying out in the wilderness;
but we are the examples, the testimony
the evidence, with our lives
God’s love living in the world
through the lives, the actions
of you and me

Being Christ now in the world
showing our father’s love in the way we live
in the things we say and the things we do
projecting the good news
to the ends of the earth
authentic, tangible, real
as real as you and me

May 28, 2009
Mark 1:9-11
John 4:13-14
Upper Room Daily Devotional

In a Tangible Way

God’s love, living among us
real, tangible, Christ, God
incarnate, a parable in common terms
God revealed in simple human form
in a life lived for others, servanthood
the heavenly incomprehensible
made understandable, reachable
to all of us, touching our senses,
our imagination, God’s love
shared in a very tangible way.

May 28, 2009
Mark 1:9-11
John 4:13-14
Upper Room Daily Devotional

Slow Rain

Just back from lunch with my wife.
Getting back to work on a very rainy day.
the sound of it off the roof,
through the closed window beside me
Slow rain, like it is supposed to be
Spring in this area, no torrent,
not crack of lightening, thunder
soft, gently slow rain, flowers and shrubs
enjoying the feeding, especially the blooms
the rhododendron, alive, vivid color
pink, rose-like color, saturated, quite literally
all of 48 degrees, Fahrenheit, midday
Slow rain, low clouds
quite in the yard, drizzle of rain
falling, falling, down

May 28, 2009

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 21,400+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Faith in Action - June is Torture Awareness Month

United Methodist Church - Faith in Action - May 25, 2009 - includes my poem, "Totally Wrong"

One of my poems, "Totally Wrong", was selected to be put in the United Methodist Faith in Action newsletter for May 25, 2009 -

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 21,400+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Poetry Where You Live - now a BOOK!!!!!!!

My 1st book of poetry, Poetry Where You Live, is now available at If you like what you see here, please consider buying a copy.

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 21,400+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

A Hidden Bloom

The rich, full, round rhododendron
bloom hidden, nestled
snug behind the yew, full green
deep forest, radiant chartreuse
where the growing edges are
the pink-purple bloom
hidden below the porch
found only by the bumblebees
drawn by its nectar, by its calling

May 26, 2009,
seen and named by Ruth, May 25, 2009,
knowing it would soon be a poem

Monday, May 25, 2009

Big Plans

through the gifts, given by God
big plans for our lives
the little mustard seed
more than enough
mighty trees come from these
so to the little seeds
the gifts planted in us
mighty deeds can come from these
in our lives, and more
in the lives we touch

May 24, 2009 and May 25, 2009
Unison Prayer
“Eternal God, who created us in your own image.
Enable us to fearlessly contend against evil and to
make no peace with oppression.
May we use our freedom with reverence, and
for the establishment of justice to the glory of
your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Savior.”
The Epistle Reading
Ephesians 3:7-13
Gospel Reading
Mark 4:30-32
and sermon by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
“God Has Big Plans For You”
Suncook United Methodist Church
May 24, 2009
Ascension Sunday
and the Sunday before Memorial Day

Gifts through the workings of his power

gifts he received, we each receive
through the workings of his power
through the loving grace of God, alone
we receive gifts of the spirit
a vessel made worthy, molded
by the hands of the potter
filled with the libation of the spirit
the example set by our brother, our savior
to pour out the good news, the holy message
of God’s limitless love, his pursuing us
his desire for communion and fellowship
a relationship with each of us
made whole by the love of the father
the sacrifice of the son
and the indwelling of the spirit
calling us back to Him

May 24, 2009 and May 25, 2009
Unison Prayer
“Eternal God, who created us in your own image.
Enable us to fearlessly contend against evil and to
make no peace with oppression.
May we use our freedom with reverence, and
for the establishment of justice to the glory of
your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Savior.”
The Epistle Reading
Ephesians 3:7-13
Gospel Reading
Mark 4:30-32
and sermon by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
“God Has Big Plans For You”
Suncook United Methodist Church
May 24, 2009
Ascension Sunday
and the Sunday before Memorial Day

Boldness before His Presence

Not like Job, calling our God
not to question; but to approach
his heavenly throne
a boldness of the saving we share
the loving reconciliation
the gift of grace which allows us
to come face to face with God
Boldly, as the apostle wrote,
so long ago, to the church in Ephesus
to go into God’s presence
with reverence and with confidence
because of the sacrifice of Christ

May 24, 2009 and May 25, 2009
Unison Prayer
“Eternal God, who created us in your own image.
Enable us to fearlessly contend against evil and to
make no peace with oppression.
May we use our freedom with reverence, and
for the establishment of justice to the glory of
your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Savior.”
The Epistle Reading
Ephesians 3:7-13
Gospel Reading
Mark 4:30-32
and sermon by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
“God Has Big Plans For You”
Suncook United Methodist Church
May 24, 2009
Ascension Sunday
and the Sunday before Memorial Day

A Village Church

Our church, a village church
nestled in the heart, the center
the little place in the village
known by the mustard seeds
the little acts, simple kindnesses
offering a hand or an ear
prayers, a place of worship
a meal, a place to gather
little mustard seeds of love
planted in our neighbors’ hearts
one little act of love at a time

May 24, 2009
Unison Prayer
“Eternal God, who created us in your own image.
Enable us to fearlessly contend against evil and to
make no peace with oppression.
May we use our freedom with reverence, and
for the establishment of justice to the glory of
your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Savior.”
The Epistle Reading
Ephesians 3:7-13
Gospel Reading
Mark 4:30-32
and sermon by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
“God Has Big Plans For You”

Suncook United Methodist Church

Suncook, NH

May 24, 2009
Ascension Sunday
and the Sunday before Memorial Day

Each One a Mustard Seed

The size of the ministry
the work in the fields
the village church
alive in the giving, the sharing
sowing mustard seeds
tiny, little, seemingly minor
acts of kindness, of love
acting out our faith
the gifts of grace, of community
of love for our neighbors
in simple kindnesses, in sharing,
in serving where we can
in being there for another
being present, being open
being ourselves a mustard seed
a bit of Christ, of God
planted within another heart
seeds growing, in God’s time
a harvest of saints
each one a mustard seed
planted in the world

May 24, 2009
Unison Prayer
“Eternal God, who created us in your own image.
Enable us to fearlessly contend against evil and to
make no peace with oppression.
May we use our freedom with reverence, and
for the establishment of justice to the glory of
your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Savior.”
The Epistle Reading
Ephesians 3:7-13
Gospel Reading
Mark 4:30-32
and sermon by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
“God Has Big Plans For You”

Suncook United Methodist Church

Suncook, NH

May 24, 2009
Ascension Sunday
and the Sunday before Memorial Day

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 21,400+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Planting Our Mustard Seeds

Each one of us, charged, commissioned
to sow the seeds of faith,
planting our mustard seeds
in the soil, in the soil of our hearts
in the hearts of those we meet
serving in the place where we are planted
in the vineyard, in the field, in the villages
in the cities where we live
to the ends of the earth
planting seeds of the harvest
tiny mustard seeds of love
of Christ, of God, grace upon grace
if we are true to our faith
planting mustard seeds
to mature and grow
for the harvest
in God’s time alone

May 24, 2009 and May 25, 2009
Unison Prayer
“Eternal God, who created us in your own image.
Enable us to fearlessly contend against evil and to
make no peace with oppression.
May we use our freedom with reverence, and
for the establishment of justice to the glory of
your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Savior.”
The Epistle Reading
Ephesians 3:7-13
Gospel Reading
Mark 4:30-32
and sermon by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
“God Has Big Plans For You”

Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH

May 24, 2009
Ascension Sunday
and the Sunday before Memorial Day

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 21,400+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

From a Tiny Seed

The parable, the story of the tiny mustard seed
from this small, small thing, greatness emerges
a tree, branches for shade, for shelter
beyond imagination, looking at it in the hand
a tiny seed, seemingly unable to do much

So are we to see the works of the spirit,
the little bits of witness, of ministry,
the small, seemingly insignificant acts
no one knows the fruit they will bear
what the tiny seeds of faith, of love

Unknown, what they will become
but spread them we must
in the name of the one who came
and is to come again
the one who taught this lesson so long ago

May 24, 2009 and May 25, 2009
Unison Prayer
“Eternal God, who created us in your own image.
Enable us to fearlessly contend against evil and to
make no peace with oppression.
May we use our freedom with reverence, and
for the establishment of justice to the glory of
your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Savior.”
The Epistle Reading
Ephesians 3:7-13
Gospel Reading
Mark 4:30-32
and sermon by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
“God Has Big Plans For You”
Suncook United Methodist Church
May 24, 2009
Ascension Sunday
and the Sunday before Memorial Day

Burgundy Bouquets

nothing some much as burgundy bouquets
clusters of the rhododendrons
like the bows put on the paper plates
at the bridal showers
round ball of burgundy trumpets
eager for the bees
brilliant in the late afternoon sun
calling me and my camera
to linger and shoot
picture after picture

May 24, 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Mustard Seed Planted

Small, little seeds, seeds planted
a mustard seed, planted with care
how it will grow
what fruits it will bear
unknown to the sower
to the one planting the seed
Not a mere agricultural tale;
a parable, a metaphor
of the ministry of the faithful
of the sharing of the good news of Christ
Planting in the soil of human hearts
to bear the fruit of either earthy will
of the rapturous beauty, the bounty
of lives suborned to God’s holy will

May 24, 2009
Unison Prayer
“Eternal God, who created us in your own image.
Enable us to fearlessly contend against evil and to
make no peace with oppression.
May we use our freedom with reverence, and
for the establishment of justice to the glory of
your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Savior.”
The Epistle Reading
Ephesians 3:7-13
Gospel Reading
Mark 4:30-32
and sermon by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
“God Has Big Plans For You”
Suncook United Methodist Church
May 24, 2009
Ascension Sunday
and the Sunday before Memorial Day

The Fertile Ground

Our children, the fertile ground
our lessons, our teachings
the mustard seeds
unpredicted futures;
but the planting daily
into the fertile soil
Even their baptism,
unremembered by them
a mustard seed, an act of faith
a trusting in the watering,
in the ultimate growth
a mighty tree, a living tribute
to God, who alone provides the growth
Planted without knowing that which will come
Planting nonetheless, ever
in the belief in the creator
He who made the garden
the earth and all that dwells in it
Planting mustard seeds in fertile ground
seeing what the gardener wills

May 24, 2009
Unison Prayer
“Eternal God, who created us in your own image.
Enable us to fearlessly contend against evil and to
make no peace with oppression.
May we use our freedom with reverence, and
for the establishment of justice to the glory of
your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Savior.”
The Epistle Reading
Ephesians 3:7-13
Gospel Reading
Mark 4:30-32
and sermon by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
“God Has Big Plans For You”
Suncook United Methodist Church
May 24, 2009
Ascension Sunday
and the Sunday before Memorial Day

Only through His Power

The words of the apostle, an acknowledgement
of the miraculous gift, His saving and commission
all of his life’s work,
his ministry, a holy calling
only through the grace,
the work of God’s loving power
nothing he did, nothing we do
all shared for God’s holy purpose
to bring the world the riches of Christ
revealed in his life given for us
Only through his power
through the power of God
able to do beyond our wildest dreams
in God alone all things possible
the message of love to share

May 24, 2009
Unison Prayer
“Eternal God, who created us in your own image.
Enable us to fearlessly contend against evil and to
make no peace with oppression.
May we use our freedom with reverence, and
for the establishment of justice to the glory of
your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Savior.”
The Epistle Reading
Ephesians 3:7-13
Gospel Reading
Mark 4:30-32
and sermon by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
“God Has Big Plans For You”
Suncook United Methodist Church
May 24, 2009
Ascension Sunday
and the Sunday before Memorial Day

The Privilege of Sharing

In no way a burden
a joy, the mission of his life
a privilege of sharing
the message of God
of love, of His holy purpose
fulfilled, revealed
in the loving example
the triumphant story
the fulfillment of all promises
in the life of Christ
the word made flesh
What a joyous blessing
to share, with Paul,
this glorious news
to the end of the earth

May 24, 2009
Unison Prayer
“Eternal God, who created us in your own image.
Enable us to fearlessly contend against evil and to
make no peace with oppression.
May we use our freedom with reverence, and
for the establishment of justice to the glory of
your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Savior.”
The Epistle Reading
Ephesians 3:7-13
Gospel Reading
Mark 4:30-32
and sermon by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
“God Has Big Plans For You”
Suncook United Methodist Church
May 24, 2009
Ascension Sunday
and the Sunday before Memorial Day

Establish Justice

Humbly walking with our God
acting as He would guide
in loving response to his saving grace
to use our might, our power
to establish justice
for your glory alone
to be worthy of the name
children of God
so we are to live,
so is to be our walk
humbly yoked to our brother
the living, risen Lord

May 24, 2009
Unison Prayer
“Eternal God, who created us in your own image.
Enable us to fearlessly contend against evil and to
make no peace with oppression.
May we use our freedom with reverence, and
for the establishment of justice to the glory of
your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Savior.”
The Epistle Reading
Ephesians 3:7-13
Gospel Reading
Mark 4:30-32
and sermon by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
“God Has Big Plans For You”
Suncook United Methodist Church
May 24, 2009
Ascension Sunday
and the Sunday before Memorial Day

Freedom with Reverence

Humility, a humbleness with power
calling us, praying that we, that our nation
may use our freedom, our liberty, our might
our freedom with reverence, our calling
from the beginning of time
stewards of the world; but humans only,
far below the mind of God

Our prayer in remembrance of our dead,
of our saints who have gone before,
of those living and those yet to come
a call itself to servanthood
the awesome responsibility
not just the going on our own
turning to God, as the source of our strength

May 24, 2009
Unison Prayer
“Eternal God, who created us in your own image.
Enable us to fearlessly contend against evil and to
make no peace with oppression.
May we use our freedom with reverence, and
for the establishment of justice to the glory of
your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Savior.”
The Epistle Reading
Ephesians 3:7-13
Gospel Reading
Mark 4:30-32
and sermon by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
“God Has Big Plans For You”
Suncook United Methodist Church
May 24, 2009
Ascension Sunday
and the Sunday before Memorial Day

No Peace with Oppression

We prayed that God would enable us
to make no peace with oppression
no appeasement to the easy way
no accommodation for evil
no matter where it lives

A calling to our nation
and to our congregation
for the love of Christ
the will of God
the reconciliation with our neighbors
to begin with equality, with love
no peace with those who oppress

May 24, 2009
Unison Prayer
“Eternal God, who created us in your own image.
Enable us to fearlessly contend against evil and to
make no peace with oppression.
May we use our freedom with reverence, and
for the establishment of justice to the glory of
your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Savior.”
The Epistle Reading
Ephesians 3:7-13
Gospel Reading
Mark 4:30-32
and sermon by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
“God Has Big Plans For You”
Suncook United Methodist Church
May 24, 2009
Ascension Sunday
and the Sunday before Memorial Day

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 30,050+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Fearlessly Contend Against Evil

The words of our prayer
meaningful in the context of our worship today
the charge for the congregation, for each of our hearts
to fight against evil, no matter where we find it
a unison prayer, on Memorial Day
to not rest on the past
but to march on
to work as we may
to fearlessly contend against evil
with the aid of God.
This is our prayer.

May 24, 2009
Unison Prayer
“Eternal God, who created us in your own image.
Enable us to fearlessly contend against evil and to
make no peace with oppression.
May we use our freedom with reverence, and
for the establishment of justice to the glory of
your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Savior.”
The Epistle Reading
Ephesians 3:7-13
Gospel Reading
Mark 4:30-32
and sermon by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
“God Has Big Plans For You”
Suncook United Methodist Church
May 24, 2009
Ascension Sunday
and the Sunday before Memorial Day

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 26,360+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Joining us in our questioning

Christ joins us in our questioning
just as he joined Cleopas and the other
on the dusty Emmaus Road
He comes to us, to walk by our side
to give comfort, assurance
of the fulfillment of all that had been promised
to assure us of his promise to come again
that his life means resurrection
that God is love
that all we have to do
is turn to him, and God will provide
now and in the age to come

May 24, 2009
Luke 24:13-35
Walk to Emmaus
Upper Room May 23, 2009

Joining them in their anguish

We must remember the moment of their journey
on the day of Easter, before the certainty of his rising
a ministry cut short, followers dispersed,
a feeling of abandonment, of loss beyond measure

Into this moment, he comes, joining them in their anguish
in this moment of despair, not understanding
coming to them, walking with them
revealing all that had come to be
all that had been fulfilled in the path of his life

Joining them, lifting them, yet still unknown to them
he walked with them, bringing clarity
but recognition in the meal, in the simple act
the seeing him breaking the bread
in his offering of grace, enlightenment

May 24, 2009
Luke 24:13-35
Walk to Emmaus
Upper Room May 23, 2009

Walking in the Shadow of the Cross

Walking, journeying, living out my days
in the shadow of the cross
letting go of my troubles, of my cares
of my life, submitting to God
the direction of my path
Trusting in the creator
and the saving of the son

An unknown future,
a path not of my choosing
unfamiliar, stretching, growing
as if blindfolded, needing a hand
a way through this uncharted land
following where Christ would lead
yoked to my brother, at peace

May 24, 2009
Alive Now for May 23, 2009
“Courage to Face Uncertainty”,
by Pastor M. Kent Millard,
pages 35-37
Ezekiel 11:19
Psalm 46
Psalm 46:1-11
Matthew 6:33-34
1 Peter 5:6-7
Acts 1:12-26

In the Arms of the Cross

Under the shadow of the cross
the servanthood of our king
the arms of the cross
wrapping around me
walking with my savior
my life not my own
guided by the hand of the father
yoked to my brother in love

May 24, 2009
Alive Now for May 23, 2009
“Courage to Face Uncertainty”,
by Pastor M. Kent Millard,
pages 35-37
Ezekiel 11:19
Psalm 46
Psalm 46:1-11
Matthew 6:33-34
1 Peter 5:6-7
Acts 1:12-26

Under the Shadow of the Cross

Our lives, if we are yoked to our Savior
our brother, if we are following the calling of the Lord
living under the shadow of the cross
remembering, being called, living
the memory of his life, of his sacrifice
the love of the father, the saving by grace
Our lives given over, our path made clear
trusting in God for our daily needs

May 24, 2009
Alive Now for May 23, 2009
“Courage to Face Uncertainty”,
by Pastor M. Kent Millard,
pages 35-37
Ezekiel 11:19
Psalm 46
Psalm 46:1-11
Matthew 6:33-34
1 Peter 5:6-7
Acts 1:12-26

Kneeling Under the Shadow of the Cross

Bowing our heads, giving over our wills
leaving all, our comfort
kneeling as he did, in the Garden
Gethsemane, knowing what awaited
asking for the cup to be removed;
but more, turning his life over
giving the choice, the path over to God

Kneeling under the shadow of the cross
the darkness calling him;
but so was the light
the redemption for us all
to each of us, in our turn
calling us, choosing to follow
to follow the way of the cross
to kneel under its shadow
and call on God
for the direction of our lives

May 24, 2009
Alive Now for May 23, 2009
“Courage to Face Uncertainty”,
by Pastor M. Kent Millard,
pages 35-37
Ezekiel 11:19
Psalm 46
Psalm 46:1-11
Matthew 6:33-34
1 Peter 5:6-7
Acts 1:12-26

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 21,400+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Choosing the Shadow of the Cross

Following the way of the cross,
the example of the Christ
humbling ourselves
submitting, giving our will
turning to the will of God
walking as he walked,
going where we are called
relying on God, not ourselves
trusting, going in faith
believing in the plan
the destiny, the calling
our names on his heart
our lives engraved on his skin
walking, journeying
living our lives yoked with him
choosing the shadow of the cross
following where God would lead

May 24, 2009
Alive Now for May 23, 2009
“Courage to Face Uncertainty”,
by Pastor M. Kent Millard,
pages 35-37
Ezekiel 11:19
Psalm 46
Psalm 46:1-11
Matthew 6:33-34
1 Peter 5:6-7
Acts 1:12-26

Inspiration Poetry

Words coming quickly
titles and phrases, bits of the body
flying through the air
falling to the page
in line and verse
inspiration poetry
a pad close at hand
plucked from the ether
words by inspiration
no perspiration required
gifts alone
from heaven above

edited January 13, 2016
Inspiration Poetry – v6
(merging edits to version 3, version 4, and version 5)
(I know, this is part of the craft thing…)
edited  November 17, 2015
Inspiration Poetry – v5
(editing version 3)
edited  November 5, 2015
Inspiration Poetry – v4
(editing version 3)
edited November 4, 2015
Inspiration Poetry – v3
(merging version 2 and original)
Edited September 4, 2012
“Inspiration Poetry – v2”
May 24, 2009
“Inspiration Poetry”

All of my poems and photographs are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss ( for usage. See all 40,650+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Fifty Years

I thought about the date, yesterday
Fifty years since they said, I do
eighteen since she said, goodbye.

A moment in time, a date on the calendar
a marking of what might have been;
but of what was as well,
the happy moments of life
they shared, we shared as a family,
and as we talked, sharing of what is in her new life,
her joy in the new gifts.

Three years since they said, I do
a sea of family and friends, witnesses
attesting, affirming their love for each other
seen again in the hospital room
this week of their lives, their life together
the language they shared,
even when there were no words

A privilege to witness, to see them together
in touch and in whispered words
heard even with the hearing aids
softer than others must speak
somehow heard,
through their life together.

Fifty years, that might have been;
a life that is living still
in other arms; but few regrets
the joy in the love they share now.

May 24, 2009

Naming a Fragrance

The subtle, profound, the pungent,
sweet, soft, loud, ornate
naming a fragrance,
of the variations of lilac scents
the soft subtle lily of the valley
the flesh under the skin of a kiwi
fresh-mown lawn,
blacktop after a shower
under a mostly sunny sky in August
(versus a light shower on a wet lawn
in late May)
dirt turned in the garden
steak on the grill
Naming a fragrance
to evoke, to stir,
to remember,
all so we can understand

May 24, 2009

Describing Colors

My limited language, different meanings,
perceptions of colors, of shades, hues;
brand names, the color wheel
plants, fruits, sky and cloud
all a palette from which to choose
to try, in tenuous ways
to capture wonder, beauty,
utter perfection

Describing colors, to bring memory
to find common understanding
using the names of nature
to describe the colors I see
hoping that they will be meaningful
to all who read my lines

May 24, 2009

A Series of Squares

The work, the lawn
carved up into a series of squares
crisp edges, overlapping rows
breaking all up
a section at a time.

Like parts of a maze,
a prayer labyrinth
in the segments, the squares
the rectangles and the edges,
all woven, walked

A series of squares,
around the trees, the pines
at the edge of the hill,
between the beds
the soccer field

A pattern of pieces
together a whole
watching the skies
for the clouds above
rounding each corner
to finish the whole

May 24, 2009

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 19,900+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

A Single Thistle

At the base of the fir
the thick trunk
a single thistle
growing up between the roots
strong, thorny, green
the flower of Scotland
home of my kin
where Jessie’s family came from
there safe, for a time
under the protection of the fir
and the spikes on its skin
a single thistle growing in the yard

May 23, 2009 and May 24, 2009

Trills in the Breezes

The window open next to me
early May morning in the office
three of the kittens, all the boys
squeezed into the small space
drawn by the trills in the breezes
sounds of the waking birds
a spring chorus in our backyard

May 23, 2009
and again May 24, 2009

One-Ply on the End Cap

Oh it was too easy, in my rush
after the traffic to the bank,
the banter of the customers
marking time by the rope line
nothing so pretty as velvet
waiting under the fluorescent bulbs
by the self-service express line
A short shopping list,
added to by a quick phone call
heading to the frozen treats
A little too easy, the giant bargain pack
toilet paper on the end cap
Quick grab, move to the treats,
What, no cherry, oh well,
sugar free may work
to the fruit, a real savings (sweet),
to the aisle, register
Drive home, in triumph,
a successful run, nonetheless
Let me see the paper, she said
a bit too ominously
It was one-ply on the end cap,
again. Nuts!


edited November 27, 2021

One-Ply on the End Cap – v2

May 24, 2009

One-Ply on the End Cap


poetry, dad fails, toilet paper, bargain, retail, home, family,


#poetry #dadfails #toiletpaper #bargain #retail #home #family



All of my poems, photographs, and videos are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. All rights are reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss (  for usage. See all 53,000+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.