Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Who Do You Say that I Am?

I am; who do you say I am?
I am asking not who they say I am
I am asking you, who you say I am
For you are my disciple, my student,
a sheep of my flock, one who has walked with me
who has known me, who has heard my words
who has walked with me in my ministry
in my going out and my coming in
in my healing and in my preaching
in my prayers and in my work
Lucky Peter, to have the answer
the master wanted. How much we too
must know, just plain know
the one, the true, the risen Lord,
Messiah, Savior, Redeemer, King
He is the one source, the living water
the light, the bread, the way
Our alpha and our omega

September 24, 2008
Mark 8:27-38
sign in front of Grace Capital Church
Rte 3, Pembroke, NH

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