
Saturday, January 21, 2012

America / Rick Santorum robbed by Iowa GOP and Media

January 21, 2012
Rick Santorum was robbed by the Iowa GOP and the Elite News Media

The Republican Establishment/Elite now have the Republican Presidential race they want, former Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Governor Mitt Romney; but the person who could have been the frontrunner in this race now was robbed of the legitimate momentum he should have gotten out of a stunning upset, grass-roots, come from behind victory in Iowa, former Senator Rick Santorum.

He won of January 3, 2012 in Iowa; but we did not know that until January 19, 2012, two days before the South Carolina Primary and nine days after the NH Primary. It is undeniable that the race would be different if Senator Santorum’s victory was known before New Hampshire voted. The surge he would have received would have changed the race. The vote undeniably would have been different in New Hampshire.

The number of candidates in the race could have changed even more quickly, and the surging fund-raising and poll numbers in South Carolina for Speaker Gingrich may never have happened. Governor Perry might have suspended his campaign before New Hampshire. Governor Huntsman might have suspended his campaign on January 11, 2012, with no ticket to ride south. Governor Palin and Governor Perry might well have endorsed Senator Santorum, or at least not endorsed Speaker Gingrich before South Carolina.

The evangelicals in Texas would have supported Senator Santorum on the first ballot last weekend, if they hadn’t come out for him even before NH. Speaker Gingrich would not have had the night he did at the Myrtle Beach debate.

All of the last sixteen days would have been different and Senator Santorum’s blue collar background would have been juxtaposed against Governor Romney’s blue blood past.

The Piers Morgan interview with Senator Santorum, his brilliant wife Karen and some of their children on January 20, 2012 was a stunning interview. I don't support many of Senator Santorum's positions but he came across, as did his wonderful family, as genuine, hard-working, fair minded, believing in something, and SO Much better than Governor Romney and Speaker Gingrich for our country. He is not part of the elite as Governor Romney is and he is not so polarizing as Speaker Gingrich is.

He should have gotten a huge bounce from actually winning Iowa which was denied him by the false results. The attacks by Alan Colmes about their son Gabriel were distractions in Iowa.

And even the question by John King at the debate on January 19, 2012, asking Speaker Gingrich if he wanted to respond to the allegations by his ex-wife, gave Gingrich more momentum.

As Rachel Maddow opined late this week, that was an incredibly softball version of the line of questioning that could have been used with Speaker Gingrich, about his utter hypocrisy of his affair while he was attacking President Clinton, etc.

That surge by Gingrich because of his second red-meat attack on the media elite in two debates was right when Santorum should have had some for the James Dobson endorsement and the Iowa win.

Even the belated announcement of the Iowa win was ham-handed and wasn’t completely resolved until the 20th.

January 19, 2012 updated January 21, 2012
earlier poem, “A vote of conscience”
January 2, 2012
Iowa Caucuses, January 3, 2012
and New Hampshire Primary, January 10, 2012
All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.
See all 14,920+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Completely agree with you, and am wondering why this arguement isn't getting more national play. Iowa should be punished for the disaterous Republican caucus. What a shame. Santorum would have won SC with the Iowa win. Hope he fares better in Florida.
