Wednesday, January 28, 2009

His Feet Washed

Christ knelt down,
a servant to them all
washing the feet of the twelve
all of them, knowing what he knew
what he knew alone, Emmanuel
bowing down before then
the Betrayer, those who would run
he who would deny him
foretelling all of this
Breaking bread, sharing the loaf,
pouring the wine, sharing the cup,
symbols of his sacrifice,
his life about to be given for them
for us, for all mankind,
forgiving all who sin,
all who would come to him
all who share in the one meal
his body, his blood,
poured out for you,
for me, for many

January 28, 2009
Matthew 26:14-30
Matthew 26:26-28
Mark 14:12-26
Mark 14:24-26
Luke 22:1-30
Luke 22:14-20
John 6:53-59
John 13:1-30
John 13:27-30

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