Sunday, February 10, 2008

Very Good

After the sixth day, the Lord looked on creation
the humans he had created, the man, the woman
those born in His image.
Unlike the prior five days of Creation,
He said it was very good,
not merely good.
We were very good, precious, special
standing apart from the rest of creation.
If only we had understood this distinction,
and the desire of God for closeness
with His created, what might have been,
what might the man, the woman,
said to the serpent, the tempter?
Would the juice of the forbidden fruit have
lingered on the chin, staining history?

Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7,
Genesis 1:28-31, and
the sermon, “Seeing With New Eyes”,
by the Rev. Lori Eldredge,
Wesley United Methodist Church,
Concord, NH 2/10/08

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