Saturday, February 19, 2011

Too Long Silent

Glad we are speaking
speaking out in public
for the people now
the atrocities of the tyrants
Yet we were too long silent
comfortable as a nation
to lean on the strongmen
in false securities
Even our enemies
serving a purpose
the devil we knew
rather than the unknown
Yet we need to speak
to stand with the people
crying with them
for their liberty

February 19, 2011
on the transformations since the beginning of January -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya,
Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestinian Territories, Djibouti, Mauritania, Senegal, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance in Tahrir Square
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain and Libya, etc.
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
Micah 6:8
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

For the Rights of Man

We are to stand
to side with the people
fighting beside them
for their freedom

Aligned with the people
not those in power
fighting beside them
for their liberty

Speaking boldly
confronting the tyrants
fighting with them
that they would hear

The cries of their people
crying for freedoms
universal rights,
yearning to be free

February 19, 2011
on the transformations since the beginning of January -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya,
Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestinian Territories, Djibouti, Mauritania, Senegal, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance in Tahrir Square
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain and Libya, etc.
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
Micah 6:8
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Universal Rights

The rights of the people
universal rights of dignity
of respect for their freedoms
the will of the governed
their voices heard

Universal rights
not some abject notion
needing to stand now
to demand their freedom
the rights of the people
their voices heard

February 19, 2011
on the transformations since the beginning of January -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya,
Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestinian Territories, Djibouti, Mauritania, Senegal, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance in Tahrir Square
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain and Libya, etc.
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
Micah 6:8
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Signs that we are open

Maybe a sandwich board
standing before the church
maybe people on the sidewalk
someone to greet

Something we might be doing
signs that we are open
wanting others to come
to come before the Lord

All of our days worship
yet wanting to gather
all of our neighbors
into the house of the Lord

Needing to be purposeful
to shine the light out there
beyond the walls of the sanctuary
out into the world

February 19, 2011
email from NH District Superintendent
the Reverend Doctor David Abbott
District Superintendent of the New England District
of the New England Conference
of the United Methodist Church
January 25, 2011
Suncook United Methodist Church

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Reaching Out in Love

What are we doing
to be Christ to the people
offering our hands
to our neighbors in need

A challenge to us
to be his people
offering hope, love
to this troubled world

February 19, 2011
email from NH District Superintendent
the Reverend Doctor David Abbott
District Superintendent of the New England District
of the New England Conference
of the United Methodist Church
January 25, 2011
Suncook United Methodist Church

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Our Doors Truly Open

Are we really open
to the calling of Jesus
are our doors truly open
open to the strangers

Are we really welcoming
offering our friendship
are we really Christ
to this troubled world

February 19, 2011
email from NH District Superintendent
the Reverend Doctor David Abbott
District Superintendent of the New England District
of the New England Conference
of the United Methodist Church
January 25, 2011
Suncook United Methodist Church

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

To a Safe Place

Crying out
out to the Lord
Right beside me
my Savior always
To a safe place
wide and good
my God with me
in the arms of my Lord

February 19, 2011
Psalm 118:5-6
Bible Verse of the Day
January 11, 2011

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Obey Him

Love God, obey Him
seek to walk with Him
all of our days holy
when we walk by God’s side

Committed to His call
speaking from with us
able to do so much
when we turn our lives over

Our hands and feet able
our voices will be strong
carrying Christ to them
that they may see Him in us

February 19, 2011
Matthew 5:21-37 (Common English Bible)
Law of murder
Law of adultery
Law of Divorce
Law of Oaths
Matthew 5:17 (Common English Bible)
Deuteronomy 30:15-20 (New Living Translation)
Psalm 18:1-3, 46 (God’s Word Translation) (Call to Worship)
Prayer of Invocation
Prayer of Dedication
Exodus 16:13-15, Psalm 34:8, John 4:10, 1 Corinthians 5:8
(Centering Hymn: “All Who Hunger”, The Faith We Sing #2126)
Romans 14:7
(Lord, Speak To Me”, United Methodist Hymnal #463)
Acts 2:42
(“Let Us Break Bread Together”, United Methodist Hymnal #618)
Isaiah 55:1, Matthew 5:6, Matthew 11:28
(“You Who Are Thirsty”, The Faith We Sing #2132)
1 John 1:7
(“Trust and Obey”, United Methodist Hymnal #467)
Worship Theme: “God gives life . . . sin gives death”
and sermon, “A Life or Death Situation
(Aka . . . A fine line between Heaven and Hell)”
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss!/pastorruthfoss
A Handmaiden of the Lord
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 13, 2011
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Keep His Commands

The words still true
as they were then
the calling for our lives
his word for me and you

We are to keep His commands
the law of our God
conforming our steps to him
to walk the way of Christ

Humble in our walk
submitting to His will
walking as a servant
taking up our cross

Serving where we are called
to the least and the lost
offering light, hope
knowing what it cost

The grace of Christ
the message that we share
his hands and feet now
this is our humble prayer

That our neighbors would see
Christ in us
His Spirit leading
our lives to the cross

February 19, 2011
Matthew 5:21-37 (Common English Bible)
Law of murder
Law of adultery
Law of Divorce
Law of Oaths
Matthew 5:17 (Common English Bible)
Deuteronomy 30:15-20 (New Living Translation)
Psalm 18:1-3, 46 (God’s Word Translation) (Call to Worship)
Prayer of Invocation
Prayer of Dedication
Exodus 16:13-15, Psalm 34:8, John 4:10, 1 Corinthians 5:8
(Centering Hymn: “All Who Hunger”, The Faith We Sing #2126)
Romans 14:7
(Lord, Speak To Me”, United Methodist Hymnal #463)
Acts 2:42
(“Let Us Break Bread Together”, United Methodist Hymnal #618)
Isaiah 55:1, Matthew 5:6, Matthew 11:28
(“You Who Are Thirsty”, The Faith We Sing #2132)
1 John 1:7
(“Trust and Obey”, United Methodist Hymnal #467)
Worship Theme: “God gives life . . . sin gives death”
and sermon, “A Life or Death Situation
(Aka . . . A fine line between Heaven and Hell)”
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss!/pastorruthfoss
A Handmaiden of the Lord
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 13, 2011
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

With My Feet of Clay

Walking in this world
with my feet of clay
knowing I am called
to be salt today

Not losing my sense
my surety of my poverty
the sin that was my sentence
my judgment in this life

Speaking out for them
that I may be light
sharing the love
doing what is right

Listening to the words
that come into my heart
aching for my brothers, my sisters
those who are crying out

Speaking because I must
taking up their cause
their cries for freedom
resonating in me

With my feet of clay
coming from the earth
though I am salt
lifting the people up

The cry, light
up on the lampstand
hoping they will taste freedom
free in their homeland

February 19, 2011
on the transformations since the beginning of January -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya,
Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestinian Territories, Djibouti, Mauritania, Senegal, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance in Tahrir Square
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain and Libya, etc.
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Between Heaven and Hell

The choice truly simple
between heaven and hell
to turn to the world
or to God instead

What is the voice saying
speaking within
which way to turn
to truly live

God calling us
to be his people
to stand with him now
in the face of temptation

To go where we are called
his servants in this world
conformed to the path
that Jesus walked here on earth

Humble before God
and loving our neighbors
seeking justice
even for the stranger

All of us flawed
made with feet of clay
hope in our Savior
in his grace for us today

February 19, 2011
Matthew 5:21-37 (Common English Bible)
Law of murder
Law of adultery
Law of Divorce
Law of Oaths
Matthew 5:17 (Common English Bible)
Deuteronomy 30:15-20 (New Living Translation)
Psalm 18:1-3, 46 (God’s Word Translation) (Call to Worship)
Prayer of Invocation
Prayer of Dedication
Exodus 16:13-15, Psalm 34:8, John 4:10, 1 Corinthians 5:8
(Centering Hymn: “All Who Hunger”, The Faith We Sing #2126)
Romans 14:7
(Lord, Speak To Me”, United Methodist Hymnal #463)
Acts 2:42
(“Let Us Break Bread Together”, United Methodist Hymnal #618)
Isaiah 55:1, Matthew 5:6, Matthew 11:28
(“You Who Are Thirsty”, The Faith We Sing #2132)
1 John 1:7
(“Trust and Obey”, United Methodist Hymnal #467)
Worship Theme: “God gives life . . . sin gives death”
and sermon, “A Life or Death Situation
(Aka . . . A fine line between Heaven and Hell)”
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss!/pastorruthfoss
A Handmaiden of the Lord
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 13, 2011
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

With the Common People

The scripture calling
us to be salt
to remember the earth
from whence our bodies come

To be a light
a light to the nations
to shine into the darkness
to cast the demons out

We must stand
speak out
with the common people
as they cry out

For freedom from oppression
the tipping point arrived
time for the despots
to exit stage right

The cries of the people
mourning for the martyrs
that all would be free
to breathe liberty

The boot of the tyrants
yet marching
but the voice of the peoples
will not be stopped

Standing with the people
all of the nations
we should be crying
for those who have been lost

We must speak out
the time is now
the people are dying
they need our help somehow

February 19, 2011
on the transformations since the beginning of January -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya,
Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestinian Territories, Djibouti, Mauritania, Senegal, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance in Tahrir Square
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain and Libya, etc.
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Fuel on the Fires

The despots unthinking
following the old patterns
firing on the people
when no one was looking

Something different
in this sea change of protest
the world seeing the reactions
from those in power

Fuel on the fires
enflaming the passions
the resolve of the people
to breathe free

The whole world watching
if they would have eyes to see
regimes choosing
to massacre their people

The voices should be shouting
in the halls of power
standing with the people
there in the streets

Every capital, every leader
all the nations, around the world
should be sounding the call
for these people to be free

February 19, 2011
on the transformations since the beginning of January -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya,
Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestinian Territories, Djibouti, Mauritania, Senegal, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance in Tahrir Square
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain and Libya, etc.
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
Micah 6:8
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

The World Ablaze

The coals alight
the world ablaze
repression giving way
in hope and in rage

The world ablaze
changing before our eyes
long dormant passions
given voice today

Life as they knew it
some for generations
the scales falling away
new eyes for the people

Light shining
as the chains are stripped away
the powerful holding on
to power yet still

But their days are numbered
as surely as we breathe
the people want freedom
nothing else will do

Rising with the peoples
speaking as one
joining with their voices
until their freedom is won

February 19, 2011
on the transformations since the beginning of January -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya,
Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestinian Territories, Djibouti, Mauritania, Senegal, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance in Tahrir Square
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain and Libya, etc.
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
Micah 6:8
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

The Insanity of Repression

A short-term solution
now that the world is watching
the winds of change blowing
throughout the region

The insanity of repression
firing on the mourners
steeling the people
that they must be free

February 19, 2011
on the transformations since the beginning of January -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya,
Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestinian Territories, Djibouti, Mauritania, Senegal, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance in Tahrir Square
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain and Libya, etc.
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
Micah 6:8
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 25,550+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Firing on the Mourners

The crushing force
the snipers using their weapons
firing on the mourners
the peaceful in the streets
Captive people
crying for the martyrs
when with the world rise up
saying it is enough

February 19, 2011
on the transformations since the beginning of January -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya,
Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestinian Territories, Djibouti, Mauritania, Senegal, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance in Tahrir Square
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain and Libya, etc.
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
Micah 6:8
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 25,550+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

New Implications of the Gospel

Discerning God’s message
layers of meaning
unpacking the scripture
to speak to us now

New implications of the Gospel
flowing in real-time
open to surprises
from the words of our God

February 19, 2011
Matthew 5:1-12
Acts 10:1-48
(the dream of Peter)
(the saving of Cornelius)
Worship Theme: “God Breaking Down Human Barriers”
and sermon, “Who’s In? A True Story in Six Scenes”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
January 30, 2011
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 25,550+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

The Flames Alive

Hope and Despair
in the fires burning
the change coming
but so is repression

The flames alive
the fires growing
the sand shifting
in real-time

The nations ablaze
the fires coming
freedom’s march
all over the region

The light shining
into that darkness
the shackles cast off
breathing the air of freedom

February 19, 2011
on the transformations since the beginning of January -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya,
Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestinian Territories, Djibouti, Mauritania, Senegal, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance in Tahrir Square
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain and Libya, etc.
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 25,550+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Tinder on the Hot Coals

The frustration fanned
revolution coming
the tinder on the hot coals
the reaction of the tyrants

Fanning the flames
by firing on the people
oppression cannot stand
in the face of those watching

The world aghast, shocked by the cruelty
the self-deception of the powerful
the rulers unaware
the condemnation of the nations

A momentary blessing
the firing into the crowds
but the days are numbered
for those who sent the ordered

The people will not bow
bow down to the powerful
the fanned flames
will not go out

February 19, 2011
on the transformations since the beginning of January -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya,
Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestinian Territories, Djibouti, Mauritania, Senegal, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance in Tahrir Square
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain and Libya, etc.
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
Micah 6:8
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 25,550+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.


Willing to die
to set themselves ablaze
the people
the rulers
caught in the flames

implosion, explosion
the fire of change
freedoms, justice
will come to the stage

February 19, 2011
on the transformations since the beginning of January -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya,
Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestinian Territories, Djibouti, Mauritania, Senegal, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance in Tahrir Square
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain and Libya, etc.
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
Micah 6:8
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 25,550+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.


The world ablaze
sitting at flashpoint
the tinder ready
ready to ignite

Change, ablaze
coming into view
freedom, protest
in every shade and hue

Brightly burning
a wildfire
changing ever
never to rest

The blaze coming
washing over the world
the wind, like sand
carving a swath

A line through history
the inertia giving way
the tyrants fleeing
nothing to protect them
nothing in the way

February 19, 2011
on the transformations since the beginning of January -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya,
Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestinian Territories, Djibouti, Mauritania, Senegal, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance in Tahrir Square
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain and Libya, etc.
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
Micah 6:8
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

All Lit Fuses

Every nation
in the region
all lit fuses
ready to erupt

The fire burning
all lit fuses
combustion alive
coming to life

February 19, 2011
on the transformations since the beginning of January -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya,
Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestinian Territories, Djibouti, Mauritania, Senegal, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance in Tahrir Square
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain and Libya, etc.
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Lifted Out of the Ashes

Lifted out of the ashes
I am found
alive, growing
in the aftermath

The change now
coming, alive
freedom coming
coming in real-time

The crucible of now
urgency in this moment
changing the world
forever, always

Calling for the coming
of light into the darkness
casting out our fear
putting our trust in God

February 19, 2011
on the transformations since the beginning of January -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya,
Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestinian Territories, Djibouti, Mauritania, Senegal, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance in Tahrir Square
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain and Libya, etc.
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Unrest in the Maghreb

Unrest in the Maghreb
the winds spreading
change coming
like the blowing of sand

The world around
all on edge
the Middle East ablaze
when will there be rest

The nations changing
in rapid, real-time
changing by election
and by revolution

Sudden movement
like sands on the wind
justice to come
oh let it begin

February 19, 2011
on the transformations since the beginning of January -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya,
Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestinian Territories, Djibouti, Mauritania, Senegal, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance in Tahrir Square
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain and Libya, etc.
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

God’s Vineyard

We are the workers
in the fields, the orchards
the streets, the squares
his workers in God’s vineyard
the world to be restored
The garden fragile
needing our loving care
tending the garden
our hope for us there

February 19, 2011
on seeing that someone came to my blog
via a search for “God’s Vineyard”
A Caretaker of the Earth

Not the one sovereign
far less than God
the creator of heaven and earth
Humans he made
servants below
each of us a caretaker of the earth

Stewards of our master
loving the creation
tending the garden below
spreading the seeds of his message
that with his love
they may grow

Only here for a season
each of us in our time
caring for the garden
so others may enjoy
the wonders of his handiwork
all creation to behold

February 4, 2010
Genesis 1:1-31
Psalm 24:1
Upper Room Daily Devotional
for February 4, 2010,
by Joann Anderson
read 2/4/2010

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Winds Howling

Raging, alive
spreading wider
winds howling
all over the world

Change coming
in real-time
all of us watching
all over the world

February 19, 2011
The Howling Winds

The howling winds, buffeting the boat,
our lives, at their mercy, the winds of doubt,
of strife, of fear, our masters
The voice of our savior, calling us to come
to walk toward him, to fear not
rather to center our lives, our beings on him
to come to him across the waves,
believing in the miracle of the feedings,
the healings, the fulfillment of all prophecy
in him, and him alone, to walk without fear
Ignore the howling winds,
follow our savior’s call
walk boldly, for he died for this

August 8, 2008
Matthew 14:22-33
on the transformations since the beginning of January -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya,
Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Palestinian Territories, Djibouti, Mauritania, Senegal, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance in Tahrir Square
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain and Libya, etc.
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Let Your Light Shine – 3

Life too short
to hide the light away
share his love
share it today

February 19, 2011
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany¬oc=1
Scout Sunday

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Let Your Light Shine – 2

Let your light shine
into that night
the love of Christ
written on your hearts

The Spirit guiding
leading you to go
to share your light
to everyone you know

Life too short
to hide the light away
share his love
share it today

February 19, 2011
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany¬oc=1
Scout Sunday

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Days of Hope

Days of Hope dawning
on the people of that region
the tinderbox of protest
leading to freedom

Some are dying
martyrs for the right
the tyrants in their fortress
abusing power and might

The sands of change blowing
their time at an end
if the resolve of the people
continues as it has

Light shining, coming
freed from their chains
the revolution building
knowing not its end

February 18, 2011
on the transformations of the last 4 weeks -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia,
Algeria, Libya, Jordan, Iran, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance today in Tahrir Square today
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Days of Rage

In the tumult
in the streets, the squares
days of rage
of anguish
we will find them there

The angry people ready
for the chains to be cast off
for the strongmen in their palaces
to be send out

Days of rage upon us
days of hope as well
so many seeking their freedom
from the gate of hell

Crying in the streets
in the desert places
the sands of change sweeping
all across the nations

February 18, 2011
Quote about people in Libya
February 17, 2011
on the transformations of the last 4 weeks -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia,
Algeria, Libya, Jordan, Iran, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance today in Tahrir Square today
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

In the Age of Revolution

History will remember
the tide of freedom
how we are now living
in the Age of Revolution

Fast as the changes
the technology of media
how we see things
on the flickering screens

In real-time changing
decades of entropy
inertia giving way
at lightning speed

February 18, 2011
on the transformations of the last 4 weeks -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia,
Algeria, Libya, Jordan, Iran, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance today in Tahrir Square today
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

In the Time of Struggle

In this for the long haul
though we see sudden changes
the world being transformed
in minutes, days, and more

In the time of struggle
years of pent up frustration
people yearning to be free
to taste the fruits of their labor

Wanting to be free
out from under the despots
free to speak their minds
to associate with their neighbors

In the time of struggle
change on the wind
longing for their freedom
may their time begin

February 18, 2011
on the transformations of the last 4 weeks -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia,
Algeria, Libya, Jordan, Iran, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance today in Tahrir Square today
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

الاحتفال مع الأبطال

أكثر يجب القيام به في الأشهر المقبلة
لكن فرحة الخروج
الاحتفال مع الأبطال
العودة إلى ميدان التحرير
الأمل في المستقبل
تسترشد الحريات
صوت للشعب
إعادة تعريف الأمة
يوم للصلاة، والكرسي
في جمع معا
الفرح في الهواء الطلق
من التحرر من الطاغية

February 18, 2011
on the transformations of the last 4 weeks -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia,
Algeria, Libya, Jordan, Iran, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance today in Tahrir Square today
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

With the celebration of heroes

More must be done in the coming months
But the joy out
With the celebration of heroes
Back to Tahrir Square

Hope for the future
Guided by freedoms
Voice of the people
Redefinition of the nation

Day of prayer, the Holy
To gather together
Joy in the outdoors
Of freedom from the tyrant

February 18, 2011
on the transformations of the last 4 weeks -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia,
Algeria, Libya, Jordan, Iran, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance today in Tahrir Square today
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Celebrating with the Heroes

More to do in the coming months
but joy breaking out
celebrating with the heroes
returning to the square

Hope in a future
guided by freedoms
a voice for the people
redefining a nation

A day of prayer, holy
in gathering together
joy in the newness
of the freedom from the tyrant

February 18, 2011
on the transformations of the last 4 weeks -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia,
Algeria, Libya, Jordan, Iran, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance today in Tahrir Square today
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Shots Fired in the Square

The people scattering
chaos in the peace
innocents dying in their sleep
shots fired in the square
the thugs in a rout

The people crying
running for their lives
crying out for freedom
hope for a voice
justice in their nation

Freedom on the march
in peaceful protest
martyrs of the revolution
when the shots rang out
for defying the tyrants

February 18, 2011
on the transformations of the last 4 weeks -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia,
Algeria, Libya, Jordan, Iran, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance today in Tahrir Square today
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 21,130+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

In the Crucible of Urgency

So many peoples
rising together
so many nations
yearning to breathe free

In the crucible of urgency
the power of now
crying for the martyrs
the people who have died

Still hope yet rising
the light yet in view
a path being revealed
that they would be healed, renewed

A voice in the process
all across the region
the people all crying
that they would be free

We must join with them
silent no more
standing with the captives
that their lives would be restored

February 18, 2011
on the transformations of the last 4 weeks -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia,
Algeria, Libya, Jordan, Iran, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance today in Tahrir Square today
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

The Power of Now

The crucible of urgency
the power of now
the voices rising
for freedom somehow

The martyrs crying
the captives to be free
their light shining
for the whole world to see

Rising from our seats
cheering with the people
sharing hope for our neighbors
that all of them would be released

Freed from their chains
the shackles of the tyrants
breathing the air of freedom
alive, in liberty

February 18, 2011
on the transformations of the last 4 weeks -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia,
Algeria, Libya, Jordan, Iran, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and the jubilance today in Tahrir Square today
versus the bloodshed in Bahrain
February 18, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

In Each Flickering Flame – v2

In each flickering flame
in each voice rising
something of the Savior
in the cries of the people

Bringing us back to him
the Sermon on the Mount
his calling to us
to be his hands, his mouth

Speaking when we were silent
joining in their yearning
seeking justice, freedom
for all the oppressed people

Standing with them
against the regimes
the despots trying to hold power
those wanting to be free

Each of the flames, light
a witness to the nations
the seeds of change growing
becoming a wild fire

The sands of time swirling
the sandstorm coming
watching in real-time
as freedom replaces injustice

Crying for the martyrs
the ones yet in changes
standing now with them
calling for their freedom

February 17, 2011
posting the original version of this poem,
from November 2009 to
this morning
hearing claim by President Obama of 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
February 16, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
on the transformations of the last 4 weeks -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia,
Algeria, Libya, Jordan, Iran, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
Luke 6:20-31
Psalm 149:1-6a
1 Samuel 2:1b-2 (God’s Word Translation) (Words of Praise)
Worship Theme: What does a Saint look like?
and sermon, “Living Like A Saint. . . Oh Yah!”
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss!/pastorruthfoss
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
October 31, 2010
All Saints Sunday

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Scattering the Seeds Richly – v2

Seeds of love
with the seeds of revolution
the winds of change blowing
across so many nations

We should be with them
speaking out in their struggle
arguing for justice
in the face of tyranny

The peoples’ cries rising
across the seas, the waters
the seeds of freedom planted
in rich fertile soil

The water of the creator
the spirit over the waters
the chaos will be calmed
when his voice is heard clearly

Sharing Christ’s message
offering our witness
that all people should breathe free
the captives’ chains removed

No power should be condoned
keeping their people in subjugation
the voice of each believer
should join with them for freedom

February 17, 2011
posting the original version of this poem,
from November 2010 to
this morning
hearing claim by President Obama of 2/15/2011
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
February 16, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
on the transformations of the last 4 weeks -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia,
Algeria, Libya, Jordan, Iran, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
Luke 6:20-31
Psalm 149:1-6a
1 Samuel 2:1b-2 (God’s Word Translation) (Words of Praise)
Worship Theme: What does a Saint look like?
and sermon, “Living Like A Saint. . . Oh Yah!”
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss!/pastorruthfoss
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
October 31, 2010
All Saints Sunday

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Into Fertile Soil

Sowers, one and all
spreading the seeds of love
each of us offering
the light from heaven above

All of us are called
to be fishers of men
workers in the vineyard
to tend the garden here
while we are on earth

Into fertile soil
the soil of beating hearts
sharing God’s message of love
to turn the world to him

Bring our witness
his light shining for all
offering hope to the masses
our neighbors one and all

February 17, 2011
seeing the list of poems from that service,
realizing I hadn’t written one

Luke 6:20-31
Psalm 149:1-6a
1 Samuel 2:1b-2 (God’s Word Translation) (Words of Praise)
Worship Theme: What does a Saint look like?
and sermon, “Living Like A Saint. . . Oh Yah!”
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss!/pastorruthfoss
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
October 31, 2010
All Saints Sunday

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Changing the Face of a Region

The continents colliding
the forces of change
the entrenched power
not willing to go

Changing the face of a region
the whole Middle East
the ring of Africa
around the Mediterranean

All of the peoples
rising in their turn
fighting for their freedom
while the tyrants burn

The dictators in their palaces
trying to crush the rebellion
the fires growing stronger
as the dominoes fall

We must stand with them
even if way too late
siding with the people
standing in the gate

Time to light our candles
to shine with their fire
fighting for their freedom
all across these lands

February 16, 2011
hearing claim by President Obama yesterday
in a news conference that when history books tell it
we will be seen as being on the right side of history
in how the United States responded
(after driving Erica to school this morning)
February 16, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“Our Revolution was like Wikipedia”
February 14, 2011
Post on Twitter by Wael Ghonim
“This is Revolution 2.0: No one was a hero because everyone was a hero.”
February 13, 2011
on the transformations of the last 4 weeks -
all the protests in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia,
Algeria, Libya, Jordan, Iran, etc.
especially the resignation of Hosni Mubarak
February 11, 2011
and see!/notes/safiyah-fosua/a-prayer-for-the-people-of-egypt-february-3-2011/10150134548244274
A Prayer for the People of Egypt (February 3, 2011)
by Safiyah Fosua
Matthew 5:13-20 (NRSV)
(and Matthew 5:1-12, Beatitudes)
John 6:51 (Call to Worship)
Isaiah 58.6-12 (NRSV)
John 13:34-35 and Ephesians 4:4-6
(“They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”, The Faith We Sing #2223)
Micah 6:8
(“We Are Called”, The Faith We Sing #2172)
Call to Worship (John 6:51)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication
Worship Theme: “A Meal for All People”
and sermon, “Salty Christians”
by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
February 6, 2011
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Copyright by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.