Saturday, November 07, 2009

Waiting with Wonder

Waiting, with wonder
how they must have been
even in the struggles
the journey they were on
going to the home,
to Bethlehem town
wondering what God
had planned for them

Waiting, with wonder
so we are now
at the birth of the holy child
the life he would live
so that live he may give
for each one of us living and dead

Alive in the Lord, at the end of this coil
when our days here on earth are done
going to our reward, paid for by the Lord
to walk with our savior again
On the streets paved with gold
in the new Jerusalem
where crying and death are no more

All of this from, the birth of the babe
Christ come into the world
Born and swaddled, laid
in that manger bed,
watched by the animals
the shepherds, long, long ago

Waiting, in wonder
in our hearts and our lives
walking as followers of Christ
sharing his story, his message of love
so all may enter in
Choosing with us the way of the cross
to pick up and do our part
bringing God grace
his love for the world
to everyone we meet

November 7, 2009
on seeing someone searching on Google,
“"waiting with wonder" advent”,
and finding this poem to access my blog
November 7, 2009
The Advent Journey

Following the star,
we all, like them, following the star
the light, the Word
coming into the world
living with us, to be among us
a journey of waiting, with wonder
experiencing anew
that which they beheld
the star of his rising,
his bright birth star
Bringing that light
into the sanctuary, into our hearts
preparing ourselves, awake, on watch
for the babe in the manger
the king on the clouds
that is our Advent journey

November 30, 2008
Matthew 2:11
Isaiah 64:1-9
Mark 13:24-37
and sermon, “Anticipation”
Pastor Ruth L. Foss
Suncook United Methodist Church

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