Friday, September 27, 2024

“How can people be so cruel to each other?” – v4

He became mute, he was traumatized, terrorized,
tortured, blooded, and beaten,
unable to speak, become a specter, a shell,
hiding himself deep inside, protecting who he is,
but there has been a warming in his spirit,
reborn, beginning to speak, to struggle, to ask…
Asking THE important questions,
the essential question, the challenge,
to this world, to leaders, for all mankind, of humanity…
“How can people be so cruel to each other?”, he cries,
a prisoner begs us, “Why so much pain?”,
he asks humanity, “Why are there so many lies?”,
in this moment of chaos, of hate, of war,
encircling this world, stalking the globe…
How could this happen, again, again,
aggression, conquest, torture, genocide,
when the world pledged, “Never Again!”,
after the Holocaust, almost 80 years ago…
The essential question, the struggle for our time,
for meaning, reconciliation, for peace to rise, to ascend,
out of the ashes of war, terror, of genocide,
encircling our world, this planet, too many to count,
martyrs and enemies, innocent blood…
Children in the crosshairs, old lives cut down,
lives lost to tragedy, to a reign of terror falling down,
“How can people be so cruel to each other?”,
how can we change that somehow?...
What can be the path forward, out of these dark times,
how can we tear down the walls between us,
to find a different path, a more just future, for all of us,
where have we gone so wrong, what humanity have we lost,
the pain, the trauma, a legacy heavy upon us…
So many lives cut down, lives frozen in time, deflected,
distracted from our paths, our hopes, our dreams,
the lament of this son who spoke, who pleads with us,
to find a way out of the madness, to live in peace…
Edited September 27, 2024
How can people be so cruel to each other – v4
Edited September 26, 2024
How can people be so cruel to each other – v3
Edited September 26, 2024
How can people be so cruel to each other – v2
September 26, 2024
How can people be so cruel to each other
September 26, 2024
Twitter post by Anton Gerashchenko
“"Why so much pain? Why so many lies? Why are people so cruel to each other?" - the first words of 22-year-old marine Yurii Hulchuk, who lost his speech and the ability to experience emotions due to torture in Russian captivity.
His mother was told by Warriors who had returned from captivity earlier that her son stopped speaking back in June of 2022. Yurii returned to Ukraine on September 14, 2024. His condition shocked everyone who saw him. But despite the doctors' disappointing prognosis, Yurii started to speak.”
September 26, 2024
Twitter post by Anton Gerashchenko
September 26, 2024
Twitter post by Olexander Scherba
“Ukrainian PoW who lost his ability to speak - he started talking!”
Edited September 25, 2024
the threat much closer – v4
September 10, 2024
The stain of innocent blood – v5
Edited September 25, 2024
History will curse him – v2
Edited September 25, 2024
He is an Anti-Christ, a Satan – v2
Edited September 25, 2024
His arrogance, his ego – v2
Edited September 25, 2024
the soul of a monster
Edited September 23, 2024
Human life is all that matters – v3
Edited September 22, 2024
Each human life is important – v2
Refuting the clear message of Putin’s war of aggression that,
“Human life is unimportant”
And the quote of Vladimir Kara-Murza in the decision to release
Russian murderer so that those held unjustly would be free,
That each human life is important…
And my poem, “Human life is all that matters – v2”
Edited September 23, 2024
A lost war of aggression – v2
September 22, 2024
Article by Carole Cadwalladr in The Guardian -
“Putin regime will collapse without warning, says freed gulag dissident”
September 20, 2024
Article by Tom Watling in The Independent -
“The downfall of Putin is inevitable, says freed dissident Vladimir Kara-Murza”
September 21, 2024
BBC Newscast - Interview: Vladimir Kara-Murza On Life In A Russian Prison
Laura Kuenssberg - full interview with Vladimir Kara-Murza and his wife Evgenia
All of my poems, photographs, and videos are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 202 2022, 2023, and 2024. All rights are reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss ( for usage. See all 53,000+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.
poetry, Ukraine, God, prayer, war, tragedy, terror, genocide, Russia, peace, humanity, love, innocent blood, cruelty, anger, hate, war crimes, crimes against humanity, United Nations, Yurii Hulchuk,
#poetry #Ukraine #God #prayer #war #tragedy #terror #genocide #Russia #valor #martyrs #heroes #peace #humanity #love #innocentblood #cruelty #anger #hate #warcrimes #crimesagainsthumanity #UnitedNations #YuriiHulchuk #WeStandWithUkraine

Thursday, September 26, 2024

“How can people be so cruel to each other?” – v3

He became mute, he was traumatized, terrorized,
tortured, blooded, and beaten,
unable to speak, become a specter, a shell,
but there has been a warming in his spirit,
reborn, beginning to speak, to struggle, to ask…
Asking THE important question,
the essential question, the challenge,
to this world, to leaders, for all mankind, humanity…
“How can people be so cruel to each other?”, he cries,
a prisoner begs, “Why so much pain?”, he asks humanity,
in this moment of chaos, of hate, of war,
encircling this world, stalking the globe…
How could this happen, again, again,
aggression, conquest, torture, genocide,
when the world pledged, “Never Again!”,
after the Holocaust, almost 80 years ago…
The essential question, the struggle for our time,
for meaning, reconciliation, for peace to rise, to ascend,
out of the ashes of war, terror, of genocide,
encircling our world, this planet, too many to count,
martyrs and enemies, innocent blood…
Children in the crosshairs, old lives cut down,
“How can people be so cruel to each other?”,
how can we change that somehow?...
Edited September 26, 2024
How can people be so cruel to each other – v3
Edited September 26, 2024
How can people be so cruel to each other – v2
September 26, 2024
How can people be so cruel to each other
September 26, 2024
Twitter post by Anton Gerashchenko
“"Why so much pain? Why so many lies? Why are people so cruel to each other?" - the first words of 22-year-old marine Yurii Hulchuk, who lost his speech and the ability to experience emotions due to torture in Russian captivity.
His mother was told by Warriors who had returned from captivity earlier that her son stopped speaking back in June of 2022. Yurii returned to Ukraine on September 14, 2024. His condition shocked everyone who saw him. But despite the doctors' disappointing prognosis, Yurii started to speak.”
September 26, 2024
Twitter post by Anton Gerashchenko
September 26, 2024
Twitter post by Olexander Scherba
“Ukrainian PoW who lost his ability to speak - he started talking!”
Edited September 25, 2024
the threat much closer – v4
September 10, 2024
The stain of innocent blood – v5
Edited September 25, 2024
History will curse him – v2
Edited September 25, 2024
He is an Anti-Christ, a Satan – v2
Edited September 25, 2024
His arrogance, his ego – v2
Edited September 25, 2024
the soul of a monster
Edited September 23, 2024
Human life is all that matters – v3
Edited September 22, 2024
Each human life is important – v2
Refuting the clear message of Putin’s war of aggression that,
“Human life is unimportant”
And the quote of Vladimir Kara-Murza in the decision to release
Russian murderer so that those held unjustly would be free,
That each human life is important…
And my poem, “Human life is all that matters – v2”
Edited September 23, 2024
A lost war of aggression – v2
September 22, 2024
Article by Carole Cadwalladr in The Guardian -
“Putin regime will collapse without warning, says freed gulag dissident”
September 20, 2024
Article by Tom Watling in The Independent -
“The downfall of Putin is inevitable, says freed dissident Vladimir Kara-Murza”
September 21, 2024
BBC Newscast - Interview: Vladimir Kara-Murza On Life In A Russian Prison
Laura Kuenssberg - full interview with Vladimir Kara-Murza and his wife Evgenia
All of my poems, photographs, and videos are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 202 2022, 2023, and 2024. All rights are reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss ( for usage. See all 53,000+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.
poetry, Ukraine, God, prayer, war, tragedy, terror, genocide, Russia, peace, humanity, love, innocent blood, cruelty, anger, hate, war crimes, crimes against humanity, United Nations, Yurii Hulchuk,
#poetry #Ukraine #God #prayer #war #tragedy #terror #genocide #Russia #valor #martyrs #heroes #peace #humanity #love #innocentblood #cruelty #anger #hate #warcrimes #crimesagainsthumanity #UnitedNations #YuriiHulchuk #WeStandWithUkraine

the soul of a monster – v2

This false Tsar, his minions,
those with him in the Kremlin,
proving their utter inhumanity,
their lust for raw power, terror,
destroying everything they can…
They do not care about Ukraine,
about Ukrainians, this noble people,
they do not care about Russians,
their own people either, truly,
they are merely slaves, serfs to them…
They only want empire, expanding,
to the steppes of Europe, conquest,
an expanding vision only, surreal,
human life unimportant, truly,
the soul of a monster, awful, repugnant,
their sons sent into the meat grinder…
Dead souls given over, counted,
the price for his ego, his hellish passions,
given to terror, a quest for raw power,
their neighbors do not matter
nor their best sons, in truth…
They deny the horror,
the carnage, the genocide,
but the truth stands before them,
all they seek is expansion, conquest,
they would never stop at Ukraine…
Edited September 26, 2024
the soul of a monster – v2
Edited September 25, 2024
the soul of a monster
September 24, 2024
History will curse him
September 24, 2024
His fall will be epic
September 24, 2024
Twitter post by Roman Sheremeta
“One of the main russian propagandists Solovyev suggests
Putin's resignation, blaming the russian leadership for failures at the frontline.”
September 24, 2024
He is an Anti-Christ, a Satan
September 24, 2024
His arrogance, his ego
Edited September 23, 2024
Human life is all that matters – v3
September 10, 2024
The stain of innocent blood – v5
Edited September 22, 2024
Each human life is important – v2
Refuting the clear message of Putin’s war of aggression that,
“Human life is unimportant”
And the quote of Vladimir Kara-Murza in the decision to release
Russian murderer so that those held unjustly would be free,
That each human life is important…
And my poem, “Human life is all that matters – v2”
Edited September 23, 2024
A lost war of aggression – v2
Edited September 23, 2024
Like a house of cards – v2
Edited September 23, 2024
The weight of his failure – v2
September 22, 2024
Article by Carole Cadwalladr in The Guardian -
“Putin regime will collapse without warning, says freed gulag dissident”
September 20, 2024
Article by Tom Watling in The Independent -
“The downfall of Putin is inevitable, says freed dissident Vladimir Kara-Murza”
September 21, 2024
BBC Newscast - Interview: Vladimir Kara-Murza On Life In A Russian Prison
Laura Kuenssberg - full interview with Vladimir Kara-Murza and his wife Evgenia
Edited September 21, 2024
Their best sons and daughters – v3
Edited August 1, 2024
Resolve personified – v3
 Edited September 19, 2024
Let Ukraine Strike the Archers – v2
Edited September 17, 2024
Let Ukraine Strike Back – v3
All of my poems, photographs, and videos are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 202 2022, 2023, and 2024. All rights are reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss ( for usage. See all 53,000+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.
poetry, Ukraine, God, prayer, Let Ukraine Strike Back, strike the archers, air bases, missiles, Russia, collapse, Putin, freedom, Vladimir Kara-Murza,
#poetry #Ukraine #God #prayer #LetUkraineStrikeBack #strikethearchers #airbases #missiles #Russia #collapse #Putin #freedom #VladimirKaraMurza

“How can people be so cruel to each other?” – v2

Mute, traumatized, terrorized,
tortured, blooded, and beaten,
unable to speak, become a specter,
but warming in his spirit,
reborn, beginning to speak…
Asking THE important question,
the essential question, the challenge,
to the world, for all mankind, humanity…
“How can people be so cruel to each other?”, he cries,
a prisoner begs, “Why so much pain?”, he asks humanity,
in this moment of chaos, of hate, of war,
encircling this world, the globe…
How could this happen, again, again,
aggression, conquest, torture, genocide,
when the world said, “Never Again!”,
after the Holocaust, almost 80 years ago…
The essential question, the struggle for our time,
for meaning, reconciliation, for peace to rise up,
out of the ashes of war, terror, genocide,
encircling our world, this planet, too many to count,
martyrs and enemies, innocent blood…
children in the crosshairs, lives cut down,
“How can people be so cruel to each other?”,
how can we change that somehow?...
Edited September 26, 2024
How can people be so cruel to each other – v2
September 26, 2024
Twitter post by Anton Gerashchenko
“"Why so much pain? Why so many lies? Why are people so cruel to each other?" - the first words of 22-year-old marine Yurii Hulchuk, who lost his speech and the ability to experience emotions due to torture in Russian captivity.
His mother was told by Warriors who had returned from captivity earlier that her son stopped speaking back in June of 2022. Yurii returned to Ukraine on September 14, 2024. His condition shocked everyone who saw him. But despite the doctors' disappointing prognosis, Yurii started to speak.”
September 26, 2024
Twitter post by Anton Gerashchenko
September 26, 2024
Twitter post by Olexander Scherba
“Ukrainian PoW who lost his ability to speak - he started talking!”
Edited September 25, 2024
the threat much closer – v4
September 10, 2024
The stain of innocent blood – v5
Edited September 25, 2024
History will curse him – v2
Edited September 25, 2024
He is an Anti-Christ, a Satan – v2
Edited September 25, 2024
His arrogance, his ego – v2
Edited September 25, 2024
the soul of a monster
Edited September 23, 2024
Human life is all that matters – v3
Edited September 22, 2024
Each human life is important – v2
Refuting the clear message of Putin’s war of aggression that,
“Human life is unimportant”
And the quote of Vladimir Kara-Murza in the decision to release
Russian murderer so that those held unjustly would be free,
That each human life is important…
And my poem, “Human life is all that matters – v2”
Edited September 23, 2024
A lost war of aggression – v2
September 22, 2024
Article by Carole Cadwalladr in The Guardian -
“Putin regime will collapse without warning, says freed gulag dissident”
September 20, 2024
Article by Tom Watling in The Independent -
“The downfall of Putin is inevitable, says freed dissident Vladimir Kara-Murza”
September 21, 2024
BBC Newscast - Interview: Vladimir Kara-Murza On Life In A Russian Prison
Laura Kuenssberg - full interview with Vladimir Kara-Murza and his wife Evgenia
All of my poems, photographs, and videos are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 202 2022, 2023, and 2024. All rights are reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss ( for usage. See all 53,000+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.
poetry, Ukraine, God, prayer, war, tragedy, terror, genocide, Russia, peace, humanity, love, innocent blood, cruelty, anger, hate, war crimes, crimes against humanity, United Nations, Yurii Hulchuk,
#poetry #Ukraine #God #prayer #war #tragedy #terror #genocide #Russia #valor #martyrs #heroes #peace #humanity #love #innocentblood #cruelty #anger #hate #warcrimes #crimesagainsthumanity #UnitedNations #YuriiHulchuk

“How can people be so cruel to each other?”

Mute, traumatized, terrorized,
tortured, blooded, and beaten,
unable to speak, become a specter,
but warming in his spirit,
reborn, beginning to speak,
asking THE important question,
the essential question, the challenge,
to the world, for all mankind…
“How can people be so cruel to each other?”
the prisoner asks us, asks humanity,
in this moment of chaos, of hate, of war,
encircling the world, the globe…
How could this happen, again, again,
aggression, conquest, torture, genocide,
when the world said, “Never Again!”,
almost 80 years ago…
September 26, 2024
How can people be so cruel to each other
September 26, 2024
Twitter post by Anton Gerashchenko
“"Why so much pain? Why so many lies? Why are people so cruel to each other?" - the first words of 22-year-old marine Yurii Hulchuk, who lost his speech and the ability to experience emotions due to torture in Russian captivity. 
His mother was told by Warriors who had returned from captivity earlier that her son stopped speaking back in June of 2022. Yurii returned to Ukraine on September 14, 2024. His condition shocked everyone who saw him. But despite the doctors' disappointing prognosis, Yurii started to speak.”
September 26, 2024
Twitter post by Anton Gerashchenko
September 26, 2024
Twitter post by Olexander Scherba
“Ukrainian PoW who lost his ability to speak - he started talking!”
Edited September 25, 2024
the threat much closer – v4
September 10, 2024
The stain of innocent blood – v5
Edited September 25, 2024
History will curse him – v2
Edited September 25, 2024
He is an Anti-Christ, a Satan – v2
Edited September 25, 2024
His arrogance, his ego – v2
Edited September 25, 2024
the soul of a monster
Edited September 23, 2024
Human life is all that matters – v3
Edited September 22, 2024
Each human life is important – v2
Refuting the clear message of Putin’s war of aggression that,
“Human life is unimportant”
And the quote of Vladimir Kara-Murza in the decision to release
Russian murderer so that those held unjustly would be free,
That each human life is important…
And my poem, “Human life is all that matters – v2”
Edited September 23, 2024
A lost war of aggression – v2
September 22, 2024
Article by Carole Cadwalladr in The Guardian -
“Putin regime will collapse without warning, says freed gulag dissident”
September 20, 2024
Article by Tom Watling in The Independent -
“The downfall of Putin is inevitable, says freed dissident Vladimir Kara-Murza”
September 21, 2024
BBC Newscast - Interview: Vladimir Kara-Murza On Life In A Russian Prison
Laura Kuenssberg - full interview with Vladimir Kara-Murza and his wife Evgenia
All of my poems, photographs, and videos are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 202 2022, 2023, and 2024. All rights are reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss ( for usage. See all 53,000+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.
poetry, Ukraine, God, prayer, war, tragedy, terror, genocide, Russia, peace, humanity, love, innocent blood, cruelty, anger, hate, war crimes, crimes against humanity, United Nations,
#poetry #Ukraine #God #prayer #war #tragedy #terror #genocide #Russia #valor #martyrs #heroes #peace #humanity #love #innocentblood #cruelty #anger #hate #warcrimes #crimesagainsthumanity #UnitedNations

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

the threat much closer – v4

what do his demons call him, shrieking,
in the darkness, taunting him beyond midnight,
does he know them, does he know their names,
does it matter what he has been drinking,
finding him alone in the bunker, his cell,
nowhere to go, to run from them…
his living nightmares, like the snares upon Pilate,
haunted daily by their innocent blood,
as Bulgakov shared so well, torment,
his ego captured, in fear, in distance,
keep everyone away from him,
more than at arm’s length…
he doesn’t have to fear Ukraine, NATO,
an outside aggressor, a foreign enemy,
within the walls his gilded dungeon,
the threat much closer, truly,
sometimes as close as breath,
a dagger pushed, into his chest…
his days numbered, his life borrowed,
their curses already spoken, a mist,
the coup will come, in an instant, suddenly,
when he least expects it, sooner,
rising from the Kremlin itself,
from its very walls…
will he groan, “Et tu, Brute?”
when a friend turns the knife,
will blood fall from his lip,
frozen in mid-air, juxtaposed
with his amazement,
they got so close…
Edited September 25, 2024
the threat much closer – v4
September 10, 2024
The stain of innocent blood – v5
This poem is about the character Pontius Pilate in the novel, Master and Margarita,
by Mikhail Bulgakov, where Pilate is spending eternity, not in heaven or hell,
but trying to wash the innocent blood Jesus Christ from his hands.
This poem is transferring that same nightmarish judgment on Vladimir Putin
for the innocent blood of the people of Ukraine...
originally drafted April 1, 2022, 38 days into the full-scale invasion
Edited September 25, 2024
History will curse him – v2
Edited September 25, 2024
His fall will be epic – v2
Edited September 25, 2024
He is an Anti-Christ, a Satan – v2
Edited September 25, 2024
His arrogance, his ego – v2
Edited September 25, 2024
the soul of a monster
September 24, 2024
Twitter post by Roman Sheremeta
“One of the main russian propagandists Solovyev suggests
Putin's resignation, blaming the russian leadership for failures at the frontline.”
Edited September 23, 2024
Human life is all that matters – v3
Edited September 22, 2024
Each human life is important – v2
Refuting the clear message of Putin’s war of aggression that,
“Human life is unimportant”
And the quote of Vladimir Kara-Murza in the decision to release
Russian murderer so that those held unjustly would be free,
That each human life is important…
And my poem, “Human life is all that matters – v2”
Edited September 23, 2024
A lost war of aggression – v2
Edited September 23, 2024
Like a house of cards – v2
Edited September 23, 2024
The weight of his failure – v2
September 22, 2024
Article by Carole Cadwalladr in The Guardian -
“Putin regime will collapse without warning, says freed gulag dissident”
September 20, 2024
Article by Tom Watling in The Independent -
“The downfall of Putin is inevitable, says freed dissident Vladimir Kara-Murza”
September 21, 2024
BBC Newscast - Interview: Vladimir Kara-Murza On Life In A Russian Prison
Laura Kuenssberg - full interview with Vladimir Kara-Murza and his wife Evgenia
All of my poems, photographs, and videos are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 202 2022, 2023, and 2024. All rights are reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss ( for usage. See all 53,000+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.
poetry, Ukraine, God, prayer, Russia, collapse, Putin, freedom, coup, coup d état, threat, fear, paranoia, Kremlin, Bulgakov, Master and Margarita, innocent blood,
#poetry #Ukraine #God #prayer #Russia #collapse #Putin #freedom #coup #coupdetat #threat #fear #paranoia #Kremlin #Pilate #Bulgakov #MasterandMargarita #sin #stain #innocentblood