
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

After Epiphany

When did his star stop shining, in the night
what guided the wise men, was there a night shadow
the light shining over their shoulders
shining on their way home?
The story doesn’t say what happened
to the star that brought them, called them
to the infant’s bed, that led them
to fall to their knees and worship him
We don’t know in fact, when the star ceased to shine
maybe because it never did,
the light grew, God incarnate, the light come into the world
to shine hope, bringing light, God’s voice, his love
into the darkness of that time, this time too
The light growing, in righteousness, in body
John, there, waiting too, going into that wilderness
calling his people to turn, repent, make ready the way
The light, living, walking among the people
living, teaching, healing, dying, that we might live
Rising, oh yes rising, high up on the lamp stand
the heavenly perch, down too, within each beating heart
every believer a beacon, a light, his light, sent like fireflies
into the summer night, little bits of the one light
his star, still gleaming, guiding our way in the darkness

January 6, 2009
John 1:1-18
Matthew 2:1-12
Luke 1, Luke 2, Luke 3
the nativity in our breezeway window
still light up, the morning after Epiphany

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