Monday, December 31, 2007

His face set on Jerusalem

After the transfiguration
there was a change in his manner
an urgency, impatience
time was suddenly short, shorter
he had set his face on Jerusalem
the final lessons to tell, the final healings
the training of the disciples
needing to be completed
He moved with a purpose
knowing his suffering to come
hurtling forward to completion
of his work here on earth

December 31, 2007
Luke 9:28-36
Luke 9:51-19:27
Luke 9:51

From Adoration to Flight

After the Magi, the gifts
gold, frankincense, myrrh,
a sudden dream, fear, panic,
flea, fly, go to the land of Egypt
to the home of the pharaohs,
the place of your ancestors, imprisoned
enslaved, until the exodus,
the freedom flight
the parting, the crossing of the Sea
the flight led by Moses
So too would the people be made free
by the babe in his mother’s arms
taken up to Egypt
until the king was no more

December 31, 2007
Matthew 2:13-23
based on sermon,
“Homecoming”, by
the Reverend Lori Eldredge,
Wesley United Methodist Church,
Concord, NH, 12/30/07

Saved by Stealth

Deliverers of the people
each both under a death threat
a dream and a basket
into the land of Egypt
adrift and homeless
at the mercy of the dust, the river
the kindness in the foreign land
the saviors of the people
saved by stealth
to lead the people
to freedom

December 31, 2007
Matthew 2:13-23
based on sermon,
“Homecoming”, by
the Reverend Lori Eldredge,
Wesley United Methodist Church,
Concord, NH, 12/30/07
and Exodus 2:1-5

A Massacre

It was a slaughter
all those of an age
all under two years old
put to death
to assuage the fears of the king
to rest his troubled mind
to give him peace
from a future foretold in scripture
for the people of the book
the nation of covenant
the people of the word
He was ready
to follow the model of Pharaoh
and kill the children
to save him from the king
born in the manger

December 31, 2007
Matthew 2:13-23
based on sermon,
“Homecoming”, by
the Reverend Lori Eldredge,
Wesley United Methodist Church,
Concord, NH, 12/30/07
and Exodus 1:8-22

At the King’s Command

At the king’s command
a massacre of infants
of innocents
The innocent paying the price
for the king’s fear, hatred
Fear of the babe born in the manger
the one visited by Magi
wise men from the East
Fear of the one foretold in the Prophets
the one who would come from Jesse’s root
would come to reclaim Israel
At the king’s command
the order was carried out;
but the one escaped
by the angel’s words
in the dream of his father

December 31, 2007
Matthew 2:13-23
based on sermon,
“Homecoming”, by
the Reverend Lori Eldredge,
Wesley United Methodist Church,
Concord, NH, 12/30/07

Like Children

In the synoptic gospels,
we are told, by the savior,
the first born
of the resurrection,
the first in the kingdom
of human birth
that we are to be like children
like children not of our age, perhaps;
but like the lowly status,
the children of his age,
of the world today
unlike our world
children, not merely innocent,
not humble alone,
the last, the least, the throw-away,
the lost, the ones left behind
thrown into the trash heap
left to die, if the wrong type
or food is short
Put ourselves into their station
their position, not merely servants
clinging to life itself,
How much harder
those words were
to the first listeners,
disciples trying to learn,
to understand new lessons
within the context of their lives
the teachings of old

December 31, 2007
Matthew 18:1-4
Matthew 19:13-15
Luke 9:46-48


After the stable birth
the visit of the Magi
the king was a refugee
a stealthy run for foreign land
away from the land of his people
hidden in Egypt
to avoid the slaughter
the rage of the King
the fear of the King
a refugee
without a home
in a land
where the people
had been slaves
Running for his life
to the land of the pharaohs
to avoid the pawn
of the Emperor

December 31, 2007
Matthew 2:13-23
based on sermon,
“Homecoming”, by
the Reverend Lori Eldredge,
Wesley United Methodist Church,
Concord, NH, 12/30/07

A Peasant King

The first will be last
The first a peasant king
homeless, without a place
to lay his head
Without a bed for his birth
a feed trough a cradle
last, like a young child
unwanted and a burden
an outcast, penniless
without career or home
a model of service
of sacrifice, that is his riches
a peasant king
such is our savior
and it is him
whom we must emulate

December 31, 2007

"The Age of Innocence", a sermon by Pastor Ruth L. Foss, Sanbornville United Methodist Church, Wakefield, NH 12/30/07

Matthew 2:13-23
Hebrews 2:10-18

When I read the scripture from Matthew… I was really struck by verses 16 to 18. The verses read “16 When Herod saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, he was infuriated, and he sent and killed all the children in and around Bethlehem who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had learned from the wise men. 17 Then was fulfilled what had been spoken through the prophet Jeremiah: 18 “A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be consoled, because they are no more.””

Herod was infuriated… and the children… the innocents… were killed. And this is not the only death sentence that Herod was responsible for. He killed anyone who got in his way… who he thought was a rival…this even included his wife and three of his sons. Herod even had John the Baptist put in prison and eventually beheaded because John disagreed with Herod’s marriage to his brother’s wife! Isn’t it funny… how… the innocents seem to be the ones to die.

This piece of the Matthew scripture reminds me of the world… this fallen world… that we live in. The innocents or innocence die every moment…no, every second… of each and every day. Seems to me that things really haven’t changed since Herod’s time… oh the ways they die have changed… but the innocents still die. Murderous behavior by one tribe… or religion… against another is still rampant today. Herod is alive and well… and not just in the “other guy”. In fact… there is a bit of Herod in each one of us when we feel threatened.

Look around us… there are so many ways that the innocent dies… we have abortion used as a means of birth control. These innocent children are dying because they would “cramp someone’s style”… “What would the neighbors think if our 14 year old child has a child?”… the child is “unwanted…a mistake” even before they are born.

There are wars raging all around us. There is the war in the Middle East, there is the war in our streets, there is war within families. In all these situations… the innocent is the one that usually ends up hurt in one way or another. It is the innocent that is dispensable not the ones in control.

You hear about abuse and rape on the news and in the papers. Innocence is lost… stolen… killed in these situations if not a loss of life (which sometimes seems to be the better option for some of these victims of these violent heinous crimes). We wail and cry as they did in Bethlehem… As Rachel wept and still weeps for her children; we refuse to be consoled because they are no more.

There are children out on the streets. They have nowhere to turn. They are not wanted in their homes… they have their innocence taken… stolen… from them by the streets. Where is there hope for a brighter tomorrow? Who will stand in the gap for them?

Even Jesus was an innocent who died for others but in this one, single, solitary sacrifice we have hope. Within this innocent’s death there is life to be found… a new life with a promise.

We are told, in the Epistle reading from Hebrews, that… Jesus is made the pioneer of our salvation perfect through suffering. For the one who sanctifies and all who are sanctified have one Father. Jesus is the perfect sacrifice for our sins. Even though He was tempted… even though He suffered as we do… He remained the pure, blameless sacrificial Lamb. And the scripture goes on to say that “Because he himself was tested by what he suffered… He… is able… to help…those… who are being … tested.”

This statement … this verse… is the very essence of a poem that Ray wrote for me. It is called Tempted:

The final verse of the reading
the lesson for the Hebrews
Jesus was tempted
Other tellings
of the same lesson
say he was tested
An interesting difference
thesaurus needed for the nuance
the related meaning; but a difference too
for he was tempted by the devil
tested by life’s travails
to be the worthy sacrifice,
the humble servant king
the anointed priest
all while fully human
tested, tempted as we are
in trying, fitfully,
doing the Father’s will

It is through His sacrifice on the cross… through this pure life… through Jesus’ obedience right up to and after His death on the cross that we are set free. Free from the death of sin… free from the bonds that hold us down… free to reach out with love and share this good news to those around us. Free to change a life that has broken by the loss of innocence… destroyed by the world we live in and help metamorphous it into a life where there is hope and a future… Give wings to fly to those who have been cocooned by society.

How can we begin to take on this monumental task? We look at the world around us and feel overwhelmed by what we see and hear. Well… all through the bible… we hear over and over again… fear not, I am with you. God is on our side… God is working our His plan… If God is for us (who can be against us). We need to trust in God… we need to reach out to those innocents around us and help them realize there is hope.

Don’t worry if you don’t know what to say. As with Moses… God will give us what need to be said. God wants ALL of His children to come home and He uses you and me to bring that about.

Another thing we can do is pray. Pray for our leaders, pray for our nation, pray for the parents of the world, pray for the children of the world. Just pray for whatever God puts on your heart!

We need to stop and listen to that still small voice within us. It is there… all we have to do is quiet ourselves in order to hear. The Spirit within us will guide us to what we need to do… our call in the world we live in.

God has surrounded each one of us with angels bearing messages we need to hear – messages that have the potential to bless our lives. We as Christians need to be the “angel’s messenger” to the least, the lost, the forgotten… those innocents around us… giving them the message of love, of hope, of peace. You never know… not only may we bless their lives but in the doing… be blessed beyond measure in being the ambassador of Christ here in the world.

We have a choice to make in life…we can either go through life thinking that these things…these people don’t effect us, that we have enough problems of our own, why should we take on another’s issues…or…we can reach out to those who are the innocents around us and share the Good News of our Risen Lord Jesus Christ, we can help them metamorphus into what Christ would have them be…help them find their wings and fly as if on wings of an eagle. We can help make this world a better place if we but listen to that still small voice inside guiding us in the direction we should go.

I would like to end my sermon with a poem that I wrote in Mexico when I went on a Liberation Theology trip there when I was in undergrad. school. It is called “Listen to my Children Crying,” I wrote it when I came back and was thinking about all that I saw there. It reads:

Can’t you hear my children crying?
In your neighborhoods and around the world.
Can’t you hear my children crying?
For justice in their oppression and pain.
Can’t you hear my children crying?
For help from those who know the truth.
Can’t you hear my children crying?

There are children in the street,
With not enough to eat.
Can’t you hear my children crying?
There is injustice running wild,
Can’t you see this my child?
Can’t you hear them crying?

You have been sent on a mission,
To care for your brothers and sisters.
To right the wrongs of those with no voice.
They are there not by their choice.
Can’t you hear my children crying?

Why do you turn away?
They need your help not tomorrow but today!
Can’t you hear my children crying?
Why are they dying?


Thursday, December 27, 2007


The final verse of the reading
the lesson for the Hebrews
Jesus was tempted
Other tellings
of the same lesson
say he was tested
An interesting difference
thesaurus needed for the nuance
the related meaning; but a difference too
for he was tempted by the devil
tested by life’s travails
to be the worthy sacrifice,
the humble servant king
the anointed priest
all while fully human
tested, tempted as we are
in trying, fitfully,
doing the Father’s will

December 27, 2007
Hebrews 2:10-18


His life a test
more than our own
it would seem
tested as a human
in our bodily form
but faithful where we are not
living the law and the prophets
fulfilling the scripture
playing out his role,
known from the beginning
but followed none the less
his will as God’s will
humbly bowing to the Lord

December 27, 2007
Hebrews 2:10-18

A Sacrifice

Unlike Isaac,
given, offered up
by the father alone
He was a sacrifice
anointed by the Father;
but given too
by his active choice
accepting the cup,
bringing it to his lips
the crimson stain
Offering himself
as the one pure sacrifice
needed to seal the breach
we could not fill
the gap we could not cross
between man and God

December 27, 2007
Hebrews 2:10-18

All of my poems, photographs, and videos are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. All rights are reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss (  for usage. See all 46,460 of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

His Humanity

For he was human, just as he was God
His humanity the very point
the means of our saving
was his humanness, his testing
his choices to be faithful
to live the law and the prophets
as a human, to reconcile us
to God, in the flesh
as a human, to give all
to do all that the law required
the one human
able to earn grace
through the crucible of life
the resurrection after death

December 27, 2007
Hebrews 2:10-18

A Royal Priest

He was king, God, human, sacrifice;
but he was a royal priest too,
able to do what no other could do
offer a worthy sacrifice,
a real unblemished, sin sacrifice
able to go into the holy of holies
able to go behind the veil,
to walk before God
the Father, to offer
once and for all
an atonement
this singular royal priest

December 27, 2007
Hebrews 2:10-18

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A PJ Day

Unlike yesterday, Christmas Day
a more leisurely start, middle, and end
of the day, at least so far
Awake more slowly,
two hours later
Drawing quietly
in the living room
crafts and coloring
easing into the morning
poetry and drawing
a little time on the computer
all while staying in pajamas
each one, different choices
different reasons, but all
enjoying immensely
their PJ day

December 26, 2007

Every Jot

By every jot, every tittle
every little bit of the word
so was the telling of His story
the beginning of the Good News
a set of proofs
reference and cross-reference
to the fulfillment of the law
the prophets, in the birth,
life, death, and resurrection
of the babe in the manger
the humble servant king

December 26, 2007
The Book of Matthew,
Matthew 5:17-18

Saved by a Dream

As with his coming,
by a dream foretold
so was his saving from
the fear of the king
by a dream he was saved
from the scythe that set Rachel to crying
the reaping of the innocents
by the king’s order
killing those
who would threaten him,
unaware the one was
saved by a dream

December 26, 2007
Matthew 2:13-23

Being John

To be the hands, the feet
the living presence of Jesus
here in this time and place
We must all, in the first instance,
we must be John, the witness
in the wilderness
the voice proclaiming
the coming of the Lord
the sharers, the heralds of the Good News
the saving grace of God
All prophets, witnesses
to the means of grace
the actions of angels,
of saints around us
down through the ages
starting with the people of the Book
the ancient peoples of the covenant
down to the present day
who seek to do the will of God
to follow commandment and urgings
to walk the path and reap the harvest
and come home to the kingdom

December 26, 2007

The Fear of the King – v2

Fear of the infant, the boy
laying in the manger bed
the king humbly born
feared by the king
for the foretelling,
the fulfillment of the prophesy
in a land of the word
a people of the covenant
praying for their salvation
from the boy in the stable
though they didn’t know him
the fear of the king
raging at the saving of the king
by the wise men three
who went another way

December 26, 2007
Matthew 2:13-23

The Fear of the King – v1

Genocide, infanticide
a people, cut down
losing innocence, innocent lives
because of the fear of the king
the ruler’s fears
the cause of mass killing
indiscriminate rage
blood on the lintels no help
for those born in the age
Reaping by the king
in fear for his throne

December 26, 2007
Matthew 2:13-23

Rachel’s Tears

Cries for the lost children
the children of Israel, of Rachel
tears of the mothers of the land
the covenant parents crying for their dead
the innocents taken by Herod
cast into the darkness,
taken oh too soon
because of his fear
his hate, his cowardice
at the coming of the king

December 26, 2007
Matthew 2:13-23

After the Presents

On the drive East
on the way to Gramma’s house
presents unwrapped
toys discovered
Dressed in their Christmas dresses
new winter coats, clean and warm
singing to the carol, hugging their friends
new stuffed bears, cats, cheetahs
watching the world goes bye
until slumber catches up with them

December 25, 2007 and December 26, 2007

In their Winter Coats

Warm in their new winter coats
in the backseat on the way to Gramma’s
three angels dreaming
Christmas carols on the radio
still in their dresses
new stuffed animals
cradled in their arms
On the way to Gramma’s house
asleep in their winter coats

December 25, 2007

Dancer - by Erica Berberena

I am like a dancer
dancing gracefully on the
stage with no fear from
The crowd.


GAZELLE - by Erica Berberena

I am like a Gazelle
Jumping gracefully
From here to there
And everywhere.


Story - by Erica Berberena

I am a story
Waiting to be written
And read by many


Rose - by Erica Berberena

I am a rose
With a beautiful red color
Waiting to be picked
For a beautiful bouquet.

3/15/07 10:25AM

Artist - by Erica Berberena

I am like an artist
Making a beautiful
Picture of a
Lovely sun set.

10:20 A.M

The Wise Men were Women

Lady Wisdom came in threes
at the edge of the chancel
in our church’s pageant this year
this Christmas Eve
A change of fortune
a reversal of Elizabethan theater
our wise men were women
confident capable girls
ably filling the roles
raising their voices
in the retelling of the babe’s story
the gifts of the Magi
for the one in the manger
The journey from the East
a bit different this year
when the wise men were women,
or girls at least

December 25, 2007
Wesley United Methodist Church,
Concord, NH 12/24/07

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

In Praise of Bit Players

The pastor spoke of bit players
of the people in the story, the word of God
with small, sometimes unnamed parts
We too, in the congregation, so often
held up, support, by the unknown bit players
in the life of the church, our journeys of faith
nurtured, our paths made clear
by those unseen members,
doing their part to be the body of Christ
living as Christians by doing
even when unknown, bit players
And for them we rejoice
and give humble thanks
and boundless praise

December 25, 2007
Matthew 1:18-25

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 30,730+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

A Running Angel

A burst of familiar motion
racing down from the chancel to my pew
A very serious angel
needing to go out of the sanctuary, urgently
a race in daddy’s hand down the center aisle
halo swaying and wings flapping
carrying her on the wings out into the narthex
a stop in the bathroom;
“Dad get my halo, it fell off!”
Blurted plea, exhortation
No time for your/my hand now,
plow through the ushers, blocking her path
race to her spot, wings and robes and hair
all flowing in the breeze, at full sprint
an urgent angel back in place
not missing a beat
joining the heavenly chorus
singing on cue

December 25, 2007

A Balloon for Jesus

Three days after her birthday
Shanequa held two balloons
each one decorated in bright colors
festooned with “Happy Birthday”
one for the baby doll just liberated
from the wrapping, the packaging
the other for the baby Jesus
born to save us all
The babe whom we celebrate
who we waited for during the long days,
the darkening days of Advent
preparing for last night’s pageant
the service of joy at the baby’s birth
our king in the manger
But it was in the simple joy,
the loving remembrance,
the sharing of her balloons
with her new baby doll
and the baby Jesus
I will remember
as this day fades
Remembering our Savior
amid the toys and games
the noise of the modern Christmas
room in her heart too
for the holy Christ-child

December 25, 2007

Jesus Imagined

Jesus on the cross,
in the manger, on the mountain
healing, praying, walking on water
coming out of the Jordan at baptism
bleeding from the crown around his head
glowing on Transfiguration
seated at the right hand of the Father
all images of our Savior
our brother,
in whatever name we share
for the one singular unblemished man
to walk the earth

November 25, 2007 and December 25, 2007
Based on Colossians 1:11-20 and the sermon,
“Imaging Jesus”, by the Reverend Lori Eldredge,
Wesley United Methodist Church, Concord, NH
November 25, 2007

After the Chaos

After the chaos,
the blizzard of wrapping,
boxes, bows
toys and games and clothes
being torn from their slumber
the smiles and shrieks of joy
at the opening, the discovery
of each present emerging
Cleaning, clearing the debris
with each new one claimed
A stillness, as new friends are hugged,
games explored, crafts begun
a peace for mom and dad
to watch their play

December 25, 2007
Christmas morning

Monday, December 24, 2007

Born to Fulfill

Over and over again,
He is seen as fulfilling
the law and the prophets,
the Word made flesh in Him
born to fulfill the promise
the love of God, for the people
to reconcile us to Him
so is the son, right from the start,
even before his birth
born to fulfill
to save us all

December 24, 2007

A Memory Tree

Each item, each ornament,
each bauble, bangle, a memory
a special moment in our lives
remembered each year in the decorating
the dressing of the tree, under which the presents
will be placed, connections to special times,
milestones in our family
birthdays, firsts and more
family history too, of ornaments
given and gotten from
earlier saints we have known

December 24, 2007

Born to Die

If he was to fulfill, to bear out,
to live the prophesies of old,
of Jeremiah, of Isaiah,
of the other prophets
the ancient texts,
the hope of the people of the covenant
He was born to die
to walk from the manger
to the cross
in sacrifice for us all
so we remember Lent, the Passion,
as we remember and wait,
each Advent season
Knowing the death was to come
to the Light, brought near to earth
The pain wasn’t in the birthing;
but in the dying,
in fulfillment too
of the holy scripture

December 24, 2007
Matthew 1:28-36

Fulfilling the Prophesies

John and the Christ
cousins, special boys
marked before their births
to fulfill the prophesies
the prophesies of old,
long waiting of the peoples
generation on generation
the voice in the wilderness,
the one about whom he would speak
together, walking the land,
growing to manhood, to servanthood
to sacrifice, to fulfill the ancient texts
to live out the good news
of the Savior come into the world
at Christmas-tide

December 24, 2007

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Instruments of God

In their obedience,
in their submitting their will
to the will of God
they became instruments of God
father and mother to the king
the Christ-child, Emmanuel,
God with us in the flesh
living, serving, dying, rising
because they were faithful,
heard the call of the angels
and did the Master’s will
right then and there
turning in an instant
giving themselves to God

December 23, 2007
Matthew 1:18-25
Luke 1:26-38

Because He Obeyed

Because he obeyed
a child was born, with a name
a name above all names,
Jesus, Christ, Emmanuel
Fulfilling the scriptures, the prophesies,
because he obeyed.

He was born with a father, a mother
humbly, in a manger, in Bethlehem
because he obeyed.

He grew and learned,
and followed the law,
growing in his faith,
because he obeyed

We were saved
by the son’s sacrifice
because he obeyed

December 23, 2007
Matthew 1:18-25

A Bit Player

He was but a bit player,
or so the story has been told
a simple, pious man,
Father of God, in the world,
in the flesh.
Devoted to his safety,
to his training, his teaching
Able, in faith, to heed the angel’s call
to shoulder the shame, the jeers
to absolve the stain
to be true to the will of God
To trust his fate
to God, to bear witness, at the birth
to the mission of Jesus,
who would save

Matthew 1:18-25
Joseph, the father of Jesus

Vessels of God

They were each
vessels of God
human means for the will of God
agents for all time of the work
the mission, the destiny
of the creator, the savior
They, the father and the mother,
too young, perhaps, but able
to step from their world
take on the mantle of God
heed His call,
and do His will
to be vessels of God,
agents of His love

December 23, 2007 3:54pm
Matthew 1:18-25
Luke 1:26-38

Finding Our Niche

What would be said, if we were to close;
who would know, who would care?
What is our niche, our cause, our calling?

So has been part of our discerning for a number of years,
so we have wandered in the desert, the mahogany church,
the wilderness of complacency.
But we are different now,
different somehow.

Using that time, that fallow time,
pruning, changing, fertilizing, studying,
growing within the chrysalis,
what a wonderful butterfly we may yet be
if we can break through the skin,
the walls of the church
step beyond the comfortable, the familiar.

We are poised, not dying, not yet; but pensive, furtive,
needing to find a new niche, a special place
become Christians, out beyond the walls,
lifting our feet, turning outward

Doing the work of the gospel,
the work of the church
out in the world
when the call comes
we have longed to hear

December 23, 2007 3:41pm

Opening Devotion - Wesley United Methodist Church, Church Conference, December 23, 2007

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we also have forgiven those who trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever.

Matthew 6:9-13

Thy Will

Thy Will be done
here, now, in this place
this creation, this earth
This place where you have birthed me
where we share this space together
members of your body here
So is the prayer, within the prayer
you taught us Lord
that the Father's will
will be done
here, on earth
So we pray each time we join
into one voice, echoing
up to the rafters
or down to the floor, heads bowed
in prayer
That we would do your will
and trust in you
for our Daily Bread

December 13, 2007
Matthew 6:9-13

Daily Bread – 1

Lord, we bow in prayer, the prayer you taught us
taught the disciples, so long ago
and we affirm the faith we share
with those peoples in the desert
who grumbled and feared,
regretting the comfort of their oppression
the security of their imprisonment
who feared the unknown
more than the Pharaoh's whip
How you gave them just enough
each day, for year on year, day on day
to sustain them in their journey
their journey to regain their faith
How much we too,
comfortable in our space
need to remember your provision,
your providence, oh Lord, Almighty God
Count on you to provide
so long as we do your will
in this place
as we discern your will
through bowing in prayer
to hear your voice, your call
for this generation

December 13, 2007
Matthew 6:9-13

These are the prepared words that I shared for the
Opening Devotional for the Church Conference,
Wesley United Methodist Church, Concord, NH
December 23, 2007

Up between the Dormers

High up the brick old mill building
up above the brick, the granite,
between the clapboard window dormers
hanging on the slate roof shingles, the metal flashing,
giant, dripping icicles, adorning the building
like so much candy coating
the white snow like taffy,
stretched between the dormers
oozing down into the spiky icicles
hanging down, many feet below
softening the edges of the old buildings
in the cold fog on the gray winter’s day
Dripping down on the blanket below,
mottled snow, graying too,
at the fall of the drops
before another snowfall
builds the bank on the roof again

December 23, 2007 3:17pm

Saturday, December 22, 2007

In a Dream Foretold

It was in a dream foretold
the miracle of the birth
of the baby boy, the king
born humbly, in suspicious ways,
assurance in a dream, covenant in the whispers
in the dark, to him, to her,
of their baby boy, and his mission
here on this earth, fulfilling all
saving all, in a dream foretold

December 22, 2007
Matthew 1:18-25
Luke 1:26-38
Matthew 2:13-23
Based in part on the sermon,
“Shaping Our Dreams”, by
the Reverend Lori Eldredge,
Wesley United Methodist Church,
Concord, NH, December 21, 2007
as part of our Blue Christmas service

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Born to Save

His very name, the name chosen by angels
given by the father, the branch of Jesse
given to the son, conceived by spirit,
born of the virgin, named Joshua,
Jesus, to save his people,
like the Joshua of old
a continuum in the name,
Emmanuel, with us still
a God of the living, born again
after the cross, the grave
Born in a manger, and in glory
humbled and now on high

December 20, 2007
Matthew 1:18-25

An Earthly Father

He was the earthly father,
the adoptive dad, of the son of another,
the one who claimed him as his own,
named him, for the saving he would do,
the fulfilling of the promise Isaiah foretold
the earthy father of a heavenly child
imprinted for glory, before he was born

December 20, 2007
Matthew 1:18-25

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Epiphany – Acrostic

Emmanuel was the goal, the end of their journey
Pursuing the baby’s star, seen from its rising
In Bethlehem, in Judah they went to find him
Praying, bowing down before the infant king, they gave him gifts
Herod feared him, for he knew the scripture too
A baby, born of the virgin, a new shoot from the stump of Jesse
Never would the world be the same, from this birth, this epiphany
Year upon year, generation to generation, we celebrate still

edited December 22, 2016
Epiphany – Acrostic – v6
December 19, 2007
Epiphany - Acrostic
edited January 6, 2016
Epiphany – Acrostic – v5
(but no longer an acrostic)
(merging edits to original and version 4)
edited January 5, 2015
Epiphany – Acrostic – v4
(editing original again and version 3)
edited December 11, 2014
Epiphany – Acrostic – v3
(editing original again)
Edited December 31, 2013
Epiphany – Acrostic – v2
December 19, 2007
Epiphany – Acrostic
Matthew 2:1-12
January 5, 2015
there was no epiphany
January 5, 2015
each epiphany moment
January 4, 2015
the treasure of the Magi
January 4, 2015
Epiphany Moments
January 4, 2015
Epiphanies and Revelations
Worship Theme: Epiphany Sunday
Matthew 2:1-12 NIV
Luke 2:22-40 NIV
Epiphany Sunday
Children’s Message
Mystery box
-          Winnie the Pooh security blanket
-          borrowed from Nolan Howes
by Pastor Ruth Foss
sermon “I Could Have Had A V-8. . . “
by Pastor Ruth Foss
sermon blog
meditation blog
“God’s Whisper” blog
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Epiphany Sunday
January 4, 2015
December 22, 2016
preaching to us
December 22, 2016
singing to heaven
December 22, 2016
shining like the star
December 21, 2016
sharing the message
December 19, 2016
whispering, shouting
December 19, 2016
The angel’s announcement
December 19, 2016
The angels sang
December 19, 2016
love was alive
editing December 18, 2016
a sacred knowing – v3
December 17, 2016
if this was Christ
December 17, 2016
this is the Christ - 3
edited December 17, 2016
a sacred knowing – v2
December 17, 2016
a sacred knowing
December 18, 2016
Fourth Sunday of Advent - Love
worship theme: Sacred Knowing
Luke 2:1-15
Advent sermon series based on Marcia McFee’s series “Sacred”
Worship In Song Service
Centering Song
= Surely the Presence
Opening Prayer
Worship Video
Lighting of the Advent Wreath
= Amen
= Hark, the Herald Angels Sing
= Angels We Have Heard On High
= Offering
Prayer of Thanksgiving
SMUMC Sacred Dance Ministry
= Away In A Manger
Special Music
= Why Can’t Christmas Just Be Christmas
= Silent Night
= Adestes Fidelis (O Come All Ye Faithful)
= O Holy Night
Closing Music
= Carol of the Drum
= How Many Kings?
= Mary’s Little Baby Boy
= Joy to the World
= Feliz Navidad
Departing Blessing
Praise Team Leader Chuck Loucka
Praise Team Members: Chuck Loucka, Pastor Ruth Foss, Chrissy McCarthy, Shanequa Foss, Theresa Schmidt, Sharon McPhee, Shyanne Foss, Ken Perkins, Ted Pettengill
service led by Pastor Ruth Foss
sermon blog
meditation blog
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
December 18, 2016
Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 17, 2016
we are touched by the sacred
December 17, 2016
every place we go is sacred
edited December 17, 2016
the vessels of our bodies – v2
edited December 17, 2016
joy overwhelmed them – v2
December 16, 2016
joy overwhelmed them
edited December 16, 2016
shouting for joy – 2 – v3
edited December 15, 2016
shouting for joy – 2 – v2
December 15, 2016
shouting for joy - 2
December 14, 2016
this was Jesus - 2
December 14, 2016
they knew
December 13, 2016
filled with the Holy Spirit - 3
December 12, 2016
peace is birthed
December 12, 2016
He knew this was the Christ
December 12, 2016
set aside for God
December 12, 2016
the vessels of our bodies
December 11, 2016
carrying the sacred within us
December 11, 2016
Mary sang a song of praise
December 11, 2016
They showed up
December 11, 2016
when God needed them
December 11, 2016
joy in their knowing
edited December 11, 2016
sensing the holy – v2
December 11, 2016
sensing the holy
December 11, 2016
Knowing this place is holy
December 11, 2016
Worship in Song
December 11, 2016
John leapt for joy
December 11, 2016
Mary sang the Magnificat
December 11, 2016
hope was birthed
December 11, 2016
in the sacredness of that moment
edited December 11, 2016
we rejoice in our Lord – v2
December 11, 2016
the holy within them
December 11, 2016
leaping in the sanctuary
December 11, 2016
John sensed the Christ
December 11, 2016
A sacred moment
December 11, 2016
we rejoice in our Lord
December 11, 2016
we light this third candle
December 10, 2016
in the joy of our Lord
December 10, 2016
a sacred space for Advent
edited December 10, 2016
we will find God – v2
December 10, 2016
a holy space set apart
edited December 10, 2016
within the vessel of Mary’s womb
edited December 10, 2016
within the vessel of her body – v2
December 10, 2016
within the vessel of her body
edited December 10, 2016
in the sanctuary of her womb – v2
December 10, 2016
in the sanctuary of her womb
December 10, 2016
in the response of John, of Elizabeth
December 10, 2016
in the refuge of her home
December 10, 2016
in the sanctuary of her bosom
December 11, 2016
Third Sunday of Advent - Joy
worship theme: Sacred Space
Psalm 146
Psalm 47:2a
Luke 1:39-56
(Mary’s visit with Elizabeth)
Advent sermon series based on Marcia McFee’s series “Sacred”
and sermon “Birthing Room. . . ”
by Pastor Ruth Foss
and Children’s Message
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
December 11, 2016
Third Sunday of Advent
edited December 10, 2016
the response of Mary, of Joseph – v3
(editing original again)
edited December 10, 2016
matching our steps – v2
December 10, 2016
they said yes to God
edited December 9, 2016
their faith made them holy
December 9, 2016
their actions made them holy
December 9, 2016
Christ’s holy parents
December 9, 2016
they did the extraordinary
December 8, 2016
at peace in submission
edited December 8, 2016
we are called to be sacred – v2
December 8, 2016
we are called to be sacred
December 7, 2016
the sacredness of the ordinary
edited December 7, 2016
sacred people – v2
edited December 7, 2016
our own call to be sacred – v2
December 7, 2016
our own call to be sacred
December 7, 2016
sacred people
December 7, 2016
humble servants
December 7, 2016
those in the background
December 6, 2016
God used them
December 6, 2016
those ordinary people
December 6, 2016
eternity and time
December 6, 2016
because they showed up
December 6, 2016
to touch the sacred – 2
edited December 6, 2016
I am the Lord’s Servant – 2 – v2
December 6, 2016
December 6, 2016
matching our steps
December 6, 2016
we are special
December 6, 2016
same as all the others
edited December 5, 2016
the response of Mary, of Joseph – v2
December 5, 2016
we will find God
merged December 5, 2016
the response of Mary, of Joseph
December 5, 2016
following God’s command
December 5, 2016
I am the Lord’s Servant - 2
December 4, 2016
King and God and sacrifice
December 4, 2016
remembering the cross
December 4, 2016
In the storms, in the darkness
December 4, 2016
guide us in the way of peace
December 4, 2016
They answered God’s call
December 4, 2016
going makes the difference
December 4, 2016
the ordinary are made sacred
December 4, 2016
nothing special
December 4, 2016
Second Sunday of Advent - Peace
worship theme: Sacred People
Tell Me The Story of Jesus
Where Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
We Three Kings of Orient Are
What Child Is This?
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Let There Be Peace On Earth
Psalm 72:1-7
Psalm 72:18-19
Matthew 1:18-25
Luke 1:26-38
Advent sermon series based on Marcia McFee’s series “Sacred”
and sermon “In the Ordinary. . . “

by Pastor Ruth Foss
and Children’s Message
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
December 4, 2016
Second Sunday of Advent
edited December 3, 2016
breathing in Advent – v2
edited December 3, 2016
sit within the sacredness of the stable – v2
December 3, 2016
are we voices crying
December 3, 2016
thinking about the Christ-child
edited December 3, 2016
this sacred time of now – v2
edited December 3, 2016
within the sacred time – v2
edited December 3, 2016
the time of heaven – v2
edited December 2, 2016
walking barefoot – v2
edited December 2, 2016
taking off our shoes – v2
edited December 2, 2016
walking in sacred time – v2
edited December 2, 2016
a closeness of heaven – v2
December 1, 2016
walking in sacred time
December 1, 2016
Have we forgotten Christ
December 1, 2016
we carry God’s message of hope
December 1, 2016
we are heralds in the darkness
December 1, 2016
we light this candle
December 1, 2016
God’s promises endure - 2
edited / new name December 1, 2016
we live in the light of the holy
December 1, 2016
we live in the light of hope
December 1, 2016
we have forgotten God
December 1, 2016
sit within the sacredness of the stable
December 1, 2016
walking barefoot
December 1, 2016
taking off our shoes
December 1, 2016
this sacred time of now
December 1, 2016
the gift of our days
December 1, 2016
the gift of now
December 1, 2016
within the sacred time
December 1, 2016
trappings of the season
December 1, 2016
the time of heaven
December 1, 2016
a closeness of heaven
December 1, 2016
we are God’s voice
November 30, 2016
prepare the way of the Lord
November 30, 2016
removing God from Advent
November 30, 2016
removing God from Christmas
November 30, 2016
the sacred space of Advent – v2
edited November 29, 2016
the light of the manger – v2
November 29, 2016
removing God from the sacred
November 29, 2016
within this sacred time
November 29, 2016
the light of the manger
November 29, 2016
God incarnate - 2
November 29, 2016
a sacred time
November 29, 2016
are our hearts open
edited November 29, 2016
are we waiting for Jesus – v2
November 28, 2016
the sacred time of Advent
November 28, 2016
breathing in Advent
November 28, 2016
breathing in these minutes
edited November 28, 2016
to touch the sacred – v2
November 28, 2016
slowing our steps in Advent
November 28, 2016
journeying on a dirt road
November 27, 2016
to touch the sacred
November 27, 2016
the wonder of the manger
November 27, 2016
the sacred space of Advent
November 27, 2016
lost in the lights and glitter
November 27, 2016
set apart and holy
November 27, 2016
we will celebrate his birth
November 27, 2016
we wait for His coming
November 27, 2016
before the turkey is cold
November 27, 2016
The day is almost here - 2
November 27, 2016
The night is almost over
November 27, 2016
put on the armor of light
Romans 13:11-12
November 27, 2016
change your life - 2
November 27, 2016
preaching in the desert
November 27, 2016
our hope is in His word
November 27, 2016
hope in that flickering candle
edited/ new name November 27, 2016
we light this candle in the hope
November 27, 2016
going doing
the Magi and John the Baptist
November 27, 2016
there is hope in the promise
November 27, 2016
are we waiting  for Jesus
edited November 27, 2016
where is Jesus – v2
November 27, 2016
awaking in Advent
November 26, 2016
we light this candle in hope
November 26, 2016
coming to Christ
November 26, 2016
crying with John
November 26, 2016
why aren’t we shouting
November 26, 2016
where is Jesus
November 26, 2016
do we listen to John
November 26, 2016
a voice of hope
November 26, 2016
preparing our hearts - 2
November 26, 2016
we join him at the Jordan
edited November 26, 2016
we stand convicted – v2
November 26, 2016
we begin in hope
November 26, 2016
we feed the flame
November 26, 2016
we begin in advent
November 26, 2016
we light the spark
edited/ new name November 26, 2016
we light a candle of hope
November 26, 2016
lighting a candle of hope
November 27, 2016
First Sunday of Advent - Hope
Prepare Ye the Way
worship theme: Sacred Time
Psalm 130
Romans 13:11-12
Matthew 3:1-12
Advent sermon series based on Marcia McFee’s series “Sacred”
and sermon “In the Business…“
video (partial before disk was full, 11:47 minutes)
by Pastor Ruth Foss
and Children’s Message
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
November 27, 2016
First Sunday of Advent

All of my poems, photographs, and videos are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss ( for usage. See all 42,600+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Christ, God, Spirit, grace, love, Pastor Ruth Foss, Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church, prayer, Advent, Christmas, hope, candle, Luke 1, Matthew 1, Mary, Joseph, Matthew 3, peace, sacred, joy, Luke 2,

#Christ #God #Spirit #grace #love #pray #Mary #Joseph #candle #hope #Advent #Christmas #peace #Matthew1 #Luke1 #sacred #joy #Luke2

David, Emmanuel, Epiphany, Faith, gifts, God, gospel, hope, Jesse, journey, king, Magi, Matthew 2, Methodist, poem, poetry, sing, star, United Methodist, wise men,

#David #Emmanuel #Epiphany #Faith #gifts #God #gospel #hope #Jesse #journey #king #Kings #Magi #Matthew2 #Methodist #poem #poetry #scripture #sing #star #wisemen #world