
Friday, June 26, 2015

listening to the people of the earth – v4

we need to still ourselves
to step out of our own experience
our perspective on our collective history
we need to listen quietly, within this circle,
to feel God’s Spirit washing over us
listening to the people of the earth
those who have lived here on Turtle Island

for their wisdom for us, their truth,
to hear their message, of harm, of hope,
of the breach we have created
as the people of the book
as people within history
of conquest and subjugation
of native people, of others

tearing at the pages
of the ancient book, God’s grace,
the hope that they had held
at the very beginning of our coming
here to Turtle Island
hoping to share in the love
of our God, the one who created

edited June 26, 2015
listening to the people of the earth – v4

(editing version 3)
edited June 25, 2015
listening to the people of the earth – v3
(merging edits to original and version 2)
edited June 25, 2015
a word of healing – v2
edited June 24, 2015
listening to the people of the earth –v2
June 24, 2015
listening to the people of the earth
edited June 24, 2015
gathering mud – v2
June 24, 2015
gathering mud
 (adding other tags for creation story cross-reference)
Bible Study – Inspired by the Word
(on other creation stories)
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
June 23, 2015
June 23, 2015
may we be tied, united
June 23, 2015
may we be tied
June 23, 2015
living stones – 2
June 23, 2015
part of the body, of the circle
June 23, 2015
healing the breach
June 23, 2015
picking up the pieces
June 23, 2015
like a glass plate shattered
June 23, 2015
retying the threads
June 23, 2015
shooting within the circle
edited June 23, 2015
Together within this Circle – v2
June 22, 2015
We pray for our sisters, our brothers
@dreamUMC #dreamumc tweetup on Charleston shooting
June 22, 2015
June 22, 2015, typo corrected June 23, 2015
together within this circle
June 22, 2015
Come Holy Spirit
New England Conference of United Methodist Church
Annual Conference 2015 (#NEAC15)
worship guides
NEUMC Photos
my photos
Worship Director Marcia McFee
Guest Preacher Bishop Gregory Palmer
Guest Preacher Thom White Wolf Fassett
COMMENTARY: 2012 Act of Repentance of The United Methodist Church
Recap of Thursday sessions
Act of Repentance
by Pat Warrior Woman Parent
Recap of Friday sessions
extract of sermon
Bishop Palmer
Recap of Saturday sessions
bible study on Luke 10 (Good Samaritan)
led by Bishop Palmer
Laity Address
by Janet O’Neill
opening prayer for morning session on Saturday, 6/20/15 

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 38,020+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

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