
Monday, January 19, 2009

The Power of Witness

I posted the following poem on 11/3/08, the day before the Presidential Election, after talking with some people struggling how to vote. I got the following response from a lady in Nevada (I'm in NH)...

Out of Our Fears, Out of Our Hopes

Tomorrow, Election Day
we are given anew, a chance to decide
to choose our leaders, an opportunity to give voice
to our aspirations, our dreams, our wishes for our land
We can choose, to vote out of our fears, or
to vote out of our hopes.
I choose hope, over my fears
my dreams, over my doubts
my love, over my hate
my similarities, not my differences
my longing for a better world,
not walls around my home

I am voting for Barack Obama

November 3, 2008

I am a 61 yr. old Grand Mother who has taken my vote very seriously for many years.
I am a Republican. I voted for Obama yesterday.
One of the reasons was the poem you shared on the 3rd.
I was searching the net for help with my decision when I came upon
your poem.It beautifully summed up my feelings.
It said what I also felt.
Thank you for your sharing.

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