Monday, July 30, 2007

The Sounds of Creation

Crashing waves on a rocky coast,
rain falling on parched ground

The cry of a newborn baby, the call of
a fledgling Emperor Penguin chick
on the pack ice on his mother’s return

The crackle of wildfire, the bubble of lava,
the roar of a lion on the savannah
Branches clacking in a primordial wood,
slaves of the wind

A caw of a macaw in the virgin rainforest,
a polar bear in pursuit of his dinner
A shriek of a hyena, the cacophony of the urban jungle
The beating of a hummingbird’s wings,
the buzz of an angry bee

The thundering splash of the calving of glacial ice
Trumpets of elephants in danger
A tree falling in the wood (whether heard or not)

The haunting call of the loon
of a foggy summer night
A thwack of a beaver’s tail

The deep hollow crack of thick ice underfoot,
the attack of a mosquito,
The words of a child’s prayer
These are sounds of creation.

edited July 7, 2018
Textures of Creation – v2

Finished July 26, 2007 22:25
Textures of Creation
Started July 11, 2007
Genesis 1
edited August 3, 2014
Smells of Creation – v2
finished August 1, 2007 12:12
Smells of Creation
started July 11, 2007
Genesis 1
Finished July 30, 2007 22:00
Tastes of Creation
Started July 11
Genesis 1
Finished July 30, 2007 21:40
Creatures of Creation
began draft June 2, 2007, update June 4, 2007, July 11, 2007
Genesis 1
Finished July 30, 2007 8:03
The Speed of Creation
started July 11, 2007
Genesis 1
Finished July 30, 2007 7:55
Sounds of Creation
started July 11, 2007
Genesis 1

All of my poems, photographs, and videos are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. All rights are reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss ( for usage. See all 47,200 of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

branches, child, creation, creator, Faith, forest, Genesis 1, God, hope, loons, Methodist, mother, Nature, NEUMC, Poetry Where You Live, sound, summer, wind, wings,

#branches #child #creation #creator #Faith #forest #Genesis1 #God #hope #loons #Methodist #mother #Nature #NEUMC #PoetryWhereYouLive #sound #summer #wind #wings

birds, bread, cicada, creation, creator, dawn, earth, Faith, Genesis 1, God, hawk, heart, human, life, light, Methodist, Nature, rainbow, sing, sound,

#speed #birds #bread #cicada #creation #creator #dawn #earth #Faith #Genesis 1 #God #hawk #heart #human #life #light #Methodist #Nature #rainbow #sing #sound #fast #slow #heartbeat #blinkofaneye #eternity #eons #epochs

apple, bread, breath, dust, Faith, forest, fruit, garden, Genesis 1, God, grass, lilacs, lilies, lily of the valley, Nature, ocean, orange, rose, shower, snow,

#smells #creation #apple #bread #breath #dust #Faith #forest #fruit #garden #Genesis1 #God #grass #lilacs #lilies #lilyofthevalley #Nature #ocean #orange #rose #shower #snow #creator #sight  #touch #senses #taste #touch

birds, brown, butterflies, creation, creator, deer, Faith, forest, garden, gardener, Genesis 1, God, hawk, love, Methodist, Nature, sheep, shepherd, starfish, turkeys,

#creatures #created #birds #brown #butterflies #creation #creator #deer #Faith #forest #garden #gardener #Genesis1 #God #hawk #love #Methodist #Nature #sheep #shepherd #starfish #turkeys #reptile #amphibian #mammal #microbe #onecelled

bread, Communion, creation, creator, earth, Faith, fire, fruit, garden, gardener, Genesis 1, God, hope, maple trees, Methodist, Nature, Poetry Where You Live, sin, taste,

#bread #Communion #creation #creator #earth #Faith #fire #fruit #garden #gardener #Genesis1 #God #hope #mapletrees #Methodist #Nature #PoetryWhereYouLive #sin #taste #sweet #sour #salt #bitter #luscious #nectar #meat

creation, creator, Faith, flowers, fruit, Genesis 1, God, grass, ice, Methodist, Nature, ocean, rock, rose, sea glass, shepherd, stone, texture, touch, water,

#creation #creator #Faith #flowers #fruit #Genesis1 #God #grass #ice #Christ #Spirit #Nature #ocean #rock #rose #seaglass #shepherd #stone #texture #touch #water #senses #smells #taste #sight #seeing #feeling #rough #smooth #sharp

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