Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fully Present to Humanity

Christ, son of God, holy, triune
living God, the Word, living among us
fully present to humanity, attentive to our reality
Fully human, crying in sorrow, showing anger,
fear, frustration, growing tired, needing time apart
in ministry a teacher, a servant, fully human
dealing with the disciples, the scribes, Pharisees
rulers wanting him dead.
With people, in their pain, their darkness,
their doubting, even at his death, his resurrection
His triumph, needing to touch
He was there in all of this, fully present to humanity

August 12, 2008
Philippians & sermon by Reverend Huntley Halvorson,
“Lessons from a Poke in the Eye”, 8/10/08,
Suncook United Methodist Church

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