Saturday, September 20, 2008

Quotes About Faith from Always Beside Me

Ruth sent me this link. Enjoy.

Kittens - by Erica M. Berberena


Kitten kittens everywhere
Jumping running in the chairs,
They're loving, caring and sweet as well,
that's why we think they're so swell.

Erica Berberena
Larry and Mario had been
in my room with me, going
wild and being loving as

Friday, September 19, 2008

My Service

My hands and my feet
my voice and my pen
ready to serve your call
in the church, in our faith
to the ends of the earth
wherever your will sends me
Let my hands be your hands,
these hands yours alone,
Let my feet go where you would walk
Let my voice praise you

September 19, 2008
Alive Now devotional for 9/14/08
and United Methodist Hymnal,
pp 45-49, Baptismal Covenant III

My Gifts

Gifts you have given
to be shared with others
gifts of your hand
fruits of the spirit
my blessing to share
money and time
faithfully offered
all that I have
given for you

September 19, 2008
Alive Now devotional for 9/14/08
and United Methodist Hymnal,
pp 45-49, Baptismal Covenant III

My Presence

Fully present, my hands,
my feet ready
to do your will
Joining with my brothers,
my sisters, my neighbors
in worship, in service, in praises,
in prayers, in study
our growing flock
together present, to be Christ
in our place in the world.

September 19, 2008
Alive Now devotional for 9/14/08
and United Methodist Hymnal,
pp 45-49, Baptismal Covenant III

My Prayers

All of my prayers
humbly to You
raising my brothers,
my sisters, this world
lifting them up to you oh God
That they may be healed
comforted in their trials
bounded by your love
That this world would grow
reconciled to you
all living in peace
ready for your return

September 19, 2008
Alive Now devotional for 9/14/08
and United Methodist Hymnal,
pp 45-49, Baptismal Covenant III

My Life

By the convenantal words of joining, belonging
entering into our faith, promises
to commit fully – my prayers, my presence,
my gifts and my service
who I am, my life for you, Lord
Make me worthy each day
Let me be Christ to the world.

September 19, 2008
Alive Now devotional for 9/14/08
and United Methodist Hymnal,
pp 45-49, Baptismal Covenant III

Touching Christ

Like the Lady in the crowd
we reach out to Christ
from out of the crowd
emboldened by our faith
By that touch, we are healed.

September 19, 2008
2 Corinthians 5:20-21
and Upper Room
devotional for 9/19/08

The Mask of Sin

The mask of Sin, its veneer
taken on by Christ
placed upon him by his will,
doing the father’s will, fulfilling,
playing his part on the stage
wearing the face of sin, its stain
making us clan in sacrifice
burning it away, refining fire
impurity gone, clean and new
The mask removed, God revealed.

September 19, 2008
2 Corinthians 5:20-21
and Upper Room
devotional for 9/19/08


Ready to serve
In His service
Sacrificial love to share
Take up your cross
Imagine that day when we will meet our savior
Amen and amen again
Now go out and be Christ to the world!

September 19, 2008

From Behind

Without an audience
a quick touch of his robe
the fringe of his clothes
She came from behind him
following him, the crowds
Healed in her belief.

September 19, 2008
Luke 8:43-48

The Fringe of His Clothes

Only touching the fringe of his clothes
coming from behind him
out of the throng, the crowd
she was healed by that brief connection
the tattered fringe of his robe alone
immediately healed, the cut sealed
made whole by her belief
Touching the fringe, less than the hem
Healed immediately

September 19, 2008
Luke 8:42-48

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

For Some Reason

For some reason, some greater purpose
people walk into our lives
for a moment, a season, for our lives
sharing some of who they are
teaching us, building us up,
forcing us to confront, to be comforted
to change by our meeting, our living
our growing because they are there
Odd when we feel that moment,
in the moment, that this person is one
God has placed in our path
More than we know, they are all around
traveling this journey of life

September 16, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

3,000 Poems

Thank you God for the gift you have given me.

What He Needed

He gave him far more
Peter’s gift, much more
more than what he asked
They gave him what he needed
saving word, the name of Christ
Healing his body and his spirit
He was made whole
a disciple of our Lord
by the healing name of Christ.

September 14, 2008
Acts 3:1-10
John 4:1-42
The Samaritan Woman at the well
and the sermon, “It’s Not the Size That Matters”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss, Suncook United Methodist Church

Into His Bucket

Into his bucket, his cup
into his life they poured
living waters, in the name of Christ
filling him with joy
overflowing with praise
Leaping, shouting praise to God.

September 14, 2008
Acts 3:1-10
John 4:1-42
The Samaritan Woman at the well
and the sermon, “It’s Not the Size That Matters”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss, Suncook United Methodist Church

His Cup for Alms

By the gate he sat
his cup for alms
to make his way
He asked for alms,
to meet his daily needs
They gave him alms
a gift greater
Able to walk
to rise from his mat
never to beg again
His daily need filled
by the name of the living Christ
living water, renewing,
forever singing God’s praise
A witness to God’s grace

September 14, 2008
Acts 3:1-10
John 4:1-42
The Samaritan Woman at the well
and the sermon, “It’s Not the Size That Matters”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss, Suncook United Methodist Church

A fitting prayer

He leapt from the hand of Peter
his legs no longer lame, strong
to let him jump, to shout for joy
praises to God
Redeemed, giving life
by the mighty name of Jesus
who died and who rose
A fitting prayer, shattering the reverence
the silence of the temple
I can walk! Praise be to God!

September 14, 2008
Acts 3:1-10 and the sermon,
“It’s Not the Size That Matters”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss,
Suncook United Methodist Church

A Greater Gift

They offered him a far greater gift
more than a chest of gold
By the name of our savior
spoken with power, by the rock
the stone cast into the ocean, the world
ripples of love, through the generations
Healing to make him walk,
to make him see
praising the Lord
by leaps and shouts!

September 14, 2008
Acts 3:1-10 and the sermon,
“It’s Not the Size That Matters”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss,
Suncook United Methodist Church

We Too Can Offer

Like Peter, like John, the faithful
a humble congregation, growing in faith
serving with joy, with praise, with laughter
offering what they did, the healing of the Lord
In our path, our walk with God,
discerning always his will for us
Offering hope, the risen Lord
our savior, our brother
Living water, life giving bread
as the body of Christ
here and now
we too can offer
healing to the lame,
sight to the blind
the love of God

September 14, 2008
Acts 3:1-10
John 4:1-42
The Samaritan Woman at the well
and the sermon, “It’s Not the Size That Matters”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss, Suncook United Methodist Church

No Alms to Give

Like us, sometimes,
meager resources
They like him,
no alms to give
Itinerant preachers,
lay witnesses to Christ
servant savior
living together, in community
Sharing worship and prayer
They had no alms to give
But they had a gift to share
a gift greater than gold
more than the priests in the Temple
By the name of Jesus
He was healed
Praise be to God!

September 14, 2008
Acts 3:1-10 and the sermon,
“It’s Not the Size That Matters”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss,
Suncook United Methodist Church

The Source of the Healing

The mighty name, the risen Lord
Jesus the Christ, of Nazareth!
the lamb, the perfect sacrifice
Invoking his name alone
The source of the healing
of all our healings
More than any alms,
any other gift of man
The love of God
sacrifice of the savior
The source of his healing.

September 14, 2008
Acts 3:1-10 and the sermon,
“It’s Not the Size That Matters”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss,
Suncook United Methodist Church

From Healing to Praise

His witness, his life
amazing the crowd, the congregation
Transformed, a beggar
outcast by the gate
Entering His courts
the afternoon at prayer
Entering leaping, in praise
Praising God,
the source of his healing
all of our healings
amazing to all

September 14, 2008
Acts 3:1-10
and the sermon, “It’s Not the Size That Matters”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss, Suncook United Methodist Church

Lessons of the First Church

We, today, building the church
in our place, our meagerness
little by little, proclaiming his name
sharing out of our blessing
God’s holy grace, given so freely
Witnessing to God’s healing
following the lessons of that first church
The apostles who had walked with Christ
Growing our faith, in the testimony
the praise of the beggar set free
able to walk by Christ’s name alone
watching day by day as God grows the church

September 14, 2008
Acts 2:42-47
Acts 2:47b
Acts 3:1-10
and the sermon, “It’s Not the Size That Matters”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss, Suncook United Methodist Church

Healing they Gave

More than any alms, more
so much more than silver, than gold
healing they gave, in the name
in the healing name of the risen Christ
They offered so much more
Life changing salvation
being clean, being whole
Healing they gave
Beyond any other gift

September 14, 2008
Acts 3:1-10
John 4:1-42
The Samaritan Woman at the well
and the sermon, “It’s Not the Size That Matters”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss, Suncook United Methodist Church

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage. See all 24,190+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.

More than any Alm

Looking to them for alms
They called his attention,
his true, complete focus
They had something important
something extraordinary to share
More than any alm, more than gold
They offered him life
a richness, a wholeness
he had never known
Healing, complete healing
able to walk, praising God
entering his courts with praise

September 14, 2008
Acts 3:1-10
John 4:1-42
The Samaritan Woman at the well
and the sermon, “It’s Not the Size That Matters”,
Pastor Ruth L. Foss, Suncook United Methodist Church

Day by Day

Faithful witness, like those at the start
giving the good news to all
day by day, year on year
we bring hope to the world
Our prayer, that writers,
long from now, can say
as was said of them, their faithfulness
the good fruits of their ministry
of our servanthood,
“And day by day the Lord added to their number
those who were being saved.”

September 14, 2008
Acts 2:47b
“And day by day the Lord added to their number
those who were being saved.”

Willful Children

“self-made” children,
willful children, so we are
living in the world
Humble children we are called
Called to be by God
Our king a servant
washing their dusty feet
accepting the lash,
the thorns, the cross
We are to follow his ways
loving our enemies
bringing his message
the father’s love, his grace
So all may know

September 14, 2008
Alive Now devotional for September 13, 2008
“The Christian way is different: harder, and easier. Christ says, “Give me all. I don’t want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work: I want you.... Hand over the whole natural self, all the desires which you think innocent as well as the ones you think wicked—the whole outfit. I will give you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you Myself: my own will shall become yours.” Both harder and easier than what we are all trying to do.” C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

The Christian Life

Living the Christian life
a prayer for each morning
that this day my feet, my path
would be your way, oh Lord
Guide me Lord, help me hear your voice
open me, so I may be filled
use me, so I may be poured out
Serving others, that your grace
Your grace evident to all
your presence known
forever praising your name
Taking up our savior’s work
bringing all to God

September 14, 2008
Alive Now devotional for September 13, 2008
“The Christian way is different: harder, and easier. Christ says, “Give me all. I don’t want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work: I want you.... Hand over the whole natural self, all the desires which you think innocent as well as the ones you think wicked—the whole outfit. I will give you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you Myself: my own will shall become yours.” Both harder and easier than what we are all trying to do.” C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Quiet My Spirit

Quiet my spirit, Lord
let me turn my cares to you
for you alone are my rock, my redeemer
in you alone can I trust

Guide me in my work, in my words
let me feel you beside me
and let go of all my fears

September 14, 2008
Psalm 46:10 and
Daily Mediations: On Golden Texts of the Bible,
by Henry Gariepy, page 70