Thursday, February 23, 2012

Into the eyes of my Savior

I was only thinking of myself
how to stay alive
needing to be near the Christ
but not wanting to be dragged inside

The words in the garden
those before them in the upper room
how we are to love
to love as Christ loves us
still ringing in my ears within me
seeing how much he loves

Struggling to stay warm
in the courts of the Lord
close but so far away from him
denying my master, my Savior
cursing his very name

Hearing what they were saying
the murmurs, the false charges
wanting to run to him to scream
but despair gripping the night

Too afraid to speak for fear for what might happen
denying I knew the Lord
the cock crowed as he had foretold
the prophecy fulfilled before me
I have thrice denied my master
how could I ever be healed

Jesus looked at me in that moment
knowing I knew the truth
his eyes crying in pain
I who longed to be with him
had denied my Savior’s name

February 23, 2012
Luke 22:61
Luke 22:55-62
Peter denies Jesus
John 21:15-19
Jesus reinstates Peter
John 15:12-16
John 15:9-10
John 13:34-35
bible study with Jean Anocibar on February 21, 2012
John 15:1-17
The Vine and the Branches
John 13:18
John 13:34-35
John 14:9-10
John 14:12-13
John 14:27
Mark 15:1-15
Philippians 2:1-11
Philippians 2:1-4
Philippians 2:1-5
bible study with Jean Anocibar on February 15, 2012
John 14:1:4
John 14:5-14
John 14:15-31
bible study with Jean Anocibar on February 9, 2012
John 13:34
John 13:31-35
John 13:31-38
John 13:31

All of my poems are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss for usage.
See all 16,040+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live

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