
Saturday, August 01, 2009

Like Them

waiting on God
our divine appointment
when power, authority, emboldened
we share love, the message of Christ
to the world, to our neighbors,
strangers, placed by God, into our lives
moments of planned serendipity,
planned by the creator, master architect
the one who set the universe spinning,
who set our hearts beating
giving us appointments,
when he chooses
to be Christ for someone

August 1, 2009 – Facebook version
October 2, 2008
Acts 1:6-9

Friday, July 31, 2009

seeing with our hearts

with eyes of faith
seeing with our hearts
beyond our mind’s abilities
the boundaries of reason
trusting, believing
seeing a glimpse of God
a hint of the hand of the creator
moving in the world
touching our lives
guiding our steps
providing for our daily needs
healing us, bringing us home

July 31, 2009
inspired in part by
Alive Now Daily Reflection for July 31, 2009
“Only the Heart Knows God”, page 6 of Alive Now for July/August 2009
by James Schwarzlose, which included quote by Blaise Pascal,
“The heart has its reasons, which reason cannot comprehend.”

Not the Mind

Not the mind, not our reason
the essence of God, the reality of faith
seen with the heart, with our imagination
with the eyes of our spirit alone
guided by the indwelling Spirit
God enabling us, the words of the scriptures
revealed, God working within us
understanding dimly, only in part;
but enough, to change our lives
to bring us back into relationship
to stitch the breach of our sin
guiding us back to God
not with our minds, but with our hearts

July 31, 2009
inspired in part by
Alive Now Daily Reflection for July 31, 2009
“Only the Heart Knows God”, page 6 of Alive Now for July/August 2009
by James Schwarzlose, which included quote by Blaise Pascal,
“The heart has its reasons, which reason cannot comprehend.”

Beyond Imagination

The words of the bible,
the possibilities of God
of the infinite nature,
the eternal essence of God
Beyond reason, to be sure
beyond imagination as well
Living, in the realm of faith alone
believing because we believe
seeing into the unimaginable
the unfathomable
beyond our finite abilities
with the eyes of faith
seeing with our hearts

July 31, 2009
inspired in part by
Alive Now Daily Reflection for July 31, 2009
“Only the Heart Knows God”, page 6 of Alive Now for July/August 2009
by James Schwarzlose, which included quote by Blaise Pascal,
“The heart has its reasons, which reason cannot comprehend.”

In Answering Us

Then as now, in answering us
the Lord says,
“I am the bread, the manna,
that gives life, the bread of life
Changing our lives, in fellowship
in communion with him
walking with our savior
following his ways
eating the bread of life
as we journey, all of our days

edited July 31, 2019
In Answering Us – v2

July 31, 2009
In Answering Us
John 6:24-35
Alive Now Daily Reflections
for July 30, 2009
John 6:24-27
The Upper Room Disciplines 2009
for July 30, 2009
John 6:35a, Revised Standard Version
John 6:35a, New Century Version
John 6:28-35
The Upper Room Disciplines 2009
for July 31, 2009

All of my poems, photographs, and videos are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. All rights are reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss ( for usage. See all 51,140 of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

God, Christ, Spirit, faith, love, grace, John 6, prayer, communion, Raymond A. Foss, Poetry Where You Live, poem, poetry,

#God #Christ #Spirit #faith #love #grace #John6 #prayer #communion #poem #poetry

Our Manna

Our manna, our daily bread
I am the bread of life,
the bread that gives life
eternal life, life eternal
He is the gate, the path
the way to the creator
Through him we are saved;
in him we live!

July 31, 2009
John 6:24-35
Alive Now Daily Reflections
for July 30, 2009
John 6:24-27
The Upper Room Disciplines 2009
for July 30, 2009
John 6:35a, Revised Standard Version
John 6:35a, New Century Version
John 6:28-35
The Upper Room Disciplines 2009
for July 31, 2009

I am the Bread

The clear declarative statement
the savior, speaking to the people
speaking to us still
“I am the bread”, that which is given
a gift from God
our daily needs, our hearts desires
our relationship with the creator
met, fulfilled, given
in this man,
this human walking with us
God come to dwell among us
dying, rising, promising to come again
daily bread of life,
feed me Lord

July 31, 2009
John 6:24-35
Alive Now Daily Reflections
for July 30, 2009
John 6:24-27
The Upper Room Disciplines 2009
for July 30, 2009
John 6:35a, Revised Standard Version
John 6:35a, New Century Version
John 6:28-35
The Upper Room Disciplines 2009
for July 31, 2009

A Love Story

Her story, her dream
a love story, being written
words of the path
the journey of their lives, apart
coming together, as if connecting
dots that had been dropped
stitching together, sewing tight
the threads of their lives, a single coil,
tighter, stronger, resilient
moving together into the future
trying as best they can
a happy place, a family
hoping for that chance
to live out her dream

July 31, 2009 – Facebook version

In Gathering There

A space, consecrated by the presence
by the gathering of your people
any room, any place – holy ground
like the tabernacle, the tents,
traveling with your people
no walls to bind you
God in the midst, a sanctuary
in the gathering of your people
so it is today, whether in holy space
or in space made holy,
it is the congregation of believers
standing together for your glory
holy ground

July 31, 2009 – Facebook version
March 23, 2009
based on comment posted to “Come Thirsty”,
“I like this poem a lot. Still, there's a sense in which
the church building is only sacred ground if the
Church meets there. When we meet with his people,
whether in a home or a public place or a business or a
church building, it becomes the sanctuary,
the place of the presence of God.”
Come Thirsty

Oh, come thirsty, come into the sanctuary
into the presence of God, a special place
onto sacred ground
be filled, be refreshed
to find the face of Christ
in our neighbors, in the words of song,
in the message in the scripture
the telling of the good news

Oh, come thirsty, come to the well
to the living waters of salvation
to be made new, in his image
to drink your fill, to run this race
with renewed strength
with faith as if a mustard seed
but able to move a mountain
stepping out of the boat onto water

Oh, come thirsty, to the Lord’s house
feeling his grace, all around you
entering into to worship, real worship
listening for that still small voice of God
his message, his call for your life
enter into his courts, fall at his altar
believe in his plan for you, from before your birth
plans to enrich you, and to bring your home

March 19, 2009
sign in front of Grace Capital Church,
Pembroke, NH
One side was Come Thirsty
the other side was Be Refreshed

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Feeding Our Hearts

The food of eternal life
feeding our hearts, our souls
God’s love, in the words
His words to the disciples, to us still
his lessons for the people
the parables, bread of heaven
in his actions, in his healing
his caring for the people

His sacrifice,
his body, his blood
given for us
to be made free

Rising, in victory
over sin and death
power in the words
the prophecies fulfilled
and his words of love
feeding our hearts, our souls
with God’s love

July 30, 2009
John 6:24-35
Alive Now Daily Reflections
for July 30, 2009
John 6:24-27
The Upper Room Disciplines 2009
for July 30, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Starfish

Like the man, the star thrower,
reaching down, into the warm skin of the water
touching the warming sand,
throwing star fish into the sea
returning them to the living waters
not walking by, not ignoring their fate
to die in the receding tide

His calling, his urging,
to save those he can
to act, not just observe
following his purpose
his special gift

Like the man, each of us
a special calling, a part of God’s plan
to reach down, to lift up,
to serve one another
to offer God’s love,
as we are especially able

Words on the page,
an image of grace, agape love;
a picture conjured in the mind’s eye
these are some of my starfish
cast into the ocean of the web
out into the world,
sharing the hope, the assurance
the certainty of God’s hand
resting upon the waters, upon our lives
God doing a new thing, out of his infinite love
seeking us, pursuing us, offering himself for us
his limitless gifts, even in our times of struggle
offering hope for a future
beyond our comprehension

July 29, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

Hope for the Future

The future, a new thing
God’s hand ever upon us
a hope for the future
in the prophet’s words
the words assuring
the people, the nation
God, the actor, doing a new thing
at work in the world
bringing His love, His grace
His message, the Good News
alive and among us
creating a hopeful future
for all of His people
the sheep of His flock
the workers in the vineyard

July 28, 2009 and July 29, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Giving Words of Hope

In the midst of their exile
the people scattered, suffering
The prophet, speaking
giving words of hope
to the people of the law

More than comfort, words to uplift
a promise for the future
grounded, rooted
in the creator’s faithfulness
the unmerited love
everlasting grace
over and over
the history of the people

There with them
through the waters
within the fires
a prophecy, a promise
a future assured
the covenants fulfilled
God making a new thing
revealed in His time.

July 28, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

Profoundly Important

These words, of prophecy
of assurance
profoundly important words
comfort for all ages
power in their simplicity
of love, of grace,
of steadfast belonging
within the arms of the creator
a new thing coming
born by the creator
our gifts, our part to play
in the story of his love.

July 28, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

Through that Fire

Through the waters, through that fire
our lives changed in the testing
in the faithfulness of God
in the trust of the believers
This nation, this people
the only to survive
By grace we are brought to him
by faith we are guided
through the fires, through the waters
he is with us, to bring us home

July 28, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

A Different Man

This was a different man
reading with power
the words of the prophet
sharing with them in their midst
claiming the words, in fulfillment
awe and wonder at his name
a different man before them
not the boy of this place
anointed with the Spirit
to set the captives free

July 28, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

Not the Boy They Knew

The man sitting, having read the words
the prophet revealed, living in this moment
not the boy they knew
the son of the carpenter
claiming his place
before the Lord
The words of the scripture
a new thing come,
their future assured
if they could but believe

July 28, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

The Faith Remained

This people, this nation
broken and scattered
their home, their land taken
faith remaining, deep within them
the power of these words,
more than comfort
assurance, not of their work
of their deeds
confidence in the love of God
his faithfulness forever
the abundance of his grace
life anew, a new thing coming
ever sure of the future
a place with our creator

July 28, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

Our Gift

Finding, searching
discerning our gift
the one thing God has for us
our special niche
our unique bit of service
our part of the plan
Listen to God’s calling
the stirring deep within
follow where God will lead
make a difference
where you stand

July 28, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

God is Creating

The words of the scripture,
of the pastor, assuring, reminding
not self-made, not even partially
God is the actor, the agent
creating a new thing.
Not me, not you, God,
the creator, ever bringing life
a new thing growing
coming, bursting forth
life, new life, urgent
burgeoning into being
No matter the present
a future assured

July 28, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

In Challenging Times

In challenging times, assurance
the loving presence of God
fulfillment of his promises
comfort in his indwelling
a new perspective on life
He is with us; He has saved us
our walk now with our brother
made part of the family of God
no trial, no tribulation
greater than this
eyes to see the new thing coming
our future assured by God

July 28, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

Don’t You See It?

A new thing, coming forth
Don’t you see it?
Can’t you see the signs?
the Lord doing a new thing,
emerging now
In these words, in the story,
in the hope of the coming
the return of the king
fulfillment of prophecy
the grace of God revealed
Oh a new thing coming
Let it come, wash over us
joy in the morning!

July 28, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

This One Will Live

The voices, the world,
not worth the effort
so many starfish, so many miles
unable to change the world.
Ignoring the doubts,
the judgment of the world;
this one will live,
one life at a time
thrown into the sea
toiling as he had been called
To the water’s edge
his purpose, his gift
casting the starfish
into the sea.
Making a difference
once action at a time.

July 26, 2009
This One Will Live
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
July 26, 2009

All of my poems, photographs, and videos are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. All rights are reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss (  for usage. See all 50,590+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Faith, God, good news, heart, Isaiah 43, living water, love, Luke 12, Luke 4, Poetry Where You Live, Psalm 100, Psalm 92, Raymond A. Foss, salvation, soul, the Great Commission,
world, Christ, Spirit,

#Faith #God #goodnews #heart #Isaiah43 #livingwater #love #Luke12 #Luke4 #Poetry #Psalm100 #Psalm92 #salvation #soul #GreatCommission #world #Christ #Spirit

The Ocean of His Love

Starfish on the beach
the ocean of his love
each of us called
special gifts
reach down for the starfish
cast them into the waters
God’s love waiting
to welcome each home

July 26, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

Saving Starfish

Following his call, within himself
what he feels told to do
saving starfish on the beach
returning them to life,
to the living waters
the vastness of His love
walking the shore
taking them, one at a time
back to the waters

July 26, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

Into the Living Waters

Following his call, the urging
deep within him
throwing starfish back into the ocean
so many starfish, miles of beach
saving those he can, one at a time

We are on the beach,
the world so vast, so many do not know
the indwelling Spirit, the message of Christ
gently cast the starfish
into the living waters
saving one at a time
accepting the grace of God
the ocean of His love

July 26, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

My Christian Faith

Thinking back a bit
the words of the pastor
my Christian faith
a gift especially given
each one in a unique way
placed within our lives
unearned, only accepted

This is our choice
free will given too –
a perspective on life,
consequences in the choosing.

Being glad, in giving thanks
in the present,
looking toward the future
a new thing, a gift of God
emerging now
the hand of God
within the changes
and better days ahead.

July 26, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

The Gift of My Christian Faith

Not sought, the gift given
through the loving action
each one unique, many gifts
given by God
feeding a perspective
choices, freedom
seeing the signs
change coming
the guiding hand of God
a future for his people
a new thing growing
in the world, the church
within each thankful heart.

July 19, 2009 and July 26, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

Not in Death

His ministry,
his mission on earth
not in death ending
the cross not the end of the journey
His promise fulfilled
the love of God revealed
His resurrection closing this chapter
the acts foretold in scripture
His promise to come again

July 26, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

Pork and Beans

Blue-purple hydrangea,
an open bible, lit candles
offering plates;
but more.

Pork and beans on the altar
An offering for the community
for those in need
brought forward and
laid upon Your table

July 26, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

The Pipers at the Surf

The dance of the pipers, the plovers
at the surf, the edge of the sea
ever racing at the surf
not in the waters
the froth beyond the waves
teeming with life
the lunar dance
running with the tides

July 26, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

Read directly to me

the scripture
ancient words of the prophet
hope for our future
our lives within God’s hands
assurance in His steadfast love
in the rising of the son.
Our challenges, our trials
through the waters, the fires
our way will be made smooth
a new thing will come
the loving hands of God
He will provide.

July 26, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009
John 6:16-21
and Upper Room Disciples 2009
for July 26, 2009

Claiming the Good News

Christ, claiming his divinity
his special purpose,
his calling from God
claiming the Good News
the words of the prophet
his ministry in the world
come alive in their presence
what a wondrous gift of God
through his life proclaimed
the saving of all.

July 26, 2009
Psalm 92:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-21
Luke 12:54-56
and sermon, “The View from Seven Decades:
The Power and Danger of Paradigms”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 19, 2009
Psalm 100
Luke 4:16-21
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 43:18-21
and sermon, “The Power of Vision”,
by the Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
including, The Star Thrower Story by Joel Barker,
inspired by the writing of Loren Eiseley,
Suncook United Methodist Church
July 26, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sermon - "Rejected . . . Again!”, by Pastor Ruth L. Foss, July 12, 2009, Suncook United Methodist Church, Suncook, NH

Mark 6:14-29 (ESV)
Amos 7:12-15 (NIV)

The Lord be with you

And also with you

Let us pray:

Creator, Sustainer, Almighty God, we thank you that we are able to come together this morning and worship you in Spirit and in truth. We pray that you would be with us this day, May your spirit fall down upon us gathered here this morning. May we hear the message you have for us today so that we may follow your will for our lives. Speak Lord…your friends are listening.

Read Mark 6:14-29

Rejection…rejection…rejection…If any of you have had any dealings with a teenage you know what I am talking about. Boy…we adults are so stupid in most of their eyes. (Come on…you know what I’m talking about) We try to help them and lead them in the right direction and we get rejection. We get “I know what I am doing”, “why are you always bothering me, I’m not stupid you know”, “that may work for you but it won’t for me.” We try to get them to listen…to not make the same mistakes we have made or seen others make…but still...Rejection. Why is so hard for some people to understand that we are just trying to help them live a better life…we are just trying to help them stay away from a pitfall we see them heading towards?

The Prophets in the Old Testament knew what we are talking about. No one really wanted to hear what they had to say. They didn’t want to hear that they were not doing what they were supposed to be doing(Who does?). Some were killed for what they had to say (unfortunately…that still goes on today). Look at what happened to Amos in the passage that was read this morning. He went to talk to the people of Israel to tell them that they were doing wrong in the sight of God. Well…Amaziah(the priest of Bethel) heard this he went straight to the king…you see…Amos had said that the king would die by the sword and that Israel would go away into exile away from where they were. He wanted to talk some sense into the people of Israel…and what happened…he was told to get out…go back to your own land…prophesy there not here…this is not your place…this is the kings sanctuary…the kingdoms temple by Amaziah. Of course they didn’t want to hear the truth…it was not in their favor.

Again in the scripture I read from Mark, we see rejection but…we also see what can happen because of jealousy and anger. Herod respected John the Baptist…he was confused and perplexed when John spoke but he heard him gladly. Well…John was going about saying that Herod was wrong for marring his brother’s wife Herodias and so, to protect her…for her sake…he had John arrested and put in jail. Well…Herodias was not happy about that...her name had been slandered(so she thought)and was out for blood…she wanted this man killed for his offense towards her. Herod on the other hand feared John and knew he was a righteous and holy man so he wanted to keep John safe. She had a grudge against John (and I am sure she was not to happy with her husband either…the nerve of him not killing this guy for her). I wonder how long she held this grudge against him…the scripture doesn’t tell us but I am sure she festered about this John person.

Now here is what happens when anger and a grudge come together ad fester for a while…When Herod was having a party and had his daughter dance for them…he promised her whatever she wanted up to half his kingdom (that must have been some dance). She went to her mom for advice on what to ask for (This is a place where we can see how our advice to those who seek it can either be for good or bad, how we need to be very careful with of our own motives when giving advice) and she thought…Bam…revenge at last…off with his head (as the Queen of Hearts would say)…and by the way…serve it up on a silver platter for me. (Talk about being an opportunist…Herodias knew that Herod had given his word…his oath in front of other people. She knew that he could not go back on his word...besides…he offered his daughter anything up to half the kingdom. How many times do we wait for our chance to get revenge? How many times have we given advice that suits our needs and not necessarily the needs for the person asking?)

So…what are we to do when we come under fire...what are we to do when the gospel is hard for others to take? Well…Acts 18:9 tells us that Paul was told in a dream that he had to face his fear of speaking up. The Lord told him in a dream “don’t let anyone intimidate r silence you, No Matter What Happens, I’m with you and no one is going to be able to hurt you.” You see…the Lord is our courage under fire. I was reading an article on line from “Called magazine” and the name of the article was “Courage under Fire”. You see…it stated that “We can find strength in knowing that when we speak up for what is right, the Lord is on our side. Controversy doesn’t thwart Him, and it certainly cannot surprise Him. He will give us the strength needed to be bold, courageous and strong.” Mother Theresa knew firsthand what it felt like to be booed, rejected and threatened because she was willing to say what was unpopular. When she was asked how it felt she simply said “I offered it to our Lord. It’s all for Him, no? I let Him say what He wants…we must tell the truth.”(Courage under Fire)

We have a choice in life. We can both not say anything and make everyone around us not feel uncomfortable around us (All the while the truth is eating us up inside) or we can speak the truth in love. The article ended with something that really made me think. It ended with “Like Paul and Mother Theresa, we must not be afraid to speak up when it’s the right thing to do. Opposition will scare us, and fear will attempt to silence us – but we can remember that the Lord will be our courage under fire.” The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. The Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.
