Saturday, May 24, 2008

She is my treasure

Funny, reading the title I just wrote,
my wife, my best friend,
knowing that she has read the lines
of the devotionals too, the scripture
the precious wisdom of the Lord
shared with those first disciples
where your treasure is, there is your heart
She is my treasure; but
not in any sense of ownership,
more amazing than that,
for she is a gift, sent by God
Someone to change my life
to help me grow in faith
to find family and love
I have never known
My days, all of my days, with her
miracles of grace, agape love,
unexplainable in mere words
She is my treasure,
because I feel God with me, through her
because I am loved
beyond my wildest dreams
Each day is easier
with her in my life

May 24, 2008
Matthew 6:19-21
Alive Now devotional of May 22, 2008
and Upper Room devotional of May 22, 2008

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