Sunday, August 03, 2008

They Became the Blessing

By the Lord’s blessing, the food consecrated
a pattern of blessing, breaking, sharing;
but they became the blessing
in giving the bread, the fish
to the multitude,
the faithful disciples serving
multiplying the portions, expanding
as they shared, the ripple effect of his blessing
They were the agents of the miracle
in that desert place that day
He blessed the food
but they became the blessing

August 3, 2008
Matthew 14:13-21
Mark 6:30-44
Luke 9:10-17
John 6:1-13
and Matthew 15:32-39
and sermon, “What a Blessing”,
by Pastor Ruth L. Foss,
Suncook United Methodist Church,
Suncook, NH, August 3, 2008

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