
Saturday, September 28, 2019

forgiven by our Savior

we rise from the dust, the ashes
from the moment of judgment
surrounded by their stones
forgiven by our Savior
His compassion for us
raised by His mercy
changed forever
by God’s love
by His grace

edited September 28, 2019
forgiven by our Savior

edited September 28, 2019
forgiven by the Savior – v2
March 25, 2019
forgiven by the Savior
March 25, 2019
the charges against them
March 25, 2019
writing their sin
March 25, 2019
ready to stone her
John 8:1-11
March 24, 2019
the mortar of His blood
March 24, 2019
mortared by His blood
March 24, 2019
gather more stones
March 24, 2019
real confession
March 24, 2019
admit our failure
March 16, 2019
8AM Live
part 12 of series – Epic Failures – woman caught in adultery
by Pastor Ruth Foss
sermon blog
8AM Live
meditation blog
“God’s Whisper” blog
March 23, 2019
joined as rocks together
March 23, 2019
upon this rock – 3
March 23, 2019
shaping his rock to be the foundation
March 23, 2019
building  the church
March 23, 2019
a piece of the rock, of the church
March 23, 2019
I want to gouge my eyes out
March 23, 2019
after seeing the hurt in Jesus’ eyes
March 23, 2019
wanting to gouge my eyes out
March 23, 2019
pain in the eyes of Jesus - 2
March 23, 2019
Peter rebuked Jesus
March 23, 2019
when the cock crowed
March 23, 2019
Peter walked on water
March 23, 2019
Peter spoke the name of Jesus, his identity
March 23, 2019
what were you thinking
March 23, 2019
oh really, Job…
March 23, 2019
the failures of David
March 23, 2019
Gideon became a warrior
March 23, 2019
making something beautiful of our broken pieces
March 23, 2019
makes things whole
March 23, 2019
and it can’t be fixed
March 23, 2019
this is my life
March 23, 2019
God makes something beautiful
March 23, 2019
God picks up our broken pieces
“Makes Things Whole” scene (broken glass made into an angel)
from the movie, “Joshua”
March 23, 2019
you’re not a failure
March 23, 2019
don’t believe their lies
March 22, 2019
submitting to God’s will
March 22, 2019
arguing with God - 2
March 22, 2019
blessings lavished upon him
March 22, 2019
God poured out a blessing
March 22, 2019
restored to God
March 22, 2019
challenging God
March 22, 2019
why questions – 2
March 22, 2019
the repentance of Job
March 22, 2019
the trials of Job
March 20, 2019
do what God tells us to do
March 20, 2019
giving in to his flesh – v2
(shortened to fit on Twitter)
March 20, 2019
giving in to his flesh
March 20, 2019
beating the world out of him
March 19, 2019
are you within the whale
March 19, 2019
are you stepping off the cliff
March 19, 2019
are you running from Nineveh
March 19, 2019
our belly of the whale moments
March 19, 2019
stepping off the cliff
March 19, 2019
step off the cliff
March 19, 2019
don’t withhold your obedience
March 19, 2019
follow God now
March 18, 2019
obey God’s will
March 18, 2019
angry because God is merciful
March 18, 2019
a reluctant prophet
March 19, 2019
within the belly of the whale
March 18, 2019
but I don’t like Nineveh
March 18, 2019
I ain’t doin it
March 18, 2019
God walks with us - 2
March 18, 2019
believing the lies of the devil
March 18, 2019
listening to Satan
March 18, 2019
Satan winning
March 17, 2019
he fell prey to the world
March 17, 2019
redeemed by God
March 17, 2019
the wisdom of Solomon
March 17, 2019
he knew his sin – v2
March 17, 2019
he knew his sin
March 17, 2019
the builder of the temple
March 17, 2019
worshiping other gods - 2
March 17, 2019
not remaining pure
March 17, 2019
separated from God - 3
March 17, 2019
tempted by the world
March 17, 2019
a righteous judge – 2
March 17, 2019
wisdom not enough
March 16, 2019
Solomon, son of David
edited March 16, 2019
not one of us is perfect - 2
March 16, 2019
no one is perfect
March 16, 2019
we can be used by God
March 16, 2019
we label ourselves failures
March 16, 2019
God uses the broken
2March 16, 2019
in our brokenness - 2
March 16, 2019
admit your brokenness
edited March 16, 2019
used by God
March 16, 2019
March 16, 2019
within his own house
March 15, 2019
a consequence
March 15, 2019
March 15, 2019
a man after God’s heart
March 15, 2019
8AM Live
part 11 of series – Epic Failures – Peter
by Pastor Ruth Foss
March 14, 2019
8AM Live
part 10 of series – Epic Failures – Job
by Pastor Ruth Foss
March 13, 2019
8AM Live
part 9 of series – Epic Failures – Jonah
by Pastor Ruth Foss
March 12, 2019
8AM Live
part 8 of series – Epic Failures – Solomon
by Pastor Ruth Foss
March 11, 2019
8AM Live
part 7 of series – Epic Failures – David
by Pastor Ruth Foss
March 10, 2019
8AM Live
part 6 of series – Epic Failures – Samson
by Pastor Ruth Foss
March 9, 2019
8AM Live
part 5 of series – Epic Failures – Aaron and Miriam
by Pastor Ruth Foss
March 8, 2019
8AM Live
part 4 of series – Epic Failures - Moses
by Pastor Ruth Foss
March 7, 2019
8AM Live
part 3 of series – Epic Failures - Jacob
by Pastor Ruth Foss
March 6, 2019
8AM Live
part 2 of series – Epic Failures - Abraham
by Pastor Ruth Foss
March 5, 2019
8AM Live
part 1 of series – Epic Failures
Colossian 1:13-14
Matthew 20:1-16
by Pastor Ruth Foss

All of my poems, photographs, and videos are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. All rights are reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss ( for usage. See all 52,130 of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Christ, Spirit, God, Faith, love, grace, poem, prayer, Pastor Ruth Foss, purpose, disciples, known, healing, mercy, epic failures, failures, faithful, servants,

#Jesus #Christ #God #Spirit #Faith #love #grace #poem #prayer #hope #disciples #calling #purpose #known #touch #healing #hymns #praise #vine #abide #epicfailures #failures #servants 

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