Monday, April 15, 2013

Sermon "Christianity: A Very Worldly Religion", by Pastor Ruth Foss, Suncook United Methodist Church, April 14, 2013

April 14, 2013
Third Sunday of Easter
Worship Theme: Amazing Grace
Acts 9:1-6 CEB
John 21:1-19 ESV
Revelation 5:11-14 the Message Bible
Genesis 2:6
John 4:1-42

Christianity: A Very worldly Religion

A reading from the Book of Revelation, chapter 5, verses 11 through 15, I am reading from the Message Bible this morning. . . listen to the Word of God to you and me the people of God. . .  

Have you ever seen anything that just completely took your breath away? Something that only God could have done and you are just in total awe of Him and the love that God showers upon you? The grace that God shows all of creation that makes you want to just sing praises to God?

When Ray and I went on our honeymoon we went to St. Lucia. I think that St. Lucia is one of the most beautiful places that I have seen thus far in my life. We would get up each morning before the sun and we would sit on the beach to watch the day begin. It would start with a little glimmer of light on the horizon. Then something awe inspiring would begin. We would watch as the sky morph into something that only a Master painter could do. It would begin with a hint of color. . . yellow and orange with blue in the background. . . then would come the pinks and reds. It would change into a color that I really can’t describe but it was beautiful. We would sit in awe as we watched the morning begin its song of joy and we would end up standing on our feet applauding God for a beautiful display of Majesty! It was like morning was brought forth in song. What amazing grace God showed the world and still shows the world each and every morning. Oh how creation sings a song of love each day. . .

When you think about it. . . Christianity is truly a worldly religion. Not because Christianity follows the way of the world but because all of creation is included. . . all of creation sings praises to Jesus the Lamb and for the amazing grace of God through Jesus. Creation is invited into the song of praise because of the unconditional love of God seen through the work of Christ on the Cross. It is praise inspiring this work of love. . . this gift of grace. Let me explain. . .

From the Acts reading this morning, we see Saul. . . soon to be Paul. . . on his way to take prisoner those who believe in the “Way”. . . the Way of Christ, when suddenly there is this flash of light and he falls to the ground. He then hears the voice of Jesus telling him to get up and go into the city. Now. . . he could have been struck dead right where he was. But God had another plan for him, even though he had spent his life imprisoning those who believed. By God’s grace to Saul. . . now Paul. . . he was saved and believed. Now instead of imprisoning those of the Way he was preaching the Way. Even though he was against Jesus, he was included in the plan to spread the word. Paul became the writer of most of the New Testament we read in the bible. God’s amazing grace is for everyone and all of creation can sing a salvation song.

In the Revelation scripture we heard about the “singing in heaven”. . . we heard creations song of praise. Now this scripture does not say it was just the saints that sang but it tells us that ALL of creation. Every creature in heaven and earth, in underworld and sea, the Angels. . . the animals. . . the Elders thousands. . . tens of thousands. . . singing praises. . . falling to their knees in worship. Can you imagine the scene in heaven? Can you imagine the sound? Can you imagine the beauty of that song? A few years ago I went to a women’s conference and with one voice 4,000+ women were saying “If the Son sets you free you are free indeed”. . . I am sure that it didn’t. . . it couldn’t compare to the sound in heaven! God’s amazing grace is for everyone and all of creation can sing a salvation song.

So what are we to do with this amazing love and grace we receive from our God and King? How do we to react. . . how are we to sing. . . our praise? Well. . . I think that the John scripture from this morning gives some insight on these questions. After Peter had denied Christ three times, Jesus asks three times if Peter loved Him. . . and I think He asks humanity today the same question. . . do you love me? Well of course Peter’s answer was yes. But what I find interesting is the statements of Christ after each answer. It is within these statements that we find our answer.

Do you love me? Yes. Feed my Lambs. . . We are to include all of creation in our worship. . . we worship God when we take care of what God has given us. This includes our land. . . our water. . . our brothers and sisters in Christ. But we see how humanity exploits others and the land in which we live. I find it ironic that in Genesis 2:6 the bible tells us that we are created out of the dust of the earth but we still tend to exploit the very thing we are made of. . . does that mean we are exploiting ourselves?

Do you love me? Yes. Tend my sheep. . . all of creation was created by God. When Adam and Eve were set in the garden they were there to “tend the garden”. . . to tend what God has created. . . to take care of God’s created order. But we still end to destroy and not take care of this precious thing we call earth. . . we destroy the very thing that gives life to God’s creatures. . . the ones we are to protect and nurture.

Do you love me? Yes. Feed my sheep. . . we, as humanity have a tendency to be exclusive instead of inclusive. Jesus was the first to show inclusiveness where as He came for the outcast and sinner and not the “Religious Elite”. We need to invite humanity to the manger. . . to the feeding trough. . . of our Risen Lord, Jesus Christ. We are to offer them the Living water that Jesus offered the Samaritan woman at the well. . . the outcast that was living a life of sin. Who by the way changed her ways. . . was baptized with everyone else in her house and came to know the saving grace of God. . . just by extending that invitation to a new way of life.

Christianity truly is a worldly Religion. . . but not in the way of the world but in the fact that the entire world is invited to sing salvation’s song and salvation’s praise. It involves not only our relationship with God but our relationship in and to the world around us. Now I am not preaching or “demanding’ and neither is God demanding that we need to be economically sensitive. Our God is not a demanding God.  We serve a God that loved the world. . . the whole world. . . so much that God sent his Son Jesus to save the world. But maybe. . . just maybe. . . we need to rethink our salvation song. Are you grateful for what God has done in your life? Are you grateful for the grace. . . the amazing grace. . . that has been showered upon you? Are you thankful? Then. . . how can we not want to care for the things of earth? How can we not be concerned for our “fellow human”? God’s amazing grace is for everyone and everything. Yes. . . all of creation can and does sing a salvation song.
Amen. . .

April 15, 2013
Worship Theme: “Amazing Grace”
Revelations 5:11-14 (The Message Bible)
John 21:1-19 (English Standard Version Bible)
Act 9:1-6 (Common English Bible)
Call to Worship (Psalm 30:1-2, 4, 12a (CEB))
Unison Prayer (Worship & Song 2011)
Prayer of Dedication (GBOD April 2013)
Message for Children - “different ways to say I love you”
and sermon “Christianity: A Very Worldly Religion”
by Pastor Ruth Foss
A Handmaiden of the Lord
Suncook United Methodist Church
Suncook, NH
April 14, 2013
Third Sunday of Easter

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 22,800+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

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