Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Ministry of the Pans

She invoked his story, his memory,
his ministry of the pans
washing the pots, the pans
of the monastery,
humble service, noble servant
being the servant to the servants
doing all he did, for the love of God,
whatever the chore, the task
Living his love of God
present with God, in these works
So it is with others, on my path,
working in the kitchen, in the shadows
behind the scenes a bit
the crew we rely on
to do those manual tasks
trying to do this work, in our time
as Brother Lawrence
in the living presence of God

edited November 18, 2014
The Ministry of the Pans – v5

(editing version 4)
Edited October 25, 2013
“The Ministry of the Pans – v4”
Edited October 19, 2013
“The Ministry of the Pans – v3”
 (editing original again)
Edited April 25, 2013
“The Ministry of the Pans – v2”
August 30, 2008
“The Ministry of the Pans”
Matthew 14:22-33, Psalm 69:1-3, Psalm 130:1,
the story of Brother Lawrence,
and sermon, “Reach Out Your Hand”,
by Reverend Lori Eldredge,
North Kingstown United Methodist Church
August 10, 2008

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 33,630+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Fishing for Fiona

A white young paw, an orange tiger arm
reaching, squeezed, under the bedroom door
resting on the pile carpet, gently
individual claws, his fingers, panting at the air
kneading instinctively
as he did with his mother’s belly
Like an angler, fishing for Fiona
calling her from her nap, to play
reaching, enticing her for a game

She watched, ears perked, from her perch
high above, on the comforter
mattress, brass bed
shades still drawn, muted light
her eyes, her head moves, in time,
with his paw, jerky staccato
as if held by his hook, string
She was caught, momentarily, only;
but never reeled in;
spell broken by her yawn,
the call of sleep.

August 30, 2008
Larry and Fiona,
two of our four kittens
August 29, 2008

Friday, August 29, 2008

Marigolds, Tomatoes, and Morning Glories

The pot at the end of the driveway
alive with colors, radiant in the sun
marigolds, tomatoes, and morning glories
gold finch yellow, burnt orange, forest green,
kelly green, a special red, of the ripening vine
faint, pale canary yellow, lavender, sky blue
at the rim of the trumpet, all together
awash in the warming morning
bright colors dancing together
slight breeze, hint of autumn
but summer still in their blooming,
their growing together

August 29, 2008

Blades of Grass

Blade of grass
growing so fast
in the summer sun
wanting some fun
waving in the warm breeze
as if wanting to please
a wondrous sight before my eyes
the green growing up to the sky
clover, bursting purple and pink
leading me to spend more ink
to tell this little tale of day
making me want to stop and pray
to thank the Lord for all
even when the grass grows tall

August 29, 2008

Ribbons of Children

Amid the controlled chaos
the schoolyard, playground this morning
ribbons of children, running, skipping,
dancing over the blacktop,
being children, free, out in the open air
snaking their way, through the hopscotch
the jump rope, the tag and the banter
coursing, like ants to the nest
following a scent line in the dirt
no hands were held, but they moved
as if connected, giggling and
laughing all the way

August 29, 2008
Pembroke Village School

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Just Beyond the Horizon

In some ways, he is standing
on their shoulders, fulfilling
their dreams, his dream
made real, in this moment
this fragment of time

Their histories converging, joining
two speeches, one this night
one just beyond the horizon
just outside my memory,
beyond his memory too
those forty-five summers ago

Turning a page, on our nation’s history
unimaginable that day
alive in this special night
both giving voice to their hope
their faith, their prayer for this land

Their words echoing, ringing
merging in our minds, our hearts
a dream, a journey, a down-payment
inexorable progress, committed now,
like water through a crack in a dike
a torrent, open waters, living
freedom achievable for our people
coming for our people, even if,
just beyond the horizon still

edited January 18, 2016
Just Beyond the Horizon – v3
(editing version 2)
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
edited January 19, 2015
Just Beyond the Horizon – v2
August 28, 2008
Just Beyond the Horizon
on the Presidential Nomination acceptance speech by Barack Obama,
the I Have a Dream speech by the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.
on August 28, 1963, and the comments on NPR today of
Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-DC, and
Representative John Lewis, D-GA
Edited January 21, 2013
Claiming Martin – v2
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
and his final speech before his assassination
and Inauguration of the President
Barack Hussein Obama
several poems written in 2009
written January 17, 2009
Claiming Martin
on the juxtaposition of the
80th birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
and the inauguration of Barack Obama
as President of the United States of America
edited January 19, 2015
Changing the Wind – v3
(merging edits to original and version 2)
Edited July 22, 2013
“changing the wind – v2”
December 7, 2007
“changing the wind”
Based on the comments of Jim Wallis on
Speaking of Faith, November 29, 2007
He was talking about whether to change politicians
or change the wind, to change the public opinion
which guides politics. He used the example
of President Johnson’s statement to the
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that it would
take 5 years for a voting rights bill but
it actually took 5 months to pass the Voting Rights Act,
after the March in Selma.

All of my poems and photographs are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss ( for usage. See all 40,720+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Not yet Red

Oh they are so close,
not yet red tomatoes
hanging heavy on the vine
lee of the house, shaded moist ground
lush green plants, loaded with fruits
warming in the summer, late August
changing, from greens to yellows,
oranges, burnt orange,
starting to turn, to change to red
tantalizingly not yet red
mouth watering, anticipation
wanting the final turn
ripe for the harvest

August 28, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Hands of a Servant

The hands of a servant, cleaning their feet,
caring for the sick, working the land
tilling the soil, carrying the load
pruning the branches, sweeping the streets
doing what they need, their heart’s desire
speaking truth, sharing love, fulfilling all
Carrying our shame, our stain
bearing our burden, to the end
Choosing to be the sacrifice
the lamb on the cross
as a servant, humbled
a king in a manger bed
our savior, his hands
on our cross

August 27, 2008

A Servant’s Hands

He lifted me, saved me
from my old broken life
He lifted me, carried me
with a servant’s hands
Taking his arms, nailed to the cross
so long ago, for me
reaching down, with arms open wide
to bring me close
the love of his father
shared by his sacrifice
a servant’s hands
saved me

August 27, 2008

Hands of a Servant

With the hands of a servant
calloused, worn, working hands
the hands of a carpenter, a fisherman
leading us, healing us, teaching us
All of us taught, the ways of the servant
lessons of his life, in the living of our days
walking as he walked, where he walked
dusty highway, rambling road
up onto the mountain, into the sanctuary
out into the world, on rolling seas
Hands of a servant, reaching out to us
to take up his work, to don his yoke
and be the hands of a servant, today

August 27, 2008

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Schools

Each one, in a new school,
different, in this new town
a dry run, run through,
checking out the place
meeting teachers, staff,
getting a feel, finding their way
walking, stepping ahead
into tomorrow’s future a day early
a bit more prepared, at ease
for the coming year

August 26, 2008
tours and orientations for me
(and the three girls) today.
School starts tomorrow

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ferns - Cedar Street, Manchester - 8/21/07

Under the Water

We die, under the water, in the fount
dying to sin, to our births, our lives
dead to the world
Up out of the waters, we rise
born anew, adopted,
spiritual beings, in the likeness of man
Walking, set apart, in the world
under the water we die,
we rise with Christ,
He who took away death’s sting

August 24, 2008
Colossians 2:6-15a and
sermon, “Freedom”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church

Set Free

With Christ, his love
his redeeming sacrifice,
we are given, infused with the spirit
imprinted with the love, the law of God
a spirit of freedom, not of bondage
A loving spirit, to do the work
we are called for
To be the hands, the feet, the face of God
for all we meet, to the end of the age
to the corners of the earth
Set free to be Christ

August 24, 2008
Colossians 2:6-15a and
sermon, “Freedom”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church

No Barrier will Stand

With the love of Jesus,
the love of our savior,
no barrier will stand, no fear will remain
We are utterly, totally, eternally
set free from the grip of death, of sin
of our earthly lives
With Christ we died, baptized by his blood
his sacrifice. With him we rise
We are reborn, in him
to be his brothers, his sisters
heir to the reward
he has made open to us
With Christ, no barrier will stand
We are free

August 24, 2008
Colossians 2:6-15a and
sermon, “Freedom”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church

Still Loves Us

God so loved the world,
so the scripture begins,
of the father’s love, the creator’s wish
to bring us back to him
His son, Christ, the Messiah
came to earth in the likeness of man
to set us free from our sin
He loves us, still loves us
as we live out our lives,
imperfect, sinful servants
unworthy but blessed
saved by God’s grace
Christ’s love, every day

August 24, 2008
Colossians 2:6-15a and
sermon, “Freedom”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church


We are all, each one of us,
equipped by God
for the call he has for us
we do not need to fear
our doubts cast aside
Our steps emboldened, pace quickened
God has set us free from sin
from fear of death
Christ, the perfect sacrifice,
acceptable, pleasing to God
paid the price we could not pay
gave us new birth
equipped for a life of service
continuing his work in the world
until all are saved as we are

August 24, 2008
Colossians 2:6-15a and
sermon, “Freedom”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church


We are untethered, set free
soaring on eagle’s wings
empowered, emboldened
to do the servant’s work
our fears no longer holding us captive
able with the believe in the son
our savior’s sacrifice of love
We are free to be the children
the beloved children of God
sharing our father
to the ends of the earth

August 24, 2008
Colossians 2:6-15a and
sermon, “Freedom”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church

dwells bodily

the spirit of God
dwelling bodily, living
in the son, of Mary born
God, walking among us
but as a child, as a servant,
as a teacher of the law
Becoming a prophet
a healer, a gadfly
a threat to them
A sacrifice, unblemished
to fulfill the prophets
and set us free

August 24, 2008
Colossians 2:6-15a,
Colossians 2:9 and
sermon, “Freedom”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church

Connected Messages

A single voice, or so it would seem,
a wondrous truth, the call of this congregation
and the love of God
woven in the connected messages
the pastors, the two voices,
the many voices of the congregation
each thread, each message
intertwined, woven into a single whole
moving us forward, as a community
the wave building, the call growing louder
waiting, listening for discernment
but doing the work of the kingdom
here and now, in community
within our community, our fellowship
engaged already in the master’s work
spreading his love wider,
touching other lives,
grounded in the connected messages
of our two pastors

August 24, 2008
Colossians 2:6-15a and
sermon, “Freedom”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss,
and the series of sermons she
and Reverend Huntley Halvorson
have shared in the last 8 weeks
Suncook United Methodist Church

Holding onto

When we fear, when we struggle, doubt
something to hold onto
to calm our nerves, settle us down
Hold onto Jesus, onto his promise,
his love for us still, holding us
comforting us, being there with us
throughout our lives
His spirit with us,
within us, bringing us peace

August 24, 2008
Colossians 2:6-15a
Children’s Sermon
by Pastor Ruth Foss
sermon blog
meditation blog

“God’s Whisper” blog
Suncook United Methodist Church

Suncook, NH

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 19,840+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

Worshipping You

Worshipping you, with my hands, with my feet,
with my voice against injustice, my words of your love
the poems a gift to share, worshipping you
not by words alone, not by the time in the sanctuary
warming the pews
Living my faith, heeding your call
each day worshipping you
always, all the days of my life
in everything I do

August 24, 2008
Unison Prayer –
United Methodist Book of Worship 460
Suncook United Methodist Church

Into the Quiet of Your House

Stepping out of the world,
into the quiet of your house, oh Lord
hearing your message, your call for our lives
the renewal of our spirits, the filling of our needs
breathing in your message,
steeling us for the world around
We go into the world, from the quiet of your house
to live your word, all of our days

August 24, 2008
Unison Prayer –
United Methodist Book of Worship 460
Suncook United Methodist Church

in our likeness

He that was holy, divine,
the word, there from before
the night from the day
before the void came alive
He was born, came to this earth
in our likeness, in the image of man
to live as a sacrifice, a servant,
humbly following the master’s will
the father’s plan for his life
becoming the lamb,
the first-born son
sacrificed to wipe away sin
he had to become man
to live in our likeness
to make us whole
bringing us back home

August 24, 2008
Romans 8:1-3a
Call to Worship
Suncook United Methodist Church

in the likeness of sinful man

We are born, created, made
in the image of God
He was born, came into the world
in the likeness of sinful man
The divine born into the world
coming down from heaven, his royal throne
to live as a servant, a teacher
bringing God forgiveness
in the sacrifice of his body
pure, radiant, transfigured;
but in our likeness
taking on our sin
Redeeming us
with his blood, his body

August 24, 2008
Romans 8:1-3a
Call to Worship
Suncook United Methodist Church

Shoes of the Master

She was wearing her
shoes of the Master
simple leather sandals
dust covered, weathered
aged from years
humble use, walking
close to the earth,
walking as he walked
dirt, dust on her feet
She was walking with the savior
telling his story again
grounded as she was
wearing, living in,
the shoes of the Master

August 24, 2008
Pastor Ruth L. Foss,
Suncook United Methodist Church