
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sermon - "“New Beginnings”, by Pastor Ruth L. Foss, June 14, 2009, Suncook United Methodist Church, Suncook, NH

2 Corinthians 5:6-10, 14b-17 (The Message Bible)

“New Beginnings”

The Lord be with you
And also with you
Let us pray. . .

Loving Creator of new beginnings, You who are a God of second. . . third. . . and fourth chances, we pray for Your presence here with us this morning. May your Spirit fall down upon us gathered here in your name this day. We thank you for the opportunity to worship you in Spirit and Truth. Come Holy Spirit. . . illuminate our hearts and minds this day. Speak Lord. . . Your friends are listening.

(Read 2 Corinthians Scripture)

Spring. . . it is probably my favorite season in the year. It tells me that the cold winter is over and now we will have warm weather again. But. . . to me. . . there is a deeper meaning of Spring. This meaning is what makes me so excited about Spring. To me. . . Spring is a time of new beginnings. It’s a time when the earth is being warmed by the sun and because of that warmth. . . a new thing comes bursting forth. . . a new beginning. The world breaks forth in glorious song to the Creator, ever praising Him for His creation. (There’s a new thing bursting forth)

In the scripture from Corinthians this morning, we heard what happens when God’s Spirit enters our being. . . what happens when God creates a new beginning for us. . . a new life with the Creator of all things. The Message Bible uses the statement that “The old life is gone; a new life burgeons!” Well. . . being the scholar that I am. . . I just had to look up this word. (And yes. . . I had no idea what the word meant) The word means to grow or develop quickly; flourish. . . to put forth. . . to begin to grow or blossom. A new life begins. . . is put forth. . . grows and blossoms. And not only does the Spirit begin to germinate within us. . . the Spirit puts a little of heaven in our hearts so that we will not settle for less in life. . . we strive to please God no matter what. Our lives become refocused and our Spirits can break forth with singing. (There’s a new thing bursting forth)

This morning we will be Confirming Erica and taking in new members. What a glorious day for Christ’s Church! What a day to break forth in song! What a new beginning it is indeed! (There’s a new thing bursting forth)

You see. . . as we come into the transforming presence of God. . . it will open our eyes to a great many things in life. As we draw near to Him it will guarantee that we will begin to rethink the way we think and question the way we have always considered things to be. We begin to see life, not through rose colored glasses but through the eyes of the Spirit within us. God is creating a new thing. The old is gone; a fresh new thing is bursting forth in song.

There are new things bursting out all over! When the birds burst into glorious song just before daybreak. . . there’s a new thing bursting forth. Every time we see the first signs of Spring with the Crocus coming up from its slumber. . . there’s a new thing bursting forth. Every time a new born baby cries at its first breath. . . there’s a new thing bursting forth. there’s a new thing bursting forth. Every time a sinner comes to the throne of grace and turns their life over to Christ. . . there’s a new thing bursting forth. Every time the people of Christ’s church decide to step out in faith...there’s a new thing bursting forth. Every time we, as disciples, plant a seed of Christ’s love into another’s heart... there’s a new thing bursting forth. Every time we as Christian reach out to others in Christ’s name. . . there’s a new thing bursting forth.

Each day is a new beginning. . . a new chance to burst through with song. . . a new chance to touch the lives around us. We are a new creation in Christ. . . may we ever put ourselves in the Potter’s hand. . . may we be created a new and molded into what the Potter has planned for us from the start. . . and with all of Creation sing Alleluia there’s a new thing bursting forth.
(Potter’s Hand Video)
Amen. . .

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