
Saturday, February 03, 2018

Did Christ pray this prayer? – v2

this moment is a paradox
the Lord’s Prayer Christ taught us
like John’s words at the Jordan
asking Christ to wash himself
not believing that the Lord
should be baptized by him.

we call this the Lord’s Prayer
the prayer that Christ taught us;
but did Christ pray this prayer
or was this a teaching only
because this prayer speaks of food
of our needs, our bodies?

this prayer asks for forgiveness
of our sins, our rebellion;
but did Christ have to pray
for food, for forgiveness,
had He sinned in this life
on His faith journey?

edited February 3, 2018
Did Christ pray this prayer? – v2

February 3, 2018
Did Christ pray this prayer?
February 3, 2018
searching for God
February 3, 2018
the food we need
edited February 2, 2018
forgiven of sin – v2
edited February 2, 2018
forgiveness of sin – v3
edited February 2, 2018
forgiveness of sin – v2
edited/ renamed February 2, 2018
forgiveness of sin
February 2, 2018
forgiven of sin
edited February 2, 2018
haunted by demons – v2
February 2, 2018
haunted by demons
edited February 2, 2018
stalked by our demons – v2
February 2, 2018
stalked by our demons
edited February 1, 2018
Help me to Forgive them – v3
(changing the order of the stanzas)
edited February 1, 2018
Help me to Forgive them – v2
edited/new name January 30, 2018
I have seen God at work
January 30, 2018
I have seen God working
edited/change name January 30, 2018
Help me to forgive them
January 30, 2018
help me forgive them
January 30, 2018
Forgive us, oh Lord
edited/new name January 29, 2018
Forgive us for what we have done wrong
January 29, 2018
For what we have done wrong
January 29, 2018
God is in our days
January 29, 2018
God is in our minutes
January 29, 2018
God is in everything
January 29, 2018
those who have wronged us
January 29, 2018
we must forgive them
January 29, 2018
we forgive them
edited/change name January 28, 2018
Forgive me, I pray
January 28, 2018
Forgive us, we pray
January 28, 2018
talking with God – 2 – v2
January 28, 2018
Curling up in God’s lap
January 28, 2018
Stetson Memorial UMC
Week 3
Sermon Series:
Lord…Teach Us To Pray
What are we really asking and praying for…?
Psalm 62:1-8 (Complete Jewish Bible)
Matthew 6:11-12 (Complete Jewish Bible)
Matthew 6:9-13 (Complete Jewish Bible)
“The Lord’s Prayer”
and sermon “Providing Forgiveness…”
and baptism of Steve Tremblay, Jr.
by Pastor Ruth Foss
sermon blog
meditation blog
“God’s Whisper” blog
Children’s Message
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
January 28, 2018
January 28, 2018
we bring down God’s kingdom
January 28, 2018
awesome and intimate
January 28, 2018
Drawing near to Daddy
January 28, 2018
God’s name shall be Holy
January 28, 2018
we must honor God
God cannot lie
January 28, 2018
God has promised
January 28, 2018
God is the One and Only Father
January 28, 2018
This is our Father
January 28, 2018
God gave us the breath of life
January 28, 2018
God would not harm us
January 28, 2018
God will never harm us
January 28, 2018
the never-ending love of God
January 28, 2018
meaning within these words
January 28, 2018
our daily bread - 2
edited January 28, 2018
bread for today – v2
January 28, 2018
bread for today
January 27, 2018
we praise God Almighty – v2
January 27, 2018
the intimacy of Christ
January 27, 2018
talking to God
January 27, 2018
God’s name is mercy
January 27, 2018
God’s name is righteousness
January 27, 2018
God cannot harm us
January 27, 2018
we hallow the name of God
January 27, 2018
every word with meaning
edited January, 27, 2018
harken to God
changing tense
January 27, 2018
harkening to God
January 27, 2018
bowing in reverent prayer
January 27, 2018
sharing our life with God
January 27, 2018
hearing the prayer we offer
January 27, 2018
we are starving in the desert
January 27, 2018
we are lost in the wilderness
edited/ new name January 27, 2018
we remember what God has done
January 27, 2018
remembering what God has done
edited January 27, 2018
we remember who God is – v2
January 27, 2018
we remember who God is
January 27, 2018
we praise God Almighty
January 27, 2019
with the brush of the artist
edited January 26, 2018
painting with light – v3
edited January 26, 2018
painting with light – v2
January 26, 2018
painting with light
creation scripture
Genesis 1:1-5
Genesis 1:1-19
runner scripture
Psalm 19:4-5
“In the heavens he has set a tent for the sun,
which comes out like a bridegroom from his wedding canopy,
and like a strong man runs its course with joy.”
painting Facebook post – Pastor Ruth Foss
1/26/18 6:17am
“By the way…
nice sunrise…
I Love to watch you paint…”
January 15, 2018
edited January 26, 2018
God is our Daddy – v2
January 26, 2018
God is our Daddy
edited January 25, 2018
Hallowing God’s name – v3
edited January 26, 2018
Hallowing God’s name – v2
January 25, 2018
Hallowing God’s name
January 25, 2018
we proclaim the holiness of God
edited January 25, 2018
whispering the Lord’s Prayer – v2
edited January 25, 2018
breathing the Lord’s Prayer – v2
edited/new name January 25, 2018
breathing the Lord’s Prayer
edited/new name January 25, 2018
whispering the Lord’s Prayer
edited/merged January 25, 2018
whispering to our Abba Father – v2
two instances of poems
with the same title
January 25, 2018
whispering to our Abba Father - 2
#whispering the #LordsPrayer to our #Abba #Father #God
#Christ #Spirit #Faith #grace #poem #prayer #prayerlife #pray #journey #hope #love #joy #Matthew6 #Psalm62 #prayerwarrior #worship #glory #peace #relationship #believe  #mercy #bread #hallowed #kingdom
edited January 25, 2018
seated in the lap of God – v2
January 24, 2018
talking with God - 2
January 24, 2018
these words we pray
January 24, 2018
spreading God’s ripples
January 23, 2018
we can hear God’s heartbeat
January 23, 2018
our breath of life
extract January 23, 2018
God is our Father – 2
January 23, 2018
God’s breath birthed us
stanza 1
stanza 2
stanza 3
edited January 22, 2018
the intimacy of Christ’s prayer – v2
edited/ new name January 22, 2018
climbing up into our Daddy’s lap
edited January 22, 2018
whispering to our Daddy – v2
edited January 22, 2018
hearing these words – 2 – v2
January 22, 2018
hearing these words - 2
January 22, 2018
within the prayer of Jesus
edited January 22, 2018
whispering our prayers to Daddy – v2
January 22, 2018
whispering our prayers to Daddy
edited/ new name January 22, 2018
climbing up into God’s lap
January 22, 2018
climbing up into His lap
January 21, 2018
teaching us His prayer
January 21, 2018
seated in the lap of God
January 21, 2018
the intimacy of Christ’s prayer
edited/ new name/ reworked January 21, 2018
whispering to our Abba Father
January 21, 2018
whispering to our Daddy
January 21, 2018
praying from the lap of God
edited January 21, 2018
feeling every single word – v2
January 21, 2018
listening to the prayer we offer
January 21, 2018
feeling every single word
January 21, 2018
not my own words but God’s words
January 21, 2018
needing to feel our prayers
January 21, 2018
our prayers become meaningless
January 21, 2018
pray like this
January 21, 2018
meaning in these words
edited January 21, 2018
enter the Father - v2
January 21, 2018
enter in with God
January 21, 2018
Come to Abba
January 21, 2018
enter the Father
January 21, 2018
Stetson Memorial UMC
Week 2
Sermon Series:
Lord…Teach Us To Pray
What are we really asking and praying for…?
Psalm 62:1-2, 5-8 (Complete Jewish Bible)
Matthew 6:9-10 (Complete Jewish Bible)
Matthew 6:9-13 (Complete Jewish Bible)
“The Lord’s Prayer”
and sermon “Abba’s Kingdom…”
by Pastor Ruth Foss
sermon blog
meditation blog
“God’s Whisper” blog
Children’s Message
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
January 21, 2018
January 15, 2018
the words familiar
January 15, 2018
each word a prayer
edited/ new name January 15, 2018
dripping with meaning
January 15, 2018
every word - 2
January 15, 2018
the words we pray
January 15, 2018
This is how you should pray
January 15, 2018
The reddest of letters
the idea of a “Red-Letter Bible”,
with the words of Jesus in red
January 14, 2018
praying with these words
January 14, 2018
just mouthing these words
January 14, 2018
Save us from the Devil
January 14, 2018
protect us from evil
Luke 11:4c
(John) Wesley’s Notes on the Bible
Luke 11
11:1 Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples - The Jewish masters used to give their followers some short form of prayer, as a peculiar badge of their relation to them. This it is probable John the Baptist had done. And in this sense it seems to be that the disciples now asked Jesus, to teach them to pray. Accordingly he here repeats that form, which he had before given them in his sermon on the mount, and likewise enlarges on the same head, though still speaking the same things in substance. And this prayer uttered from the heart, and in its true and full meaning, is indeed the badge of a real Christian: for is not he such whose first and most ardent desire is the glory of God, and the happiness of man by the coming of his kingdom? Who asks for no more of this world than his daily bread, longing meantime for the bread that came down from heaven? And whose only desires for himself is forgiveness of sins, (as he heartily forgives others,) and sanctification.
11:2 When ye pray, say - And what he said to them is undoubtedly said to us also. We are therefore here directed, not only to imitate this in all our prayers, but to use this very form of prayer. Matthew 6:9-13.
11:4 Forgive us; for we forgive them - Not once, but continually. This does not denote the meritorious cause of our pardon; but the removal of that hindrance which otherwise would render it impossible.
January 14, 2018
starting with God
Luke 11:2b
“Father, hallowed be your name.” (NRSV)
edited January 14, 2018
praying daily – v2
January 14, 2018
praying daily
January 13, 2018
we breathe in His prayers
January 13, 2018
teach us, Lord Jesus
January 13, 2018
submit to Christ’s teaching
January 13, 2018
do you just mouth the words
January 13, 2018
in prayer, in trust, in submission
January 13, 2018
modeling prayer
January 14, 2018
Stetson Memorial UMC
Sermon Series:
Lord…Teach Us To Pray
What are we really asking and praying for…?
Luke 11:1-4 (The Voice)
“The Lord’s Prayer”
 Matthew 6:9-13 (King James Version)
“The Lord’s Prayer”
Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18 (Complete Jewish Bible)
1 Chronicles 4:10
“Prayer of Jabez”
Number 6:24-26
“Nate’s Theology Quiz”

and sermon “Lord Teach Us to Pray…”

by Pastor Ruth Foss
sermon blog
meditation blog
“God’s Whisper” blog
Children’s Message

by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
January 14, 2018

All of my poems, photographs, and videos are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. All rights are reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss ( for usage. See all 46,170+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Christ, Spirit, God, Faith, love, grace, Pastor Ruth Foss, Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church, bread, hope, journey, Psalm 139, Luke 11, pray, prayer, prayer warrior, Lord’s Prayer,

#Christ #God #Spirit #Faith #grace #poem #prayer #prayerlife #pray #journey #hope #love #joy #Luke11 #Psalm139 #prayerwarrior #LordsPrayer #worship #glory #peace #communion #relationship #believe #petitions #compassion #mercy #bread #hallowed #kingdom


Christ, Spirit, God, Faith, love, grace, Pastor Ruth Foss, Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church, bread, hope, journey, Psalm 62, Matthew 6, pray, prayer, prayer warrior, Lord’s Prayer, Abba, Father

#Christ #God #Spirit #Faith #grace #poem #prayer #prayerlife #pray #journey #hope #love #joy #Matthew6 #Psalm62 #prayerwarrior #LordsPrayer #worship #glory #peace #relationship #believe #compassion #mercy #bread #hallowed #kingdom #Abba #Father


Christ, Spirit, God, Faith, love, grace, Pastor Ruth Foss, Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church, hope, journey, Psalm 62, Matthew 6, pray, prayer, Lord’s Prayer, Abba, Forgiveness, forgive, trust,

#Christ #God #Spirit #Faith #grace #poem #prayer #pray #journey #hope #love #joy #Matthew6 #Psalm62 #prayerwarrior #LordsPrayer #worship #glory #peace #relationship #compassion #mercy #bread #hallowed #kingdom #Abba #Father #forgiveness #forgive

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