Saturday, January 23, 2010

email of 1/19/2010 from General Board of Church and Society, The United Methodist Church

Tell President Obama to Focus on Eradicating Poverty!

Dear Friend,

Next Wednesday, President Obama will deliver his State of the Union address providing a vision for his policies in the coming year. Join us in asking him to put the needs of those at the bottom of the economic ladder at the top of his economic agenda. Urge him to make the poor a priority.

As Christ’s followers we are called to transform the world and proclaim a new order centered on the wisdom of the prophets, not the marketplace's false idols. 2010 presents an opportunity for us to put our faith into action — and to give life to the social teachings of The United Methodist Church — as we advocate for those whose lives have been ravaged by our profit-driven economy.

The media are full of stories heralding signs of a potential recovery. The painful truth is that many of our sisters and brothers were suffering long before the financial crisis became the top news story. They are likely to continue to suffer long after economists and politicians proclaim a recovery — unless we act now!

Join our “prophet-driven” campaign today. Together we can challenge the notion that our sisters and brothers in poverty must suffer first and recover last. Instead, we can proclaim a new vision for an economy of shared prosperity.

Yours for Justice,

John Hill
Director, Economic and Environmental Justice
The General Board of Church and Society
United Methodist Church
100 Maryland Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20002

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