Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Balloon for Jesus

Three days after her birthday
Shanequa held two balloons
each one decorated in bright colors
festooned with “Happy Birthday”
one for the baby doll just liberated
from the wrapping, the packaging
the other for the baby Jesus
born to save us all
The babe whom we celebrate
who we waited for during the long days,
the darkening days of Advent
preparing for last night’s pageant
the service of joy at the baby’s birth
our king in the manger
But it was in the simple joy,
the loving remembrance,
the sharing of her balloons
with her new baby doll
and the baby Jesus
I will remember
as this day fades
Remembering our Savior
amid the toys and games
the noise of the modern Christmas
room in her heart too
for the holy Christ-child

December 25, 2007

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