Saturday, February 07, 2009

His Pencil

Sitting down, the kitchen table
late lunch, lot going on
His pencil, well, not exactly,
sitting there on the table.

Such a vivid image,
a rich visual memory
a Ticonderoga 2 5/10, medium
that same yellow and green,
same script of the lettering
But this was different than his.

His pencils, Ticonderoga 3, hard.
Always sharpened,
the sharpener screwed to the desk,
always, seemingly, full length,
a full, untrammeled, pink eraser
somehow they always were so,
or so my memory is, clear,
even forty some years on

His pencil, his precision,
desk always neat,
his care for details
a rich flood of the thoughts of him
while sitting down
for a moment of peace, lunch

February 7, 2009

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 30,790+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Dig out the hydrants

The fire already raging
the land, scorched, charred.
Dig out the hydrants,
clear them, access
send the crews, shovels at the ready
clear away the rest.
The fire raging;
all of them are needed.
Man the pumps, the hoses.
The fire must go out.

February 6, 2009
on shoveling out our church’s roadside sign,
comparing the need for these spiritual “hydrants”
with the fire hydrants so often shoveled out by volunteers.
The fire here is the coarseness of the world.

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 30,810+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

As Night Fell

As night fell, heavy
so did the snow, light
dancing, twirling,
shimmering, flickering,
the street lights,
the light from our back window
catching glimpses, movement
the choreographed ebb and flow
the petals of snow, white, bright
against the graying sky
night falling in our backyard,
outside my window panes

February 4, 2009

5 Year Anniversary of Poetry Where You Life

Today marks 5 years that I have been posting to this blog, with a total of 4,292 postings.

As of yesterday, there were 3,704 poems, of which 1,531 were in the last year, with 125 just in the last week. I am blessed every day with the words God gives me to write.

I just want to say thank you to those who have visited over these 5 years to this site and to the other sites I post to on,,, along with my pages on,,, and

Please let me know what you think.



Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Sermon - "Even Me Lord?", by Pastor Ruth L. Foss, Suncook United Methodist Church, February 1, 2009

John 13:21-30
ESV Version

There are some Christian traditions that when it comes to communion, they view it in a way that they believe is how God would have them view it. They believe that you need to go through training in order to be “worthy” to receive the Lord’s Supper. They believe that you cannot understand the full meaning of communion unless you have this training and if you receive communion before you are “ready”…well let’s say they get a little upset with that person.

I remember one time…when I belonged to a denomination that had this view of communion…I was at church with my ex-husband and his daughter. Well…his daughter, Jackie, decided when it came time for communion she was going to partake in it. She saw everyone else doing it so she decided that she would too. After the service, one of the congregants (Who by the way loved to make waves) came up to me very upset. He told me that he was “appalled” at the fact that this child thought it was OK for her to partake in communion when she wasn’t even part of the church or baptized by this church and that it better not happen again. She was “unworthy” in his eyes. (Well...I think you guys know me well enough to guess what my reaction and answer to this person was. So…I don’t think I need to get into that part of the conversation).

When I heard the call of God calling me into full-time ministry in the capacity of being a minister…I knew right then and there that one of my greatest joys was going to be presiding at the table of grace. I was going to be able to “feed” sheep in the name of Jesus. This was (and still is) going to be the most exciting part of being a pastor. But…as I think about communion…I think to myself “what is communion really? What does it mean to receive communion? Who is truly worthy of communion? What decides who is “ready” to receive communion?” These questions are the same ones you might even be asking yourself in light of all that you may hear regarding communion.

We, as United Methodist, believe in an open table. ALL are welcome to the table of grace. John Wesley believed (and we as Methodist still believe today) it is through this Sacrament…this means of grace…we receive God’s grace. We believe that it is Christ that invites us to the table. All who love Him…all who repent of sin…all who want to live in peace with God and each other. The open table we believe in is because we don’t judge who is qualified or worthy. We believe that we all need the divine grace that is found in the sacrament of communion. The Wesleyan tradition has always seen communion as an occasion to God’s grace. Communion should not be a barrier but a pathway to the grace of God. But still…there are some who still fell unworthy.

Well…let me try to…give you some insight this morning about communion. (My prayer is that we all will have a new view of communion by the time I am done) The Scripture we read this morning from Luke this morning talks about the institution of the “Lords Supper”. All of the disciples were there and received “communion” from Jesus. After Jesus said that one of them would betray Him they all started to wonder who it was who was going to do this terrible thing! In John 13…we hear a little more about this conversation. It is found in verses 21-30, it reads (and I am reading from the English Standard Version this morning):

21 After saying these things, Jesus was troubled in his spirit, and testified, “Truly, truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me." 22 The disciples looked at one another, uncertain of whom he spoke. 23 One of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was reclining at table close to Jesus, 24 so Simon Peter motioned to him to ask Jesus of whom he was speaking. 25 So that disciple, leaning back against Jesus, said to him, "Lord, who is it?" 26 Jesus answered, “It is he to whom I will give this morsel of bread when I have dipped it." So when he had dipped the morsel, he gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. 27 Then after he had taken the morsel, Satan entered into him. Jesus said to him, “What you are going to do, do quickly." 28 Now no one at the table knew why he said this to him. 29 Some thought that, because Judas had the moneybag, Jesus was telling him, "Buy what we need for the feast," or that he should give something to the poor. 30 So, after receiving the morsel of bread, he immediately went out. And it was night.

Now here is where my epiphany happened. A friend of mine (who shall remain nameless…Eric) pointed out something that I never really thought of before. I am going to share this insight with you this morning. Even though Jesus knew that Judas was going to betray Him…Judas took part of…was a recipient of…the institution of the Lord’s Supper. This person…who is probably the most unworthy person I could think of…received the bread and the wine, just as you and I do today when we partake in communion. Makes you really think about the thought that you are unworthy doesn’t it?

I was reading in the book “This Holy Mystery” while I was preparing this sermon. It is a book about communion and the meaning of it. In the book it sums up the means of grace wonderfully. It states that (and I’m paraphrasing) that anyone who answers the invitation to the table in faith is worthy through Jesus Christ to partake in this sacrament. We all come to the table with gratitude towards Christ for His mercy towards sinners. (Now this is the good part) We do not share communion because of our worthiness, we are all unworthy, we come out of the hunger to receive God’s gracious love, to receive forgiveness, and healing. (We are all unworthy but praise God for His mercy that makes us worthy…Amen?)

We are ALL invited to the table. It is by God’s mercy and grace that we are all made worthy to receive…to come to the table of love and feast on the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ who, for our sake, has made God’s grace known to us by His death and resurrection. Praise God from who all blessings flow!


by Pastor Ruth Foss
sermon blog
meditation blog
“God’s Whisper” blog
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 1, 2009

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 35,430+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Parables – haiku – 2

Simple stories told
deep, rich meaning revealed
spirit of the law

edited December 19, 2015
Parables – haiku – 2 – v2
February 3, 2009
Parables – haiku – 2
edited December 19, 2015
Parables – haiku – v3
(editing original again)
edited July 13, 2015
Parables – haiku – v2
January 4, 2009
Parables – haiku
Matthew 13:10-17, Mark 3:10-20, and Luke 8:9-10
1 Corinthians 14:13-19 and sermon,
“Speaking in Language I Can Understand”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
Suncook United Methodist Church,
Suncook, NH

All of my poems and photographs are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss ( for usage. See all 40,410+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Words – haiku – 1

The words of Jesus
an insight into God’s mind
in words understood

February 3, 2009

Water – haiku – 1

A well, living, Christ
waters poured out, endless
living water, love

February 3, 2009

Flock – haiku - 1

sheep lost from the flock
search high and low for that one
bring back to the fold

February 3, 2009

Hem – haiku – 1

The hem of the robe
filling the temple, you here
with your people

February 3, 2009
Isaiah 6:1-4

Garden – haiku – 2

the seeds planted right
rich soil, a little sun, water
God provides the growth

February 3, 2009
1 Corinthians 3:5-9

Creation – haiku – 2

From the dust, the earth
life began, his breath alone
out of chaos, life

February 3, 2009

Creation – haiku – 1

From nothingness, void
His breath across the waves, life was
and it was very good

February 3, 2009

Speak Lord

Speak Lord, for your servant is listening;
here I am Lord, speak to my heart.
Oh that these words could be ever on my lips
dripping off my tongue, each day
that I were ready for your message
your words of guidance, of critique, of counsel
feeling your hand, your spirit falling
on me, within me, your presence
walking with me; yoked to you
Would that I could follow, that I would as bold be
going where you lead, all the days of my life

February 3, 2009


Oh to have felt the flames
all together that Pentecost
to see the tongues of fire
descending upon each one
to feel the flames, licking
entering into me, to have been there
when the first began to speak
to have been emboldened that day
with them, to raise my voice and shout

February 3, 2009
Acts 2:1-21


On Calvary’s throne
the Lord, hanging alone
gave all that he was,
going humbly, by his choice
fulfilling the prophets of old
and sealing the seam, the cut,
the line in the sand,
the sentence we all bear
balancing the scales,
making us whole

On Easter he rose
to bring the tale to an end
to give us life, evermore
if we would only come to him

edited August 6, 2019
Calvary – v2

February 3, 2009

All of my poems, photographs, and videos are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. All rights are reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss ( for usage. See all 51,280 of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Calvary, Christ, creator, cross, Easter, Faith, God, Golgotha, Good Friday, Holy Week, hope,  Lent, Lord, poem, poetry, sacrifice, salvation, sharing, sin,

#Calvary #Christ #creator #cross #Easter #Faith #God #Golgotha #GoodFriday #HolyWeek #hope # Lent #Lord #poem #poetry #sacrifice #salvation #sharing #sin

Potter – haiku - 2

out of nothingness
the dust of the earth alone
he makes all of life

February 3, 2009

Clay – haiku - 3

in the potter’s hands
we take shape, find our life
mold me, Lord, always

February 3, 2009

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 29,040+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Cup – haiku - 1

the bitterest cup
vile taste of all of our sin
to his lips, death, life

February 3, 2009

Cross – haiku – 2

on the cross alone
he died for all human sin
to seal Adam’s breach

February 3, 2009

Creed – haiku – 2

a common belief
in our bones, in our hearts, true
one God, risen Lord

February 3, 2009

Risen – haiku – 1

Risen from the dead
Christ, redeemed all our lives
paid with his own life

February 3, 2009

Waves – haiku – 1

fearing the wind, waves
his word calmed the storm, seas
they were in awe, fear

February 3, 2009

Praying – haiku – 1

It was his praying
going off, desert, alone,
to the mountain, God

February 3, 2009

Bible – haiku – 1

holy word, written
inspired by you Lord, God
speak to your whole world

February 3, 2009

Son – haiku – 3

God, son and spirit
guide me, live within my heart
lead me to your paths

February 3, 2009

Father – haiku – 3

Father, creator
Lord, all that is, was, will be
the works of your hands

February 3, 2009

Pentecost – haiku – 1

Pentecost flames, burn
dove, touch my trembling heart
give me your power

February 3, 2009
Acts 2:1-21

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 30,180+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Tomb – haiku – 1

empty tomb, Easter
He is not here; Christ risen
raised from the dead

February 3, 2009

Prayer – haiku – 1

sharing, that common
that one prayer taught by Christ
All, one voice to God

February 3, 2009

Salvation – haiku – 2

salvation offered
free to all who accept him
Christ, our risen Lord

February 3, 2009

A Neighbor – haiku – 1

Coming to a man
a stranger hurt on the road
helping one in need

February 2, 2009

Ark – haiku – 1

Noah built an ark
called to save, seeds of life
adrift on the waves

February 2, 2009

Calvary – haiku – 1

on Calvary’s hill
our Lord died for all our sins
nailed to a cross

February 2, 2009

Gethsemane – haiku – 2

praying to God
the passion playing out there
aware of the cross

February 2, 2009

Gethsemane – haiku – 1

Alone in prayer
sweat like blood falling heavy
the weight, suffering

February 2, 2009

A Dove – haiku – 4

Falling from heaven
a beautiful dove
spirit anointing

February 2, 2009

A Dove – haiku -2

out of the ark, sent
one lone dove, to find dry land
an olive branch found

February 2, 2009

A Dove – haiku – 3 – v2

The Spirit of God
sent from heaven to the son
bodily on him

February 2, 2009

A Dove – haiku – 3 – v1

The Spirit, God, dove
sent from heaven to the son
bodily on him

February 2, 2009

Slumber – haiku – 1

under the layer
snow, deep, cold, hard crust, frozen
spring lies waiting; Soon

February 3, 2009

Snow – haiku – 2

Dressed up Winter
white, pure, clean, frozen ground, cold
longing for spring, warmth

February 3, 2009

Snow – haiku – 1

white fell on the earth
a cold blanket covering
dormant underneath

February 3, 2009

The Ledgers Balanced

From death reclaimed, brought from the pit
balancing the scales, the ledgers
the sin, our death, reversed, its weight balanced
by the gift of grace revealed,
the cross, the tomb, the ascension
made right, made whole, rising
the debt wiped clean, grace revealed
in the sacrifice, yes,
in the morning; glorious

February 3, 2009
Romans 6:23

Monday, February 02, 2009

Behind the Veil

A shining jewel, hidden, obscured
behind the veil, the screen
pale white-yellow piercing the gray
light fighting through
resistant darkness; succumbing
cracks, seams, tears, fissures
Bending to the will of the light

February 2, 2009

Hanging Ice

Almost clear, translucent taffy
pulled, frozen in space
hanging from the dam
between the dormers,
above the gutter edge
falling, stopped in stasis
water in suspended animation

February 2, 2009

To the Table

To the table we come, young and old,
slowly, tentatively, spritely, quickly
standing, kneeling, as we are able
coming forward to receive,
to share in the remembrance
that incomprehensible night,
sharing your bread, your cup
speaking of the breaking, the spilling
the suffering you would endure
that moment of insight before the swirl
the staccato of the coming days
Joining with them in amazement,
in human confusion, not quite understanding
all of what that moment means
a covenant transforming
the night remembering the Passover
a meal before betrayal, suffering, death
joining them, all the saints before us
coming to the table
as flawed as we are
to receive your grace

February 2, 2009
Matthew 26:14-30
Matthew 26:26-28
Mark 14:12-26
Mark 14:24-26
Luke 22:1-30
Luke 22:14-23
Luke 22:14-20
John 6:53-59
John 13:1-30
John 13:21-30
John 13:27-30
and sermon, “Even Me Lord?”
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 1, 2009

Sunday, February 01, 2009

A Piece of Bread

Even me Lord?, yes that question
lingers, kneeling at the altar rail,
a piece of bread, torn from the one loaf
nestled in my cupped hands,
listening to the words of the pastor
thinking about her words
sharing the joy, the open table
staring at the piece of bread
the enormity of what we remember
his agape love, poured out for me
a price I can never repay
a prayer within the one he spoke
asking him to guide me
all the days of my life

February 1, 2009
Matthew 26:14-30
Matthew 26:26-28
Mark 14:12-26
Mark 14:24-26
Luke 22:1-30
Luke 22:14-23
Luke 22:14-20
John 6:53-59
John 13:1-30
John 13:21-30
John 13:27-30
and sermon, “Even Me Lord?”
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss
and communion prayer
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 1, 2009

All Invited to the Table

I can hear our Lord’s voice
echoing down through the ages
inviting, calling all to his table
to join the first disciples, in covenant
the means of grace, joining with us
in the remembrance, in the breaking of the bread
the sharing of his cup, together
one community of faith, down through time
all one loaf, one cup, sharing his grace
his offering, acceptable to God
all invited to join with him
to be as the Christ, to offer ourselves
our hearts to God, our hands to one another
finding nourishment, community
in the sharing of the one table
that mystery, communion

February 1, 2009
Matthew 26:14-30
Matthew 26:26-28
Mark 14:12-26
Mark 14:24-26
Luke 22:1-30
Luke 22:14-23
Luke 22:14-20
John 6:53-59
John 13:1-30
John 13:21-30
John 13:27-30
and sermon, “Even Me Lord?”
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 1, 2009

The Morsel of Bread

What must he have felt, sharing in the meal
the invocation, the intoning of the words
these words of the teacher, the master, Rabbi
changing the ancient words of remembrance
saying something entirely new, a new covenant
the morsel of bread dipped, shared from his hands
his words to go, to do that which is planned quickly
what must he have thought, in that moment
the doubt, the confusion, steps set in motion
unable to return, to pull back
the wheels of time turning
his body, his blood
his sacrifice,
dripping on his hands

edited March 21, 2015
The Morsel of Bread – v26
(editing original again)
edited March 2, 2015
The Morsel of Bread – v25
(editing original again)
edited January 25, 2015
The Morsel of Bread – v24
(editing original again)
edited May 28, 2014
The Morsel of Bread – v23
editing second stanza from poem:
May 28, 2014
“Changing the ancient words of remembrance”
(extract of “The Morsel of Bread – v22”)
Edited May 28, 2014
“The Morsel of Bread – v22”
(editing original again)
(asking the different question,
“How would we have felt,
sharing in the meal?”)
April 4, 2014
“The Morsel of Bread”
reposting original poem
just adding additional links and tags below
February 1, 2009
“The Morsel of Bread”
(475 page views as of 4/4/2014)
edited April 4, 2014
The Morsel of Bread – v21
(editing original again)
edited March 29, 2014
The Morsel of Bread – v20
(editing original again)
edited March 4, 2014
The Morsel of Bread – v19
(editing original again,
with thoughts about Ash Wednesday tomorrow)
edited March 4, 2014
The Morsel of Bread – v18
(editing version 17,
with thoughts about Ash Wednesday tomorrow)
edited February 24, 2014
The Morsel of Bread – v17
(editing version 13)
edited January 25, 2014
The Morsel of Bread – v16
(editing original again,
but becoming Peter, John)
edited January 4, 2014
The Morsel of Bread – v15
(editing original again,
but becoming Judas)
February 1, 2009
The Morsel of Bread
Edited December 5, 2013
“The Morsel of Bread – v14”
(editing original again)
Edited November 30, 2013
“The Morsel of Bread – v13”
(editing version 3)
Edited November 24, 2013
“The Morsel of Bread – v12”
(editing the original again)
Edited October 25, 2013
“The Morsel of Bread – v11”
(editing version 8 again)
Edited October 25, 2013
The Morsel of Bread – v10
Edited October 17, 2013
“The Morsel of Bread – v9”
Edited October 9, 2013
“The Morsel of Bread – v8”
(editing original again)
Edited September 8, 2013
“The Morsel of Bread – v7”
 (editing version 3)
Edited April 13, 2013
“The Morsel of Bread – v6”
Edited March 19, 2013
“The Morsel of Bread – v5”
Edited December 21, 2012
“The Morsel of Bread – v4”
Edited December 21, 2012
“The Morsel of Bread – v3”
Edited December 19, 2012
“The Morsel of Bread – v2”
February 1, 2009
“The Morsel of Bread”
Matthew 26:14-30
Matthew 26:26-28
Mark 14:12-26
Mark 14:24-26
Luke 22:1-30
Luke 22:14-23
Luke 22:14-20
John 6:53-59
John 13:1-30
John 13:21-30
John 13:27-30
and sermon, “Even Me Lord?”
(and see the poems inspired by it:
Even Me Lord
by Pastor Ruth Foss
sermon blog
meditation blog
“God’s Whisper” blog
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 1, 2009

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 36,870+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

be for us the Body and Blood of Christ

Not his body, not his blood;
But as real as if that were so
as meaningful, as important
this moment sacred
a sharing, at the table of grace
kneeling, bowing at your table
to accept your offering
the physical reminders, symbols
your awesome gift
May we sense your presence
standing with us
watching over us
as we come to your table
in prayer in praise

February 1, 2009
Matthew 26:14-30
Matthew 26:26-28
Mark 14:12-26
Mark 14:24-26
Luke 22:1-30
Luke 22:14-23
Luke 22:14-20
John 6:53-59
John 13:1-30
John 13:21-30
John 13:27-30
and sermon, “Even Me Lord?”
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 1, 2009

Internalizing Our Faith

As I read the words, listened to the words in worship
the written words of her sermon
from her heart, from God;
but these are the words, the language of our faith
the same words as those printed
Those shared on the meaning, the importance
our inclusive faith, the meaning, the flow
Her words internalizing our faith
imprinted on her heart to share
Shared back with the congregation
authentic words, that which we believe
that this is His table
and that all are welcome
just as he offered himself
for all

February 1, 2009
Matthew 26:14-30
Matthew 26:26-28
Mark 14:12-26
Mark 14:24-26
Luke 22:1-30
Luke 22:14-23
Luke 22:14-20
John 6:53-59
John 13:1-30
John 13:21-30
John 13:27-30
and sermon, “Even Me Lord?”
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 1, 2009

At the Table of Grace

Standing, kneeling
before the table of grace
all, even me, made worthy
by the invitation of Christ
offering himself, his life
his body, his blood
God dying to redeem me
to bring me from the pit
to restore me to life
standing, kneeling
in awe, in remembrance
of the gift of our Lord

February 1, 2009
Matthew 26:14-30
Matthew 26:26-28
Mark 14:12-26
Mark 14:24-26
Luke 22:1-30
Luke 22:14-23
Luke 22:14-20
John 6:53-59
John 13:1-30
John 13:21-30
John 13:27-30
and sermon, “Even Me Lord?”
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 1, 2009

Teach Us to Pray

As they asked, we ask him
teach us to pray
the words of the prayer
A reverent prayer to God
honoring the father
as he would do,
when he went to the mountain
to talk with God, to pray
Calling on the coming
his kingdom, praying
for our needs to be met
prayers for forgiveness,
for forgiving ourselves
over all powers,
protection from evil
by the loving hands of God

February 1, 2009
Pastoral Prayer and invocation
of the Lord’s Prayer
Luke 11:1-4
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 1, 2009

Freeing Truth

Like Abraham, like Paul
saved by faith, by God’s grace
freed from the law alone
living, growing in faith
under Christ’s covenant
saved not by works,
for I will fall short;
saved by the love of God
given to me because I am
accepted by my faith
my belief in him
Turning from that struggle
the not measuring up
finding peace instead
in your everlasting love

February 1, 2009
Galatians 3:1-14
Ephesians 2:8-9
and Upper Room devotional

Christ’s Table

This is Christ’s table
around which we gather
coming into his presence
coming as we are
entering into communion
sharing his bread, his cup
as they did around that table
that night in the upper room
unsure as they were
the mystery of his act
the power of his offering
that which he was about to do
that which he did for them,
for us, for all time
that God would step in
take our place on the cross
that he would die so that we may live
Do you hear his call to you to the table
come forward and eat, drink
in the presence of God

February 1, 2009
Matthew 26:14-30
Matthew 26:26-28
Mark 14:12-26
Mark 14:24-26
Luke 22:1-30
Luke 22:14-23
Luke 22:14-20
John 6:53-59
John 13:1-30
John 13:21-30
John 13:27-30
and sermon, “Even Me Lord?”
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 1, 2009

to the table, He calls

In the sanctuary, in worship,
the voice we hear is the pastor’s voice;
but the words of invitation, the offer
these are the Lord’s alone,
for this is His table, offered for all
open to all who would believe,
who wish for a relationship with Him
all those who love Him and seek after Him
known only within their hearts
all are welcome, all worthy
come forward to His table
the Master is calling

February 1, 2009
Matthew 26:14-30
Matthew 26:26-28
Mark 14:12-26
Mark 14:24-26
Luke 22:1-30
Luke 22:14-23
Luke 22:14-20
John 6:53-59
John 13:1-30
John 13:21-30
John 13:27-30
and sermon, “Even Me Lord?”
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 1, 2009

Christ Beckons

Christ beckons, He is the one
He calls us to His table,
the table, the altar, the offering in remembrance
the sacrifice he gave so willingly
offering his life that we may live
giving his body, his blood
that we may see God
healing for all time
the schism between man and God
stitching the seam that was torn
making the sinner holy
He is the one calling you, calling me
to His table, to share
Come to the table, come!

February 1, 2009
Matthew 26:14-30
Matthew 26:26-28
Mark 14:12-26
Mark 14:24-26
Luke 22:1-30
Luke 22:14-23
Luke 22:14-20
John 6:53-59
John 13:1-30
John 13:21-30
John 13:27-30
and sermon, “Even Me Lord?”
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 1, 2009