Friday, September 26, 2008

The Unknown Journey Ahead

Like the fishermen, the first disciples,
leaving their nets, their boats, their families,
leaving their shepherd, the one crying
in the wilderness, as foretold
The left all and followed the one,
the Messiah, the chosen son of God,
left everything they knew, all they held dear
left for an unknown journey,
for how long they didn’t know,
to where never asked.
Like them, we must leave all
join their journey, the unknown journey ahead
to follow Christ, wherever he may lead.

September 26, 2008
Based on a comment to one of my poems on Faithwriters.

They Followed Him

They belonged to John
watching him in the desert, the wilderness;
But they left him
To follow the Christ,
the Messiah incarnate
Leaving all they knew
for the unknown journey ahead

January 21, 2008
John 1:29-42 and sermon,
“Witness”, by Reverend Peter Hey,
Wesley United Methodist Church,
Concord, NH 1/20/08
Comment posted to Faithwriters, 9/25/08
“Amen, We too must follow Christ,
leaving all we know for the unknown journey ahead. Great write!”

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