Friday, August 01, 2008

They shall Run

Not like the others,
not even their youth
The Lord will be their strength
and they shall not be tired

They shall run, oh they will run
they will take on the great calling
they will heed the master’s voice
For their hope is centered on the creator
and that makes all the different

He will bear them up,
he will carry them on
on his robe, on the hem of his gown
like the wings of eagles
on the strength of his breath alone

They will be lifted up, on high,
to reach the ends of the earth
to spread his love, his message
and tell of the savior’s birth

On Calvary they had slain him
and in a borrowed grave he lay
But the story wasn’t over,
as the prophets had foretold

For He like them who followed
was born anew on the wings of the creator
and he rose up to heaven
to prepare a place for them

Now the saints below are toiling
without a care or a doubt
for their time here is fleeting
and the savior is all about

For the grace of the father,
is in each other’s face
and on the wings like an eagle
they shall sail above this place

August 1, 2008
Isaiah 40:31 (NRSV, NIV)
Isaiah 40:21-31 (NRSV)
Isaiah 40:27-31 (The Message)

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