Monday, August 19, 2024

A dance with the Divine… - v3

Our lives have meaning, purpose,
we are here for a reason, this season,
we are held by the Creator, our Savior,
a dance with the Divine, with the holy,
our steps conformed to the Almighty,
to God's plan, His path for our lives,
our destiny, our indwelling purpose...
All of the days of our lives, our history,
that which yet lies before us, these steps,
a moving of our spirits, a rhythm, a cadence,
alive in the maelstrom, the storm, our struggles,
but safe on the path, the way set before us
listening to the music, the chorus rising,
we dance, spinning, rising, in our paradise…
Laughing in the clouds, the heavens,
our spirits rising outside of our bodies,
alive in the spiritual realms, singing,
lifted from the mortal coil right now,
in the quickening of the Spirit, our dance
already begun, soaring, moving with the Divine,
awaken in me, Lord Jesus, I am ready,
take my hand, my partner, and lead…
Edited August 19, 2024
A dance with the Divine… - v3
Edited August 19, 2024
I am but a conduit, a vessel – v2
Edited August 19, 2024
A dance with the Divine… - v2
August 19, 2024
I am but a conduit, a vessel
August 19, 2024
A dance with the Divine…
August 18, 2024
A dance with the Divine
posting notes for future poem, based on conversations on Telegram
August 18, 2024
We want peace in our struggles
Edited August 18, 2024
On the cusp of epiphany – v2
Edited/ Merged August 18, 2024
An inner sense of calm – v4
(merging version 2 and version 3)
Edited August 18, 2024
An inner sense of calm – v3
(editing version 1 again)
Edited August 18, 2024
Pulling Your words from the ether – v2
August 17, 2024
God’s prayer longing to be heard
Edited August 17, 2024
Grasping clouds from the ether – v2
August 17, 2024
On the cusp of epiphany
Edited August 16, 2024
Are we seeing angels – v2
Edited August 16, 2024
do we see angels in the whisper of clouds – v2
All of my poems, photographs, and videos are copyrighted by Raymond A. Foss, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 202 2022, 2023, and 2024. All rights are reserved. Contact me at Ray Foss ( for usage. See all 54,000+ of my poems at Poetry Where You Live.
poetry, God, Christ, Spirit, faith, love, hope, heaven, light, water, air, angels, clouds, sky, calling, purpose, whisper, dance,
#poetry #God #Christ #Spirit #faith #love #hope #heaven #light #water #air #angels #clouds #sky #calling #purpose #whisper #dance

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