
Friday, January 30, 2009

A Prayer of Thanks, by the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT), received 1/29/09

God of all time and this time, God of all nations and our nation, God of all people, each blessed and created in your divine image, we join our hearts, “full of the hope that the present has brought us,” and lift our voices in thanksgiving to you.

We give praise to you, O God, for the leadership of the President of the United States and the swiftness with which he signed executive orders to restore the rule of law and end U.S.-sponsored torture. We are grateful for the witness of the religious community and those of other communities in the call for an end to U.S.-sponsored torture.

May it be your will, O God, that the prayers, passion, and hard work of an amazing diversity of faith communities, across this country, joined in common purpose, continue to bring about the repair of the world.

We pray for the strength to continue our work -- to make sure that U.S.-sponsored torture never happens again.

Help us to continue to be vigilant and faithful and to commit ourselves anew to be a people who “do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with you.” O God, guide us always with your wisdom, and in all ways and all times, may we seek peace and pursue it. And let us say, Amen.

They went on to say...

President Obama Halts U.S.-Sponsored Torture!

On January 22nd, 2009, President Obama signed an Executive Order that ends the CIA abuse of detainees, closes U.S. secret prisons, ends rendition for torture, and provides the International Committee of the Red Cross with access to U.S.-held detainees.

Now We Must Ensure It NEVER Happens Again

President Obama has ended U.S.-sponsored torture – but he cannot by himself prevent it from occurring again in the future. To ensure that our country never again tortures anyone, Congress must:

• Understand Our Mistakes: Congress should fund and provide subpoena power to an independent, nonpartisan commission that is tasked solely with investigating our torture policies and practices since Sept. 11, 2001.

• Give the “Golden Rule” the Force of Law: Congress should require the President to affirm that any interrogation technique that is authorized for use upon a detainee would also be legal if used upon a captured American.

• ICRC Access: Congress should write the Red Cross provision of President Obama’s Executive Order into law.

• Rendition for Torture and Secret Prisons: both need to
be prohibited.

What You Can Do

1.) Go to
2.) Sign NRCAT’s Statement of Conscience.
3.) Send an email to President Obama, thanking him for his actions (a sample email can be found on our website).
4.) Call your Congressman and your Senators and ask them to support the items listed above.

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