Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Holy Guacamole

Maybe the best way to describe the inauguration
the scene of that sea of people, our nation’s Mall
covered with people of every race and age
a sea of smiling members, this community,
this country, standing in the January cold,
flags clutched, waving, being present
so many, like us, watching, expectantly
on our televisions, in our homes,
on the computer screens, flickering lights
“Holy Guacamole”, or so said our seven year old
home sick from school, laying on the futon
drinking in the enormity of all of the spectacle
Watching her President sworn in, her President now,
the man she selected long before the primary
before that cold day here in New Hampshire,
the man I voted for, in part because of her urging
Tears welling up, present in my eyes, in her mother’s eyes
as this step, this urgent threshold was crossed,
this moment in time, this now, so pressing, so right
seeing our nation united, if for this moment
marching into freedom’s call,
under the very watchful eye of our creator
shining light into these dark times
a time for hope and for change

January 20, 2009
Inauguration of Barack Obama
the 44th President of the United States of America;
May God protect him and this nation.

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