Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fired Up for Christ on Monday

One of the messages on the screen
that we are so fired up for Christ
sitting safely, reverently, in the pews on Sunday
If only we could be fired up for Christ
on Monday, throughout the week,
in our work, in our play, in our daily lives
as we live out our days,
never shy about our faith
that which we believe,
ready to share our journey
our love of Christ
whenever the spirit moves us
no matter the perceived cost

October 11, 2008
Please watch

Sharing Our Witness

Sharing our witness, so hard sometimes
so much of what we are called to do
in big ways and small, we must witness
both in words and more in deeds
to show our faith, our belief
to be Christ for someone
each chance we get, to never shy away
to never be timid to share
to share our witness
wherever we are
wherever we are called to go

October 11, 2008
Please watch

Sharing Faith

Sharing faith, that which we believe
should be as easy as sharing a joke
a personal story, life’s challenges and joys

We stumble and keep hidden
that which is most precious
treasure we are creating in heaven

By grace saved, by faith we believe
by sharing we do the will of God
bringing Christ’s love to the world

October 11, 2008
Please watch

A Piece of Chalk

An unbroken piece of chalk
rolling on the auditorium floor
a symbol, an invitation,
a means to witness
to bear witness to the truth of God
something to make us ponder
our certainties, our sureness, our aloneness
A bit of tape, digital bits, strung out to see
forcing us, if we watch, to ponder life
to think about the creator, God
and our response to grace

October 11, 2008
Please watch

Invisible Christians

The video’s message, a challenge
a call to be something different
not longer invisible Christians,
only seen in the pews on Sunday,
Standing up to be visible,
even among those who do not believe,
who will not confess
the truth of your existence, oh God
Standing up, to be visible,
professing our faith, each day
all the days of the week, out in the world
bringing our faith, our Lord
our master’s love
to the ends of the earth

October 11, 2008

Blog Action Day 2008 - poverty

For those with blogs, websites, etc., please consider joining Blog Action Day this Wednesday, October 15, 2008, when around the world on the web people will focus on poverty. Add your voice -

This Should Keep Us All Thinking

Someone I care very deeply about passed this video clip on to me. Even if it isn't a true story, it's message is true. We need to stand up more!

Monday, October 06, 2008

A Golden Cross

High above the bell tower, the stained glass
the entrance of the church, open, welcoming
a blazing, golden cross, a beacon in the morning sun
seemingly proclaiming, trumpeting, this place,
this is holy ground, God dwells here!
In that moment, walking to the sanctuary
walking past the red sugar maple aflame
afire itself with praises to God
against the blue sky of fall mornings
cloudless still, the cross shimmering
too bright almost, God’s royal color
atop the steeple peak

October 6, 2008
Suncook United Methodist Church
October 5, 2008

A Sugar Maple

Reds and oranges, yellows and greens
the fall colors of the sugar maple
adorning the front lawn of the church
ripening leaves, fall fruits
shimmering in the bright morning sun
a blue sky behind, framing them all
clinging to the stems the branches
for a few minutes more, holding on
to their moments in the sun
painting colors across the sky
a treasure, part of creation’s tableau
greeting us this morning, yesterday morning
on the way to worship

October 6, 2008
Suncook United Methodist Church

Commissioned, Charged, Appointed

All of us, like the apostles
commissioned to make disciples
to spread the good news
charged to be Christ’s witnesses
to speak of his life, of his love
to tell the good news
wherever we are. Appointed
we are, both in our ministry
and in our witness in large
and in small ways
always called to be Christ,
to be his hands and his feet
bearing witness one by one

October 5, 2008
Acts 1:6-9
Romans 10:11-17
Matthew 28:18-20 and
Sermon “We Are Appointed”
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church
October 5, 2008

Sunday, October 05, 2008

We are All His Witnesses

Nor merely the first twelve
all of us commissioned, appointed, charged
to be His witnesses, to tell of his great love
consciously, going out, spreading the good news
and, less so, being where you need to be
bearing witness to God’s love
sharing our faith, our belief
our receiving of God’s grace
the good news, passed down
through the generations
open to moments, unplanned
to be Christ, when God calls.

October 5, 2008
Acts 1:6-9
Romans 10:11-17 and
Sermon “We Are Appointed”
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church
October 5, 2008

A Statement

Who we are, what we pray
how we hope, why we are gathered
as God's own, to praise, to pray,
to study and to serve
here and beyond, in common
a living congregation, in this place
in our time, faithful
obedient to our brother's call
taking on his yoke, our cross
conforming our lives to him
becoming Christ to the world

October 5, 2008
Suncook United Methodist Church,
our Mission Statement,
"We gather as a family of God for worship,
prayer, learning, and service."

At the Rail Received

We kneeled, at the rail received
the bread, the wine
the body, the blood,
sharing the communion meal,
at God’s table, the Lord’s
sharing the elements
the parts, in remembrance
pausing for the invocation, the invitation
of the pastor, his blessing,
rising to return to our pews
silent, reverent, in appreciation
thanking the savior
for his wondrous gift
a sharing around the world
to the ends of the earth

October 5, 2008
World Communion Sunday, October 5, 2008
Matthew 26:26-29
Mark 14:22-25
Luke 22:15-20
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Suncook United Methodist Church

Coming to Your Table

Lord, today we each, we all
coming to Your table
Your meal to share,
all around the world
in communion, all believers
come humbly to Your table
to share the meal with You
to be fed by Your sacrifice,
in remembrance we are joined
in worship we are washed
in Your sacrifice we are saved
at your rising we live
Coming to Your table again
to be fed, made whole

October 5, 2008
World Communion Sunday, October 5, 2008
Matthew 26:26-29
Mark 14:22-25
Luke 22:15-20
1 Corinthians 11:23-26

A Single Table

Wherever we are, around the globe
in plenty, in famine,
in war, in strife, in fall’s bounty, in peace
we come together to sit
a single table prepared
a loaf, a cup, enough to feed
Enough to feed the whole world
broken and given,
poured out and shared
For you for me, wherever
the sacrifice, the gift, remembered
in communion this day
to the ends of the earth

October 5, 2008
World Communion Sunday, October 5, 2008
Matthew 26:26-29
Mark 14:22-25
Luke 22:15-20
1 Corinthians 11:23-26

Of the Vine

As we kneel, come to your table
may we be mindful to be of the vine
in the world but not of the world
part of your family, Lord, with you
in the great calling, the work
living in the vine, following the master
eating the bread, drinking the wine
in remembrance of him, of the sacrifice
the love of our creator, of our savior
knowing our nature, giving his all
being a servant, a sacrifice
So we should, live our lives
living in the vine, part of the work
taking up our cross, in our time
taking on the yoke, conforming our hearts
joining our savior, to be Christ to someone
this day, living in the vine

October 5, 2008
World Communion Sunday
Matthew 26:26-29
Mark 14:22-25
Luke 22:15-20
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
John 15:5
Walk to Emmaus, Sanctifying Grace talk