
Saturday, June 10, 2017

a hush came to the room – 2 – v2

This was toxic
a moment frozen
in resin, in judgment
the look on their faces

They heard their stares
a hush that surrounded
that filled the room
as they tried to enter

They were not welcome
that was evident
rejected for the outside
what the others suspected

A hush came to the room
before their harsh judgment
the looks like daggers
cutting her to the quick

edited June 10, 2017
a hush came to the room – 2 – v2

May 28, 2017
a hush came to the room - 2
May 14, 2017
a hush came to the room
edited June 10, 2017
maybe this one is different – v2
edited June 10, 2017
maybe we should go – v2
edited June 10, 2017
Hope began to weep – v2
edited June 9, 2017
a moment of choice – v2
edited June 8, 2017
even a moment of acceptance – v2
edited June 8, 2017
how fearless Joy was – v2
edited June 8, 2017
what we do with our fear – v2
edited June 8, 2017
stand for others – v2
edited June 8, 2017
fear is a sickness – v2
edited June 8, 2017
He died so we would not fear – v2
edited June 7, 2017
fear grips our throat – v2
edited June 7, 2017
are we denying Christ – v2
edited June 7, 2017
are we denying Christ
edited June 7, 2017
are we denying Jesus – v2
edited June 7, 2017
if we let fear control our lives – v2
edited June 7, 2017
the sickness of fear – v2
edited June 4, 2017
if Hope came through our door – v2
June 4, 2017
Stetson Memorial UMC
Pentecost Sunday!
Part 7 of Sermon Series:
“Mending Fences-Healing the Heart…”
“Healing Trust”
Adapted from Marcia McPhee’
“On the Mend” Sermon Series
Psalm 104:24-35
Mark 10:13-16 MSG
Luke 24:44-53 MSG
Acts 2:1-13; 38-42 The Message (MSG)
invitation to communion and Great Thanksgiving
and sermon “Trust…”
video and text:
extract of part 7 of the girl’s story; to the river, to the hospital
-          main part
-          ending of sermon
by Pastor Ruth Foss
sermon blog
meditation blog
“God’s Whisper” blog
Children’s Message
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
June 4, 2017
edited June 4, 2017
we were talking – v2
edited June 4, 2017
she will come through our doors – v2
June 4, 2017
Gifts come from God – v2
June 4, 2017
pulling together – v4
edited June 4, 2017
we don’t listen – v2
edited June 4, 2017
we don’t know their story – v2
edited June 4,2017
when Christ enters – v2
edited June 4, 2017
don’t judge them by your story – v2
edited June 4, 2017
working together – v2
edited June 3, 2017
each story is different – v2
edited June 3, 2017
Hope’s Story – v2
edited June 3, 2017
Joy’s Story – v2
edited June 3, 2017
a story of Grace – 2 – v2
edited June 3, 2017
perfecting our faith – v2
edited June 3, 2017
seeking an answer – v2
edited June 3, 2017
just be present with them – v2
edited June 3, 2017
never outside her bubble – v2
edited June 3, 2017
tearing at us – v2
edited June 3, 2017
forces from within – v2
edited June 2, 2017
pulling together – v3
edited June 2, 2017
pulling together – v2
June 2, 2017
pulling together
June 2, 2017
tearing at us
June 2, 2017
forces from within
edited June 2, 2017
forces from the outside – v3
edited June 2, 2017
her illusion was shattered – v2
June 1, 2017
her illusion was shattered
June 1, 2017
never outside her bubble
edited June 1, 2017
if Christ were to enter – v2
edited June 1, 2017
they each were broken – v3
June 1, 2017
just be present with them
edited June 1, 2017
each of our stories are different – v2
edited May 31, 2017
each of our stories are different
May 30, 2017
seeking an answer
May 30, 2017
perfecting our Faith
May 30, 2017
a story of Grace - 2
May 30, 2017
Joy’s Story
May 30, 2017
Hope’s Story
May 30, 2017
each story is different
May 30, 2017
working together
May 30, 2017
don’t judge them by your story
May 29, 2017
when Christ enters
edited May 29, 2017
forces from the outside – v2
May 29, 2017
forces from the outside
May 29, 2017
we don’t know their story
May 29, 2017
we don’t listen
May 29, 2017
Gifts come from God
May 29, 2017
she will come through our doors
May 29, 2017
we were talking
May 29, 2017
if Christ were to enter
May 29, 2017
if Hope came through our door
May 29, 2017
the sickness of fear
May 29, 2017
if we let fear control our lives
May 29, 2017
are we denying Jesus
edited May 29, 2017
This is our Promised Land – v3
Memorial Day
May 29, 2017
he died so we would not fear
May 29, 2017
fear grips our throat
edited May 29, 2017
this is our promised land – v2
Memorial Day
May 29, 2017
this is our promised land
Memorial Day
May 28, 2017
stand for others
May 28, 2017
what we do with our fear
May 28, 2017
how fearless Joy was
May 28, 2017
fear is a sickness
May 28, 2017
even a moment of acceptance
May 28, 2017
a moment of choice
May 28, 2017
maybe we should go
May 28, 2017
a hush came to the room - 2
May 28, 2017
Stetson Memorial UMC
Part 6 of Sermon Series:
 “Mending Fences-Healing the Heart…”
“Healing Division”
Adapted from Marcia McPhee’
“On the Mend” Sermon Series
Psalm 66:8-20
Mark 9:38-50 MSG
1Corinthians 1:10-13a (TLB)
1 Corinthians 3:1-9 (NLT)
and sermon “Out Goes Y.O.U.…”
video and text:
extract of part 6 of the girl’s story; Joy talking to Grace, finding Hope
-          main part
-          ending of sermon
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Children’s Message
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
May 28, 2017
May 26, 2017
overturning their tables
Matthew 21:12-13
May 26, 2017
she stood up for a stranger
May 26, 2017
Hope was floored
May 26, 2017
she stood in the breach
edited May 26, 2017
her reality challenged – v2
May 26, 2017
Hope began to weep
May 25, 2017
her reality challenged
May 25, 2017
she lived her life different
edited May 25, 2017
she was shocked – v2
May 25, 2017
she was shocked
May 24, 2017
she was shattered
May 24, 2017
we are brittle
May 24, 2017
I apologize
edited May 24, 2017
none of us is perfect – v2
edited May 24, 2017
deliver me from their hands – v2
edited May 24, 2017
Joy needed Hope – v2
May 24, 2017
shut up and listen
May 24, 2017
we must listen
May 24, 2017
will joy push away hope
May 24, 2017
we need to listen - 3
May 24, 2017
how will Joy respond
edited May 24, 2017
what will Joy do – v3
edited May 24, 2017
what will Joy do – v2
May 23, 2017
what will Joy do
edited May 22, 2017
are we too busy serving – v2
May 22, 2017
are we too busy serving
May 22, 2017
none of us is perfect
May 22, 2017
maybe too proud
edited May 22, 2017
whose faith is greater
May 22, 2017
whose faith was greater
May 21, 2017
opening her eyes
May 21, 2017
an offer of healing
May 21, 2017
are we too proud
May 21, 2017
Oh Honey… You need a reality check
May 21, 2017
Bursting Her Bubble
May 21, 2017
sharing the truth of her history
May 21, 2017
She asked but she didn’t listen
May 21, 2017
Did she listen
May 21, 2017
Did she hear her
May 21, 2017
Stetson Memorial UMC
5th service of12-week Sermon Series:
“Mending Fences-Healing the Heart…”
Adapted from Marcia McPhee’
“On the Mend” Sermon Series
“Healing Pride”
Psalm 66:8-20
Mark 9:30-37
Proverbs 16:18-19
Philippians 2:1-4
James 4:6-10
and Sermon, “Pride Cometh Before…”
video and text:
extract of part 5 of the girl’s story; leaving the diner, walking
-          main part
-          ending of sermon
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Children’s Message
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
May 21, 2017
edited May 21, 2017
Hope stood there waiting – v2
May 21, 2017
Hope stood there waiting
May 20, 2017
healed by Christ Jesus
May 20, 2017
stopping at nothing
May 20, 2017
advocating for change
edited May 20, 2017
But we all are broken – v2
May 19, 2017
talking through our pain
May 19, 2017
But we all are broken
May 17, 2017
afraid of what they might see
merged May 16, 2017
what exactly was that
quote from 5/7/17 sermon:
“She thought that if only someone would
actually look past her exterior they would
finally see her for who she was…
but what exactly was that?”
May 16, 2017
what would they see
May 16, 2017
would they see her
May 16, 2017
they looked away
May 16, 2017
will we let hope in
May 15, 2017
fear for fear’s sake
May 15, 2017
fear of the unknown - 2
May 15, 2017
if we change
May 15, 2017
if we dwell on our fears
May 15, 2017
a window on her world
May 15, 2017
the room suddenly became silent
May 14, 2017
this was familiar
May 14, 2017
they were ignored
May 14, 2017
a hush came to the room
May 14, 2017
the benefit of status
May 14, 2017
she was facing judgement
May 14, 2017
edited May 14, 2017
name your fears – v2
May 14, 2017
name your fears
May 14, 2017
deliver me from their hands
May 14, 2017
save me from the snares
May 14, 2017
be my fortress
May 14, 2017
Mother’s Day
Stetson Memorial UMC
4th service of12-week Sermon Series:
“Mending Fences-Healing the Heart…”
Adapted from Marcia McPhee’
“On the Mend” Sermon Series
“Healing Fears”
Psalm 31:1-5. 15-16
Mark 8:24-38
and Sermon, “There is nothing to fear but fear itself”
video and text:
extract of part 4 of the girl’s story; when at the diner
main section
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Children’s Message
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
May 14, 2017
Mother’s Day
May 14, 2017
bringing a smile to God’s face
May 13, 2017
Can we see Hope
May 14, 2017
God sees Hope – v2
May 14, 2017
God sees Hope – v1
May 13, 2017
our intentions may be good
May 13, 2017
we bring baggage to the table
edited May 13, 2017
Hope, we need you
(editing “Please come back”)
edited May 13, 2017
they plotted to kill Christ
May 13, 2017
our Master loved them
May 13, 2017
Christ exposed their fraud
May 13, 2017
this interloper, this outsider
May 13, 2017
they plotted to kill him
May 13, 2017
Christ was a threat
May 13, 2017
tearing down their walls
May 13, 2017
breaking their rules
May 13, 2017
Christ loved them where they were
May 13, 2017
What is hurting -2
edited May 13, 2017
they each were broken – v2
edited May 13, 2017
they needed each other – v2
edited/ renamed May 12, 2017
they needed each other
May 12, 2017
they each were broken
May 12, 2017
being a target
May 12, 2017
afraid to speak up
edited/merged May 11, 2017
Hope needed Joy – v2
May 11, 2017
Hope needed Joy
May 11, 2017
Joy needed Hope
May 11, 2017
maybe this one is different
May 11, 2017
Hope felt rejected
May 11, 2017
Hope had left the circle
May 11, 2017
Hope wandered alone
May 11, 2017
Hope wandered through the streets
May 7, 2017
The Son of God washed their feet
May 7, 2017
Stetson Memorial UMC
3rd service of12-week Sermon Series:
“Mending Fences-Healing the Heart…”
Adapted from Marcia McPhee’
“On the Mend” Sermon Series
“Healing Inhibitions”
Psalm 23
Mark 7:24-37
and Sermon, “Live Life Abandon!. . . ”
video and text:
extract of part 3 of the girl’s story; when Joy met Hope
by Pastor Ruth Foss
invitation to communion and Great Thanksgiving
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Children’s Message
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
May 7, 2017
May 7, 2017
what is our intention
May 6, 2017
do we offer them Jesus
May 6, 2017
why would she come back
May 6, 2017
how can we bring them home
May 6, 2017
I weep for the empty spaces
edited May 6, 2017
you honor me with your words – v2
edited May 6, 2017
please forgive us – v2
May 6, 2017
please forgive us
May 6, 2017
are we genuine
edited May 5, 2017
the questions burning within her – v2
edited May 5, 2017
may we be made whole – v2
May 5, 2017
may we be made whole
edited May 5, 2017
may we feast – v2
May 5, 2017
at the table you have prepared – v2
May 5, 2017
at the table you have prepared
May 5, 2017
may we sit with our enemies
May 5, 2017
may we feast
Psalm 23:5-6
Psalm 23:1-6
Matthew 5:43-48
Luke 10:25-37
The Upper Room Disciplines for 2017
“Led by the Divine Shepherd”
May 1, 2017 to May 7, 2017
by Diane Luton Blum
devotion for May 5, 2017
read May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
Please come back – v2
May 5, 2017
Please come back
May 4, 2017
the questions burning within her
May 4, 2017
where is our work
edited May 4, 2017
like a jar of alabaster – v2
edited May 4, 2017
she broke herself open – v2
edited May 3, 2017
a safe place to be broken – 2
May 3, 2017
a safe place to be open
edited May 3, 2017
will Hope find answers
May 3, 2017
will she find answers
May 3, 2017
when Hope asked her questions
edited May 3, 2017
held within her hands
edited May 3, 2017
like a jar of alabaster
May 3, 2017
she broke herself open
May 3, 2017
she left with her questions unanswered
May 3, 2017
a real faith
May 3, 2017
we are all broken - 3
May 2, 2017
Her name is Hope
edited May 2, 2017
let go – v3
edited May 2, 2017
let go – v2
May 2, 2017
let go
edited May 2, 2017
sap the power – v2
edited May 2, 2017
sap the power
May 2, 2017
name the hurt
April 30, 2017
you obey human teaching
edited April 30, 2017
you remain distant
April 30, 2017
you honor me with your words
edited April 30, 2017
will we make a place for Hope
April 30, 2017
will we make a space for her
April 30, 2017
Stetson Memorial UMC
2nd service of12-week Sermon Series:
“Mending Fences-Healing the Heart…”
Adapted from Marcia McPhee’
“On the Mend” Sermon Series
“Healing Intentions”
Psalm 116:1-4; 12-19
Mark 7:1-8; 14-15; 21-23 (MSG)
and Sermon, “Why Did I Say…”
extract of part 2 of the girl’s story; the girl’s name is Hope.
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Children’s Message
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
April 30, 2017
April 30, 2017
where will her story lead us
April 27, 2017
have we given her a reason to come
April 27, 2017
I have heard this story
April 27, 2017
will she come through our doors
April 27, 2017
may we prayerfully come together – v2
April 27, 2017
may we prayerfully come together
April 27, 2017
in her eyes
April 26, 2017
she could be anyone
April 26, 2017
do you know her story
April 26, 2017
have you walked this journey
April 25, 2017
may we offer her welcome
edited April 24, 2017
she was afraid to talk – v2
April 24, 2017
she was afraid to talk
edited April 24, 2017
she has reason to be wary
(editing “she has scar tissue”)
April 24, 2017
what is in need of mending
April 24, 2017
what drives them away
April 24, 2017
what is hurting
April 24, 2017
what ails us
April 23, 2017
they don’t really know her
April 23, 2017
she has scar tissue
April 23, 2017
she carried baggage
edited April 23, 2017
she is still looking – v2
edited April 23, 2017
how can we be that family
edited April 23, 2017
are we that people
April 23, 2017
can we be that place
April 23, 2017
she is still looking
edited April 23, 2017
they were invested
April 23, 2017
they were persistent
edited April 23, 2017
are we open – v2
April 23, 2017
are we open
April 23, 2017
A Season of Healing
April 23, 2017
put them in front of Jesus
April 23, 2017
we must be honest
April 23, 2017
bring them to Christ
April 23, 2017
healing their brethren
Happy Birthday to the United Methodist Church, #UMC
49 years old today!
The United Methodist Church was created on April 23, 1968,
when The Evangelical United Brethren Church and
The Methodist Church united to form a new denomination.
April 23, 2017
Stetson Memorial UMC
1st service of12-week Sermon Series:
“Mending Fences-Healing the Heart…”
Adapted from Marcia McPhee’
“On the Mend” Sermon Series
Psalm 16 HCSB
James 5:16-17 MSG
Matthew 17:1-5 GNT
Psalm 107:19-21 NLT
Mark 7:34-35
Luke 5:17-20
Time of Congregational Prayer
and Sermon, “A Season of Healing…”
extract of the girl’s story
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Children’s Message
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
April 23, 2017

All of my poems, photographs, and videos are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. All rights are reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss ( for usage. See all 44,220 of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Christ, Spirit, God, Faith, love, grace, hope, Pastor Ruth Foss, Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church, healing, church, family, joy, intentions, inhibitions, fears, pride, division, trust, Pentecost,

#Christ #God #Spirit #Faith #love #grace #healing #church #mercy #joy #hope #fear #pride #division #trust

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