Monday, May 25, 2009

A Village Church

Our church, a village church
nestled in the heart, the center
the little place in the village
known by the mustard seeds
the little acts, simple kindnesses
offering a hand or an ear
prayers, a place of worship
a meal, a place to gather
little mustard seeds of love
planted in our neighbors’ hearts
one little act of love at a time

May 24, 2009
Unison Prayer
“Eternal God, who created us in your own image.
Enable us to fearlessly contend against evil and to
make no peace with oppression.
May we use our freedom with reverence, and
for the establishment of justice to the glory of
your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Savior.”
The Epistle Reading
Ephesians 3:7-13
Gospel Reading
Mark 4:30-32
and sermon by Reverend Huntley Halvorson
“God Has Big Plans For You”

Suncook United Methodist Church

Suncook, NH

May 24, 2009
Ascension Sunday
and the Sunday before Memorial Day

1 comment:

Jim Swindle said...

This one speaks to me. The value of the ministry is not measured by the size of the crowd nor by the size of the building, but by the reality of the Lord's work in and among and through the people--those who are redeemed by Jesus and drawing life from him.