Monday, May 12, 2014

sermon, "Hello My Name is ... El Hannora", by Pastor Ruth Foss, Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church, May 11, 2014 (Mother's Day)

May 11, 2014
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Sermon Series on “The Names of God”
Sermon 18 of series-
“The Sacred Names of God: El Hannora”
Nehemiah 1:5 English Standard Version
Isaiah 35:1-2 The Message Bible
Deuteronomy 7:21 English Standard Version
John 4:7-15 The Message (MSG)
Spangler, Ann: Praying the Names of God: A Daily Guide

“Hello My Name is. . . El Hannora”

Let us pray. . .  (Pray for God to illuminate His word and that we would have the open eyes, hearts and minds to conceive and receive it)

As I go into Sherman, I always love driving by the overlook and see Mt Katahdin. It is so beautiful and I love to watch the season change on the mountain. When we first came to Patten, the mountain was still covered in snow and now I look forward to it changing back to its green self. It was awesome when we had the “Son”rise service there this year. To have the sun coming up and see it begin to illuminate the mountain was breathe taking. It is a moment that is etched in my mind. How Awesome it was as God began to paint that beautiful morning in shades of pink and blue. . . the sun shining off Mt. Katahdin. . . how awesome is our God to create such splendor and beauty. . .

We are continuing our journey of learning about and praying in the Sacred Names of God. There have been many names we have learned and prayed in but I think that today’s name sums up. . . at least for me. . . who God is. God is El Hannora. . . the Awesome God. Now we use the word awesome when we describe a person, a place or some possession we might have. I think that maybe that word should be used only when we talk about our God and King. It means to have an inspiring awe; expressing or marked by awe. The word Awe means reverential fear. Now only God is that. . . nothing or no one in our lives should be placed on His level.

In the scriptures I read this morning we hear about that Awesome God we have. Our Awesome God keeps His covenant and stead fast love with those who love Him and keep His commandments.  It is our Awesome and Majestic God that all of nature. . . all creation sings joyously to. Our Awesome God fights on our behalf and nothing can beat Him. . . nothing or no one is greater than He. But that is not the end of the story. . . it is not the end of His awesomeness. Our God is so awesome that we are even healed in His name through the power and awesomeness of the Cross. . . through Jesus our Risen Lord.

Now the words healing and salvation means to be made whole. To be well physically means that each and every organ is doing its part and is in working order and the result is health. To be saved is to be whole, to be one with and in God. When God and man are one, peace results as well as well being and health. There is a piece of Scripture found in John that talks about this wholeness. It is found in chapter 4 verses 7-17. Let me read this for you from the Message Bible. In this text we hear about two forms of healing-physical healing of the body and the spiritual healing of everyone who calls on the name of Christ. . . Read scripture. . .

John 4:8-12 The Message (MSG)
7-8 A woman, a Samaritan, came to draw water. Jesus said, “Would you give me a drink of water?” (His disciples had gone to the village to buy food for lunch.)
9 The Samaritan woman, taken aback, asked, “How come you, a Jew, are asking me, a Samaritan woman, for a drink?” (Jews in those days wouldn’t be caught dead talking to Samaritans.)
10 Jesus answered, “If you knew the generosity of God and who I am, you would be asking me for a drink, and I would give you fresh, living water.”
11-12 The woman said, “Sir, you don’t even have a bucket to draw with, and this well is deep. So how are you going to get this ‘living water’? Are you a better man than our ancestor Jacob, who dug this well and drank from it, he and his sons and livestock, and passed it down to us?”
13-14 Jesus said, “Everyone who drinks this water will get thirsty again and again. Anyone who drinks the water I give will never thirst—not ever. The water I give will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life.”
15 The woman said, “Sir, give me this water so I won’t ever get thirsty, won’t ever have to come back to this well again!”

This is an interesting story from the bible. This woman really didn’t know who it was she was talking to. I love this scripture because it shows that Jesus came for everyone. . . not just a select few. He offered her living water. . . within in this water there is healing and wholeness. You see, the name of Jesus has power. Within that name there is power to:

1.     Heal your body – we hear of the fresh, living water. It is within this water that our bodies are healed. Jesus came to heal those who were in need. Jesus is that Living Water. We hear stories of how this Living Water went around healing those who were diseased. We hear of Jesus having compassion for those who were outcast because of their diseases and healed them.
2.     Heal your soul – we heard about the healing of the soul. Jesus offered Living Water that would be an artesian spring full of life and wholeness. . . .fresh and rejuvenating water that is clean a pure. . . water that will give endless life. And this woman as well as we today need. . . want. . . that life giving water only found in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Yes. . . we have a God named El Hannora. . . Awesome God. Not only did He create the world in which we live but He provides water and sunshine. He offers humanity Living Water and baths us in a shower of Sonshine. How Awesome is that. . . ? Our God shows His love. . . His Awesomeness in a wooden cross where He showed His awesome power in the death and resurrection of His Son, Lord Jesus Christ. He shows His awesomeness in the fact that even while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. He shows His awesome power in the fact that He offers forgiveness and salvation to ALL of humanity. . . not just a select few.

As we give God the rightful position in our lives. . . the position of authority. . . we will experience His and see Him as the Great God. . . we will see and experience Him as the Mighty God who goes to battle for us. As a matter of fact He is already our champion because of the work He did. . . the battle He fought for us through Jesus Christ, His Son. When we encounter Him in these ways, how can we not see Him with a Holy Awe? Our God is the Awesome God. . . El Hannora. How can we not want to share that with others? How can we keep the cries of our souls silent? How can we not sing along with nature’s song? This is the same God who rolled up His sleeves and created humankind. This is the same God who set His people free through the waters of the Red Sea. This is the same God who saved humanity through one family in a boat. This is the same God who created a nation through an old man and a barren woman. This is the same God who saved 3 men in a fiery furnace. This is the same God who shut the mouths of lions so that He might save one of His own. This is the same God who loved the world so much that He sent His only Son and whoever believes in Him and calls upon His name SHALL BE SAVED! El Hannora is great and Awesome. . . what more do we need in our lives? How awesome it is to be able to share it with our neighbors and friends. We have a great and Awesome God. . . who are you going to share that message with today?

Let us pray. . .  (Pray to El Hannora)

May 12, 2014
Sermon 18 of “What’s In A Name…”
Sermon Series on “The Sacred Names of God”
Nehemiah 1:5 (English Standard Version)
Isaiah 35:1-2 (The Message Bible)
Deuteronomy 7:21 (English Standard Version)
John 4:7-15 (The Message) (MSG)
Spangler, Ann: Praying the Names of God: A Daily Guide
Names of God and Definitions from Sermon today:
-          El Hannora à Awesome God
children’s message by Ellen Dickinson – Amen and Bow Wow!
and sermon “Hello My Name is . . . El Hannora”
by Pastor Ruth Foss
sermon blog
meditation blog
“God’s Whisper” blog
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
May 11, 2014
Sermon 17 of “What’s In A Name…”
Sermon Series on “The Sacred Names of God”
Exodus 34:10-14 NIV Bible
Deuteronomy 4:23-24 NIV Bible
1 John 3:1-7 Common English Bible
Spangler, Ann: Praying the Names of God: A Daily Guide
Names of God and Definitions from Sermon today:
-          El Kanna à Jealous God
children’s message
and sermon “Hello My Name is . . . El Kanna”
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
May 4, 2014
Sermon 16 of “What’s In A Name…”
Sermon Series on “The Sacred Names of God”
Genesis 21:1-21 (The Message Bible)
Acts 4:32-35 (The Message Bible)
Psalm 139
“Praying the Names of God: A Daily Guide”
By, Ann Spangler
Names of God and Definitions from Sermon today:
-          El Roi à God watches over us
children’s message
and sermon “Hello My Name is . . . El Roi”
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
April 27, 2014
Easter Sunday
Sermon 15 of “What’s In A Name…”
Sermon Series on “The Sacred Names of God”
Jeremiah 23:5-6 (GODs Word Translation)
Jeremiah 31:33 (GODs Word Translation)
Matthew 28:1-10 (English Standard Version)
 “Praying the Names of God: A Daily Guide”
By, Ann Spangler
Names of God and Definitions from Sermon today:
-          Yahweh Tsidqenu à The Lord Our Righteousness
and sermon “Hello My Name is . . . Yahweh Tsidqenu”
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
April 20, 2014
Palm Sunday
Sermon 14 of “What’s In A Name…”
Sermon Series on “The Sacred Names of God”
Isaiah 53:7-12 (The Message)
Isaiah 50:4-9a
Matthew 20:26-27
(Matthew 21:1-11)
“Praying the Names of God: A Daily Guide”
By, Ann Spangler
Names of God and Definitions from Sermon today:
-          Ish Makaboth à Man of Sorrows
song and sacred dance by Erica Berberena
to “Hosanna” by Kirk Franklin
distribution of the palms
and sermon “Hello My Name is . . . Ish Makaboth”
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
April 13, 2014
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Sermon 13 of “What’s In A Name…”
Sermon Series on “The Sacred Names of God”
Psalm 94:2-15 (Living Bible)(TLB)
Ezekiel 37:1-14 (The Message Bible)
“Praying the Names of God: A Daily Guide”
By, Ann Spangler
Names of God and Definitions from Sermon today:
-          Shopet à Judge
and sermon “Hello My Name is . . . Shopet”
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
April 6, 2014
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Sermon 12 of “What’s In A Name…”
Sermon Series on “The Sacred Names of God”
Isaiah 53:1-9 (The Message)
“The Suffering Servant”
1 Samuel 16:1-13
“God Looks into the Heart”
“Praying the Names of God: A Daily Guide”
By, Ann Spangler
Names of God and Definitions from Sermon today:
-          Ebed Yahweh à Servant of God
and sermon “Hello My Name is . . . Ebed Yahweh”
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
March 30, 2014
Third Sunday in Lent
reading of poem, “Lent”
by Ann Weems
from her book, Kneeling in Jerusalem
Sermon 11 of “What’s In A Name…”
Sermon Series on “The Sacred Names of God”
Psalm 31:1-5 (Names of God bible)
John 13:12-17 (GOD’S WORD Translation)
(John 20:16 – in the garden)
“Praying the Names of God: A Daily Guide”
By, Ann Spangler
Names of God and Definitions from Sermon today:
-          Rabbouni/ El Emet à Teacher/God of Truth
children’s sermon by Regina Goode
about Johnny Appleseed
and sermon “Hello My Name is . . . Rabbouni/El Emet”
by Pastor Ruth Foss
sermon blog
meditation blog
“God’s Whisper” blog
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
March 23, 2014
Second Sunday in Lent
Sermon 10 of “What’s In A Name…”
Sermon Series on “The Sacred Names of God”
Psalm 121
John 3:1-17 (not read)
Names of God and Definitions from Sermon today:
-          Yahweh/Yahweh Yireh (ya-WEH yir-EH)à The Lord will supply
Prayers of the People by Ray Foss
children’s sermon by Kelly Curtis
-          Mark 1:12-13 – story about Lent and waiting
and sermon “Hello My Name is . . . Yahweh”
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
March 16, 2014
First Sunday in Lent
Sermon 9 of “What’s In A Name…”
Sermon Series on “The Sacred Names of God”
Job 19:25-27 New International Version (NIV)
Romans 5:12-19 New International Version (NIV)
Isaiah 49:7
Leviticus 25:48-49
Numbers 35:9-30
Jeremiah 50:33-34
Mark 10:54
Names of God and Definitions from Sermon today:
-          Go’el (go’EL)à Redeemer
Opening Prayer
children’s sermon
-          Why are You Sad?
and sermon “Our Redeemer Lives”
(in the bulletin as “Hello My Name is …Go’el”)
by Raymond A. Foss
filling in for Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
March 9, 2014
Transfiguration Sunday
Sermon 8 of “What’s In A Name…”
Sermon Series on “The Sacred Names of God”
Psalm 46
Names of God and Definitions from Sermon today:
-          El Olam (EL o-LAM)à Everlasting/Eternal God
and sermon “Hello My Name El Olam”
(in the bulletin as “Hello My Name is …El Olam”)
by Ellen Alward Dickinson
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
March 2, 2014
Sermon 7 of “What’s In A Name…”
Sermon Series on “The Sacred Names of God”
Daniel 4:19, 24-35 (The Names of God Bible)
1 Kings 19 (The Names of God Bible)
Psalm 91:1-2 (NIV)
Names of God and Definitions from Sermon today:
-          El Elyon (EL el-YOHN)à God Most High
children’s sermon, “God Rocks!”
by Pastor Ruth Foss
and sermon ““Hello My Name El Elyon”
(in the bulletin as “Hello My Name is …El Elyon”)
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
February 23, 2014
Sermon 6 of “What’s In A Name…”
Sermon Series on “The Sacred Names of God”
Names of God and Definitions from Sermon today:
-          Ishà Bridegroom
Hosea 2:16, 19-20
Revelations 19:6-9
 (All Scripture is from The Names of God Bible)
Worship Songs:
-          Bless His Holy Name
children’s sermon, Scouting Sunday,
by Jean Howes
-          God’s promise
and sermon “Hello My Name Is… Ish/ Bridegroom”
 (in the bulletin as “Hello My Name is …Ish”)
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
February 9, 2014
Sermon 5 of “What’s In A Name…”
Sermon Series on “The Sacred Names of God”
Names of God and Definitions from Sermon today:
-          Adonay (Adonai)à Lord
Daniel 9:9-16
Daniel 9:17-19
Daniel 9:9-19
 (All Scripture is from The Names of God Bible)
children’s sermon
-          a servant is someone who serves the Lord,
using all of their talents to bring His kingdom on earth,
serving our Master in everything they say and do.
by Pastor Ruth
and sermon “Hello My Name Adonay”
(in the bulletin as “Hello My Name is …Adonay”)
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
February 2, 2014
Sermon 4 of “What’s In A Name…”
Sermon Series on “The Sacred Names of God”
Names of God and Definitions from Sermon today:
-          El Chayà Living God
Joshua 3:7-13
2 Kings 19:14-16
Jeremiah 10:3-5
2 Corinthians 6:15-16
(All Scripture is from The Names of God Bible)
children’s sermon
“We have a living and breathing God who is always there for us.
He answers us when we call. Our God is not dead…He surely alive…“
by Pastor Ruth
and sermon “Hello My Name is …El Chay”
 (in the bulletin as “Hello My Name is …El Chay / Living God”)
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
January 26, 2014
Sermon 3 of “What’s In A Name…”
Sermon Series on “The Sacred Names of God”
Names of God and Definitions from Sermon today:
-          El à God
-          Elohimà God
-          EloahàGod
Genesis 1:2-2:3
Deuteronomy 28:2-6
(All Scripture is from The Names of God Bible)
children’s sermon
-          “and God Created. . . “
by Pastor Ruth
Closing Song – “Friend of God”
and sermon “Hello My Name is …El, Elohim, and Eloah”
 (in the bulletin as “Hello My Name Is. . . God“)
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
January 19, 2014
Baptism of the Lord Sunday
(and a time to celebrate and remember our own baptism)
Sermon 2 of “What’s In A Name…”
Sermon Series on “The Sacred Names of God”
Names of God and Definitions from Sermon today:
-          Yeshua --> Jesus
-          Mashiach --> Christ, Messiah
Matthew 1:18-21
Psalm 2
Mark 1:14-20
Matthew 3:13-17
 (All Scripture is from The Names of God Bible)
children’s sermon
-          There is only One who can save us, Jesus, the one Savior
and sermon “Hello My Name is …Yeshua/Mashiach”
(in the bulletin as “Hello My Name Is. . . Jesus, Christ, Messiah“)
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
January 12, 2014
Epiphany Sunday
Epiphany of the Lord Sunday
Sermon Series on “The Names of God”
Sermon 1 of “What’s In A Name…”
Names of God and Definitions from Sermon today:
-          Ha-Shem -> the Name
-          Ehyeh -> I Am
Exodus 3:13-14
Leviticus 24:10-16
 (All Scripture is from The Names of God Bible)
children’s sermon
-          different names, different meaning – one person
-          many names for God, all one God
and sermon “Our Many Faceted God”
(saved as “Hello My Name Is. . . “)
by Pastor Ruth Foss
Stetson Memorial United Methodist Church
Patten, ME
January 5, 2014

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 29,640+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

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